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Creationism vs Science


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Originally posted by silenthunter

But i was not alsways a ship, some of them included riding on turtles or escaping to mountain tops


That being said, It may not point to Noah specifically, but it still does gives creedance to the Great Flood happening.


Thank you for correcting me Silenthunter, I was right about the flood part though ;)

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statement posted by paragon leon:

As for evolution: the 'proof' people claim to have about us descending from animals comes down to "We look an awful lot like them".


oh ok buddy, i guess we see how much you learned from your biology course. this is exactly my point. i believe people who dont believe in evolution is either because they're in a regeants (a very elementary and in my opinion, dumb) biology class or their school doesnt teach evolution because the leaders of their communities are billy-bobs with southern accents. for those of you who think i'm bigoted, NO. i've seen the bible, torah, quran, and baghavagita. and i've studied biology and read the most important excerpts from darwin's origin of species. i've seen the mayors and representatives of north carolina, arkansas, and mississippi. those officials have the iq of an 8th grader, they're dumb**** rednecks with dumb**** families and they're an insult to the freedoms of thinking given to us in this nation. they try to oppose the teaching of evolution not just to gain popular support, but also for personal reasons. the BIBLE is like a wall in front of them, not letting them see past that wall. thus, they stay ignorant. and apparently, these officials stay in office because dumb**** laborers and farmers who are too incompetent to be able to manage a desk job vote for them. these dumb****s failed their high school biology course, so they dont know **** about biology. so they're ignorant towards the bible, as well. my opinion is not ignorant at all because i have TONS of valid points to back it up, not just "We look an awful lot like them". i could understate the bible by saying "cuz some guy in a beard said so." just for laughs

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whew! had to get that off my chest, lol. the daily show on comedy central shows a lot of excerpts from southern officials making prejudiced or incorrect (grammar-wise) statements, such as "it's the fault of the lesbians and gays that the event (september 11) happened, cuz if it wasn't for dem people, it woulda never happened." yes, all the europeans in this forum, they are THAT dumb.

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you misinterpret me. i wasnt calling leon dumb. i was simply commenting on his apparent lack of intelligence on biology. leon isnt dumb just because he doesnt know much about the "origin of species" or cell mitosis or any other biological processes. not all smart people understand biology. but all dumb people dont understand biology. THAT was my point. and as i said earlier, everyone in this forum is OBVIOUSLY just as intelligent as the next since we ALL know star wars is the greatest movie ever!! lol

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Now my interpretation of what you just said is that all Christians or members of any other religions are fools that can't see past their nose. Now if that isn't the most wrong view of religion I don't know what is! Some of the most prominent early scientists were monks, yes monks. Also, if you're saying that we're not giving the other side a chance, you are so wrong. As I said before the only theories that have been proven are the ones that appear in the Bible, and the Torah (the only reason i don't say the Quaran is because I havn't studied the Islam religion much). No believe it or not the theory of evolution at least human wise has not been proven, as I said before I do believe that animals have evolved to adapt to their enviroment. In short religion is man searching for a meaning in life. Without meaning what is the purpose in living?


EDIT: i meant Shara's first above comment

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Well, you should refrain from doing it but my point was that all the cussing in your posts make them sound like your just ranting and yelling at everyone. You wouldn't read a report like that in class would you? ;) Insults, however, are a punishable offense, so please don't throw anymore names around.


Everyone's done a great job in keeping this thread as flame free as possible. It only goes to show just how mature and respectful this community is. Thanks everyone. :)

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neither was i saying christians are fools or religion is fraud. i'm saying people here are followers of whatever scripture, yet they'll try to disprove something they dont know much about (as shown in previous comments made in this thread). i gathering is that most people havent read any of darwin's works and truly dont understand everything that goes proves the theory of evolution. and yes it's a theory, but that theory goes a lot farther in terms of logic than does any of the scriptures. religion is not necessary in life, but FAITH is. GOD is. TRUTH is. JUSTICE is. religion has been institutionalized and synthesized throughout the history of man into a means of power, that it's all lost meaning. look at the crusades. look at the taliban. you think THEY are righteous and holy people? OF COURSE NOT. you see those knights following their pope blindly, the israels slaughtering the palistinians, the muslims slaughtering EVERYONE, you think the religions of the world are righteous. now technically, according to the scriptures, the jihad and the crusaders werent wrong. it's just the pope's or the jihad's interpretation of the bible or quran. and THAT"S the thing that proves why the different religions of the world are all fake. they all are interpreted differently, whereas there CAN ONLY BE ONE TRUTH. for me, if religion can be interpreted as manslaughter, then the hell with religion! the reason why theres still a pope today and there's a bin ladin to day is because there is perfect evidence in their scriptures justifying their cause through their point of view. you people think god favors a good christian over a good jew over a good muslim? i believe in GOD.

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Evolution as a concept is completely compatible with the Bible. It's the idea that, say, mankind evolved from apes that isn't compatible with the Bible. Past that, evolution is not incompatible with creationism. God created animals with incredible adaptive capabilities. For example, I think we can agree that Arctic animals, which are completely adapted for their environment, didn't start out like that, since the ice caps probably formed after the Flood. So how did, say, the polar bear, get like it is now? It evolved, of course, it changed; it adapted.


As for the billion-year timetables, they were invented to make the idea that all life evolved from mud plausible; they have nothing else in their favor, especially since there are no truely reliable dating methods going past a few hundred thousand years.


My reason for believing in creationism is that the only way for the motions of the universe to fall in place so perfectly is for some super-natural force to create nature.


BTW Sharafett, I'd like to see your "tons of valid points" because I have a sneaking feeling that they don't exist.

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Actually, evolution doesn't really go along with the Bible. The Bible doesn't say the world was created in 6 100000 year days or whatever. If you start adding stuff like that in, there is no stopping it. You can do it with anything, add anything in.


And I'm getting mad at Shara. First he rants and raves and cusses, then he trashes religious people, then he disses people from the South, which I REALLY resent, then he has multiple triple posts. I don't have much respect for him at all.

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I believe in the theory of evolution.


But let's be clear...science is just another form of religion. Most especially for us laymen. To be truly scientific, you must test the conclusions ... and most of us don't have the tools or experience to do this. We have to have FAITH that the scientists know what is going on. Since evolution(by definition) is not observable within a human lifetime, all we can rely on is the speculation derived from fossel records.


For the majority of us, we have faith in things. Neither creation nor evolution is PROVABLE with the limited tools of us LAYMEN.


So, science is just another religious belief. That being said, I have faith in the theory of evolution.

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You insulted Arkansas again. That is not cool. I've met a lot of the politicians from Arkansas. One of the house members was recently appointed to the board of naturalization and immigration to deal w/ the mexican problem.(Asa Hutchison)Boo hoo me. There are not that many farmers in Arkansas. They make up maybe 1/20 of the population. If you want to see white trash you can go to the northeastand se the late president and his wife. They are the only Arkansans I ever truly hated. There are some bad people but I guaruntee you that there are not that many rednecks left in Arkansas, or the rest of the south for that member. Comedy Central makes fun of them b/c it is a pre-conceived notion that the south is full of rednecks. Let me tell you a big piece of information. IT ISN'T!!!!!! We are good people here in Arkansas and I kindly ask you to stop flamin southern government officials.


p.s. We really aren't dumb all you Euro-Asian forummers it's just a pre-conceived notion because of a bad history with the north.

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Originally posted by Artoo


p.s. We really aren't dumb all you Euro-Asian forummers it's just a pre-conceived notion because of a bad history with the north.


Its more fun to think you are all hicks from hicksville :D j/k

I dont really think that Artoo, and you are right to point it out. ;)


(edit) I think it is just drakey that gives you a bad name on these forums!!! :p

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Evolution sounds a lot more reasonable to me than Creationism. I find it very hard to believe that a God created everything we see around us, it just doesn't make sense at all. Who made who is my question? Did God make man, or did man make God? Personally I believe in the latter, but that's just me, and I respect everyone who doesn't share my views.


I've never seen God and I never will, because I don't beleive he exists. I have seen a monkey though... ;)

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