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Fan-Game Suggestions


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That was, in fact, the lamest come back ever


First, you know nothing about programming, second you can't read, third, I kidney punched you because of the last two points.


If the only thing you can back yourself up with is mere stuff, then I suggest you go read a book about insults. Oh wait.

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Right, now work on your spelling.


And some help for the future:


"I hope your next shit is a porcupine"

"I want to nuke you until you glow"

"Drink napalm and smoke, bastard"

"Been cooking with the microwave door open again?"

"I hope that king cobras breed in your toliet"

"Burst into flames!!"

"I wish hemmroids the size of baloons upon your bowels"


"It would be really great, if someone were to pour salt onto your eyeballs until they desinigrate, and if they would shove cherrybombs in the bloody holes, that would be even better"

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I'm not sure it would be easy for the creature to get into his heart since "all those other organs" aren't directly connected to it. But then, I guess it could take a trip through the bloodstream... although that all depends on how big this creature is. I assume it is much too big to make it's way to the heart, since it would have to be large enough to consume his bowels. Then we must discuss it's eating habits and it's metabolism to figure out and average of what it eats and how it stores the energy amongst it's body. Besides it wouldn't be easy for the creature to stay in the heart too long because it would be in one of four chambers; where it would be instantly pumped out or crushed... whatever comes first. So in conclusion, there is just not enough information for this idea to work.


EDIT: On a minor note, those are some nice letters Shmargin.

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Wow, skinkie was back there for a second




There will be a starting movie (cowboy bebop spoof, or as close as i can get), and the game will be fun, and the whole thing's gonna be just fine!:D


P.S. snooch to the nooch



...This is like health class all over again (except with more swearing and threats):(

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Health = Heck Anyways, id like to put it to this. We can be talking about alot of other things then getting mad, make the world a better place, and stuff like that. So..............lets all just get along. O, and i never said that he was going to be alive when the creatures do all that. Yea, lets get back to the peace thing.

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my thumb is double jointed too :D when i pop it in and out really fast it makes a thud noise. weeeee this is fun, i can also use my pinky as one of those small red punching bags that go in 180 degrees kinda flops and its rubber looking when i do it :D so when do you think your going to be done with the game? So i can delete the right amount of space off of my HD ......cause my computer is running weirdly (thats not a word) and......heck with it, i hate it....sometimes, so im just blabbering on right now........dot dot dot, oops. Ok, im gonna shut up now. Good Night Your Princesses of Main and Your Kings Of England..??? Ehhhhh, that guy was old, he didn't know what he was talking about, unless it was from some kind of famous book that somebody is gonna say the title and author of.

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