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Is my sense of humor destroying everything except LYSOL?

Admiral Casaba the 3rd

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honestly you guys. I can tell in every forum. Behind that evry smile face:D is that sense of,"Casaba stop you childish acts" or casaba stop being mentally -1 and start trying to be better. I mean i see you guys are annoyed with my farting jokes and smilies and other stuff. And from that i will now become more mature. But what's The point of adding smilies if you expect people not to use it. its just like saying here's a loaf of bread to a hungry family but saying you cannot eat it. But i'll stop the fartin and cannons and be more mature. But i can add jokes just like the one about the hungry family. Or is that to childish? Now who's being the child?( Casaba gets killed from last remark) 115 points for griffendor(sorry just been playing harry ptter on comp for a while)

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Admeral? WTF are you babbling on about now?


Oh and as for jokes about hungry families- do you think it's funny that there are people in the world who are dying and starving because they don't have enough money to feed themselves? They're homeless, have no where to go, perhaps you should try living in the sort of conditions that starving people have to live in, and then once you've tried that for a few days, get back to me and see if you still think those sort of jokes are funny

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ok, casaba.......i for one, HATE the fart jokes.....whats the humore in that? everybody farts.......ok? youve been experiencing them since day one........get over it......yes it makes a funny noise.......now come off it and move on......i know its hard to let go.......but really.............maturity is sorta....well........nicer than farts.........

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Originally posted by Admiral Casaba the 3rd

115 points for griffendor(sorry just been playing harry ptter on comp for a while)


Hehe, I got it for Playstation for Christmas. It's quite addictive. But I got so flunkin mad when I had to fight Voldemort/Quirrel that I just quit....;)



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well i know there are tons of people starving throughout the world. I'm in an honors histroy class. I know all the conditions in places around the world. I mean look at Africa and the mid west. Also like Saudi Arabia and india. I know there are many starving families. And i'm not trying to poke funa t them. Just using it as a comparison. Thats is all. And i must admit i'm very luck to have loving parents who are together, food, clothes ,a baed, and a roof over my head. And i'm satisfied with that. So if your calling me a hippocrit i'm not.

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how may i say it. it's not a person whose honest. It's just like saying I will not use the lord's name in vain(just an example) and when you get home you use it a lot. Or just like saying your secret's safe with me and blabbing it out to the next person. i'm sorry to say that i thought my vocabulary was pathetic but you don't know the word hippicrit? again if this is insulting you i'm sorry. But i mean how old are you and what garde are u in? Maybe it's just the region you live in. Maybe that's not an often word said around your area

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Originally posted by Natty

I don't think Australia is that behind the times, although you're probably one of those people who assumes we don't have cars, we don't have big cities, we have dingoes as pets and we ride around in kangaroo pouches for transport



(Me: Mommy, I don't need to ride in your pouch anymore. I'm a big boy!!!

Mommy: That's nice, Jojo, now go walk the dingo.)

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I'm serious JoJo :p You will not believe some of the stupid things I'm asked about Australia, I'd swear the rest of the world thinks we're nomads or something. Still it's funny to tell people we don't have cars, we ride around in kangaroo pouches blah blah blah blah.


Oh and BTW- we don't throw shrimps on the barbie, we throw prawns on the barbie :D And the closest I've ever come to owning an Australian animal as a pet was my brothers Rainbow Laurekeets (that's a type of bird)


I lead a very normal life thankyou :) I don't live in the outback or the bush, I live in a nice normal house in a nice normal suburb of a nice normal capital city

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Originally posted by Natty

I'm serious JoJo :p You will not believe some of the stupid things I'm asked about Australia, I'd swear the rest of the world thinks we're nomads or something. Still it's funny to tell people we don't have cars, we ride around in kangaroo pouches blah blah blah blah.


Oh and BTW- we don't throw shrimps on the barbie, we throw prawns on the barbie :D And the closest I've ever come to owning an Australian animal as a pet was my brothers Rainbow Laurekeets (that's a type of bird)


I lead a very normal life thankyou :) I don't live in the outback or the bush, I live in a nice normal house in a nice normal suburb of a nice normal capital city [/QUO TE]

that's so cool. 9the show seinfeld) did the DINGO ate your baby?

and how come you don't sound like ozzie madrill and say CRIKES! also i guess everthing you say is spelled exactly the same in English. Actually you must live near the ocean beacuse the land near the ocean is the only place where habitable. I heard in the middle of australia is mainly desert land and does not get a lot of percipitation. Were your parents originally from australia? Because if so in HISTORY english prisoners were all sent to australia. Only english prisoners to totally block off the entrance into Britain. And that is why you ARE speaking English because your family comes from BRITSIH heritage except someone was a prisoner there and did something wrong. Well if you trace your family back a long time ago maybe you'll know a relative who was in prison. By the way what do you use for transportation?

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My parents were born in Australia, what kinda stoopid question is that? It's the English people's fault we're here :p they sent our ancestors here in the first place. Actually, my family has been traced back as far as Cornwell England. The thought of possibly living in England, had some of my ancestors came here, is kinda scary, and I might not even be in this particular body... hmmmmms


As for the whole dingo eating the baby- sometimes you guys really get on my nerves with this, coz if you knew the story, it's not a joking matter. OK, here we go, about 20years ago I think it was (It was either just before or just after I was born) a family was on holiday at Ayres Rock, anyways, they were camping and the woman came running out of her tent or whatever scraming that a dingo had taken her baby. The baby or the dingo was never found, but it caused one of the most contreversial debates and a huuuuuuuge mystery. During the search for the baby, some baby clothing was found, buried under a rock, which looked like it had knife marks in it. The clothing was identified as the baby that had been taken by a dingo, but coz it was buried under a rock and hadn't been ripped, like obviously if a dingo had taken it, people began to suspect that the mother had killed the baby herself and used the dingo story as an excuse. I honestly dunno what to believe, since like I said I would have been a baby myself or not even born. I know my mum believes the mother killed the baby, and so do many others, but many also believe the dingo did take the baby.


Australia is surrounded by ocean, and yes, the middle of it is mainly desert, although the edges, like the coastline is mostly bushland and cities. Most of our native animals are becomming extinct, thank god for Tasmania, which is the island state of Australia, it doesn't have foxes or dingos so it has the most abundent wildlife, and also basically the whole state is bushland :D


Transport, cars, buses, trains, trams, taxis (cabs to all stupid people) planes, boats, sheeeeeeeesh do we really look that I can't think of the word- behind the times? Didn't you watch the Olympics, hmmmm was gonna say last year, but that doesn't work, in 2000, there that's better :D

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Originally posted by Natty

I don't think Australia is that behind the times, although you're probably one of those people who assumes we don't have cars, we don't have big cities, we have dingoes as pets and we ride around in kangaroo pouches for transport


i know how you feel, just imagine what people ask me about israel.

they asume we travel by camels. live in a tent in the middle of the dessert, have black skin and black hair,and wear funny hats and dresses.......but thats not Israel! thats what arabic country's look like.

they asume that just because both places are located in the middle east, they are both the same. NOT!

if america would be set in the mid east, would there be big changes? no, just in the atmosphere.

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I'm now officially scared of the US honour roll system having found out that Casaba is on it.


Oh, and Admiral, not all of the people on the ships were criminals. Some were put on by accident. Some wandered on not knowing what was happening. Some followed the crowd. There is a tale, confirmed true, about a boy from the local orphanage who had heard the crew talking about having lots of food and so had wandered on board.


Also, Britain almost didn't get Australia. Just an hour or two after Cook landed, a French ship came sailing towards the shore with a crew of settlers. When Cook explained that the English had claimed Australia, the French left.


And you quite probably are of British descent. Although Columbus was Spanish, his journey was funded by the English. In fact, it is thought that the Dutch, not Columbus & crew, were first to discover America, hence New York originally being called 'New Amsterdam', but they didn't know that they had discovered it. So, when Columbus & his crew came to America, they colonised it. After word was sent back, the Dutch set off again, as did more English. I'm not too hot on the American civil war, but that is essentially what happened.

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Not to sound like a HISTORY GEEK. But i agree not ALL australians came from England because of criminal cases. But i know that most of them were. Not only that I'm actually portuguese but do not look it at all. When people ask where i was born they think it was from America but i was born in Portugal on the Azore islands and brouhgt to America. Anyhoo..... Columbus south america and cuba and all that stuff. And the English pilgrims ran away from England because of the killing of peoples religion. it was under Elizabeth's time and during the tudor family. Anyhoo so english protestants and so forth left england and came to nroth america. blah..balh..blah..13 colonies.... blah..blah..blah.. then CIvil war over the fact on Blacks coming from Africa. Some wanted them as PEOPLEnorth) and the south wanted them as slaves.

"ive in a tent in the middle of the dessert, have black skin and black hair,and wear funny hats and dresses.......but thats not Israel! thats what arabic country's look like.

they asume that just because both places are " and to that you can't assume all people are Black in the Mideast. I mean My teacher was born in Africa and she's Tan. And a girl in my Social Studies class was born in Africa and She's white as queen elizabeth and i'm sure people in the midest are not all black. So don't assume things.

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Originally posted by Natty

I'm serious JoJo :p You will not believe some of the stupid things I'm asked about Australia, I'd swear the rest of the world thinks we're nomads or something. Still it's funny to tell people we don't have cars, we ride around in kangaroo pouches blah blah blah blah.


Oh and BTW- we don't throw shrimps on the barbie, we throw prawns on the barbie :D And the closest I've ever come to owning an Australian animal as a pet was my brothers Rainbow Laurekeets (that's a type of bird)


I lead a very normal life thankyou :) I don't live in the outback or the bush, I live in a nice normal house in a nice normal suburb of a nice normal capital city


Dont worry we get 'neighbours', its good to see even our criminals are civilized!!!

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