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Latest Unreal 2 preview


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Jade wins that contest.


But, I would never accept the Unreal2 chick as my intelligence officer (her supposed role in the game). She looks like she's about 12 years old, but with accelerated mammary development ;) Although that go-go Jade (Fonda Wannabe?) would also be hard to take seriously as your chief intel officer ...


I can see it now:


Operations Commander: Jade, brief me on the mission status.

Jade: I will as soon as I've finished my go-go dance! *dances and writhes*

Unreal2 Chick: (vacuous) Fer sure, commander, like, uh, as if!... *dances*

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*rolls eyes*


well, you have to take into account that mara jade has only been rendered....never actually seen in a movie or anything like that...


and since the unreal girl has been rendered in beautiful unreal 3d, i would have to say that the unreal girl wins....


oh, and by the way, those pics you saw on teh french site are basically UC pics.....while im not debating the fact that there probably is going to be UT2, those pics now have progressed little (if any at all) from the UC (er UW engine)...because of its later release date, you can expect that UT2 will be cool...


as for unreal warfare coming out on pc or xbox....from what ive heard, UW is simply the name of the um......trying to think of the word......of the evolution of the unreal engine (i know evo isnt the word i wanted)....


but, if UW is a game, i doubt that they would release another U game onto the xbox (why would they want to compete with themselves)....from what ive seen on faq's, UW could be a game or just the engine evo name (that name is making me mad.....im going to go insane!)...


but apart from all that, U2 is going to rock! (especially since im giong to be having to upgrade to a gf4/equiv for D3/Q4....)


u2's gfx are unbelievable.....10x the polys of UT if im not mistaken (im not).....its optimized for D3D8, joining the ranks of max payne and dropping down teh prices of video cards (yay!)


your new video card will be needed, and if you dont have a gf2ultra at hte very least, you will be disappointed (im going to keep my gf2ultra till gf4 comes out.....) anyway, i hope it runs good on my system....heh....

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*rolls eyes*


well, you have to take into account that mara jade has only been rendered....never actually seen in a movie or anything like that...


and since the unreal girl has been rendered in beautiful unreal 3d, i would have to say that the unreal girl wins....


oh, and by the way, those pics you saw on teh french site are basically UC pics.....while im not debating the fact that there probably is going to be UT2, those pics now have progressed little (if any at all) from the UC (er UW engine)...because of its later release date, you can expect that UT2 will be cool...


as for unreal warfare coming out on pc or xbox....from what ive heard, UW is simply the name of the um......trying to think of the word......of the evolution of the unreal engine (i know evo isnt the word i wanted)....


but, if UW is a game, i doubt that they would release another U game onto the xbox (why would they want to compete with themselves)....from what ive seen on faq's, UW could be a game or just the engine evo name (that name is making me mad.....im going to go insane!)...


but apart from all that, U2 is going to rock! (especially since im giong to be having to upgrade to a gf4/equiv for D3/Q4....)


u2's gfx are unbelievable.....10x the polys of UT if im not mistaken (im not).....its optimized for D3D8, joining the ranks of max payne and dropping down teh prices of video cards (yay!)


your new video card will be needed, and if you dont have a gf2ultra at hte very least, you will be disappointed (im going to keep my gf2ultra till gf4 comes out.....) anyway, i hope it runs good on my system....heh....

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LOL Wilhuf! I guess I'll make a go at a fictional script involving the aforementioned Babe-raham Lincolns:


Variation I - Mara Jade


Talon Karrde: Mara Jade, sensors indicate that an Imperial Star Destroyer has made orbit around Myrkr. Do we have intelligence on any Imperial agents in or about the spaceport?


Shaking like a seizing serpent, Mara attempts a flirtatious glance Karrde's way. Her pulsing response is reminiscent of a person hooked up to a perma-paint shaker.


Mara Jade: Everything's groovy, baby.


Mara blows Karrde a kiss and clings her finger-cymbals while reveling in her robotic dance routine.


Karrde suddenly feels warm and finds himself wiping sweat beads from his forehead that he didn't know were there.



Variation II - Unreal 2 Chick


Talon Karrde: Unreal 2 Chick, sensors indicate that an Imperial Star Destroyer has made orbit around Myrkr. Do we have intelligence on any Imperial agents in or about the spaceport?


Unreal 2 Chick smacks her gum while twirling her hair in her fingers.


Unreal 2 Chick: Ya, uh...like, I don't know, ya know? But, like, I've got this totally bodacious tattoo on my belly button. So, I was like...thinking...I really want to pierce my tongue!


Talon Karrde: Forgive me, but I suddenly feel very compelled to ask...do I know you?

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LOL Wilhuf! I guess I'll make a go at a fictional script involving the aforementioned Babe-raham Lincolns:


Variation I - Mara Jade


Talon Karrde: Mara Jade, sensors indicate that an Imperial Star Destroyer has made orbit around Myrkr. Do we have intelligence on any Imperial agents in or about the spaceport?


Shaking like a seizing serpent, Mara attempts a flirtatious glance Karrde's way. Her pulsing response is reminiscent of a person hooked up to a perma-paint shaker.


Mara Jade: Everything's groovy, baby.


Mara blows Karrde a kiss and clings her finger-cymbals while reveling in her robotic dance routine.


Karrde suddenly feels warm and finds himself wiping sweat beads from his forehead that he didn't know were there.



Variation II - Unreal 2 Chick


Talon Karrde: Unreal 2 Chick, sensors indicate that an Imperial Star Destroyer has made orbit around Myrkr. Do we have intelligence on any Imperial agents in or about the spaceport?


Unreal 2 Chick smacks her gum while twirling her hair in her fingers.


Unreal 2 Chick: Ya, uh...like, I don't know, ya know? But, like, I've got this totally bodacious tattoo on my belly button. So, I was like...thinking...I really want to pierce my tongue!


Talon Karrde: Forgive me, but I suddenly feel very compelled to ask...do I know you?

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Originally posted by Wilhuf

No biorifle! Damn, I loved that weapon. It worked really well if you had to patience to develop a little skill with it.


I too liked the BioRifle, in both Unreal and UT. As you said in your other post, powered up it is a very deadly weapon, and useful for cornering your opponent, as digl said. I also didn't mind the Ripper (primary mode), because it was useful for head-shots, though I understand in online MP (which I haven't really played much at all) that it's a bit of a spammer's weapon...filling corridors with hundreds of discs...


Slash should have been cast in Attack of the Clones, rather than NSYNC.


LOL ;) Maybe we'll see something like it in Episode III...if GL's daughter is so inclined. :rolleyes:


Vagabond... ROFL :D


Originally posted by thrEEpaGe

but, if UW is a game, i doubt that they would release another U game onto the xbox (why would they want to compete with themselves)....


Why would you doubt it? They release them on the PC, why not any other consoles? :confused: Not that I'm getting an X-Box (or any other console at the moment), but they can release any of the U games on any platform if they wish. U2 and UT2 will have different styles of gameplay, in the same way as their predecessors. They're not really competing with each other, or their prequels.


Anyway, AFAIK, Unreal Warfare is a game being produced by Epic. They only refer to the engine as the UW build due to it's considerable advancements over the UT build of the engine. ;)


Anyway, I'm not really worried about the graphics in any of the games powered by the Unreal engine...my only real concern is whether the gameplay will surpass the visuals. There is currently a bit too much emphasis on visual impact rather than solid gameplay.

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Just realised after i read the first paragraph that that was in PC Zone about 2 month ago. http://www.pczone.com is there site but it's now hosted by computer and videogames site.There's soem new screens in the mag but the guy sure seems excited about it. Also NIVIDA made a contract with U2 guys and it's been made so the code only shows up with Geforce cards which is quite dodgy because not everyone has a gf card.by the time this comes out i don't know if i'll be getting a change form my radeon for a while so i might be screwed.

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Here's UT2 stuff. ThanksVE.


Infogrames confirms Unreal Tournament 2 in the making by Digital Extremes. As rumored all week online, the co-creators of Unreal and Unreal Tournament are currently working on the sequel to the infamous 1999 Game of the Year. Late next week, in conjunction with the February issue of PC Gamer, Infogrames will officially announce the game and detail all the news currently available at this point in development. The cover story includes an in-depth interview with the development team at Digital Extremes, specifics about the gameplay and globally exclusive artwork to be seen only in PC Gamer.


Sounds good.

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Yep, I just read that too Canoli. Great to have official confirmation at last. ;)


I assume that's the US version of PC Gamer...which means I'll probably have to wait another month or two afterwards for the UK edition to catch up. :(


Never mind, my Wanted list is starting to get quite looooong... :D

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I got confirmation in pc zone this month since pc gamer have to get all the stuff from the americans. they have to get details over and some stuff then they've got to write it themselves when they're told they can rather than write when they see it themselves.

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Just realised after i read the first paragraph that that was in PC Zone about 2 month ago. http://www.pczone.com is there site but it's now hosted by computer and videogames site.There's soem new screens in the mag but the guy sure seems excited about it. Also NIVIDA made a contract with U2 guys and it's been made so the code only shows up with Geforce cards which is quite dodgy because not everyone has a gf card.by the time this comes out i don't know if i'll be getting a change form my radeon for a while so i might be screwed.


what does that mean?that you can only play with Geforces?

I doubt that is true, but If it is, its a stake in the heart for ATI

I would seriouly disconsider the radeon 8500, that I was thinking to buy

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