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New Screenshots.


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A german JKii site has posted 4 new screenshots.







3 of them are very similar to things we've seen, and 2 of them are almost exactly the same.... kyle's just just moved round a bit.



But I think the one of him taking on an at-st is cute.

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Originally posted by Dirth Vedar

those guys in pic 1 almost look like cardboard cut outs. Must be a pic from early in development before they modeled all the neato storm troopers. I mean, all the char looks 2 - D. Maybe they're place holders to help with level design or something. hmm...


your right, they are old screenies.

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Ahh... I thought it was getting to be about time for some new bit of info about the game...though since these are older pics, I doubt that they were intended by LA. I think its time for something substantial fromt the source itself, besides these FAQ updates (not that I dont like those as well!)

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Ahh... I thought it was getting to be about time for some new bit of info about the game...though since these are older pics, I doubt that they were intended by LA. I think its time for something substantial fromt the source itself, besides these FAQ updates (not that I dont like those as well!)

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I suppose we could mystify Galactic Unreal2 Chick™ with our simple Force Christmas Tree™ parlor trick. Writhing Go-Go Jade Fonda™ would not be so easily impressed.


Just as an aside, I bet that when Kyle laughs he sounds like a tauntaun


*robble robble robble*.


Maybe that glowing stuff is Force Mindtricks?

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