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JR2000Z, not kewl with the XWAers?

Rebel Loyaltist

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$400? That assumes you can find somewhere that doesn't force you to get a bundle. The cheapest bundle I can think of off the top of my head is the "Bestseller" one that's got DOA3, Halo, and Project Gotham Racing...for a mere $500.

Forcing you to buy a whole mess of stuff just to command a female to hit other people? Capitalism at its glory. go back to canada you socialists. I LOVES IT.

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Originally posted by Zargon

They are both bad.mainly because they DON'T WORK


Socialism has never been adopted anywhere, you are confusing it with communism. And those who claim to have adopted it didn't respect it, that's why you think it's bad but in fact the ideology is good.


Read Karl Marx, but only if you're minds aren't too weak to understand...;)

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

Socialism works...in theory. It would be nice to implement, but I don't think it would take off.


Exactly, the only thing wrong with socialism is that it's to good/perfect to be true. And that is only because of most human's current way of thinking: they always want more than anybody else and are impatient (socialism would be sublime and reach it's greatness only after a, pretty long, while).

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Originally posted by Jem

Socialism has never been adopted anywhere


Sweden, Britian, France, Germany, Most of Western Europe, Canada are socialist in everything but name, except Sweden which is. The US is starting to, in a much smaller sense.

Karl Marx knew communism wouldn't work. It alludes to it in, oddly, the Communist Manifesto. If you'll notice he never once said Communism would work. He said SOCIALISM would though and that Socialism would be used to force Communism to work.

I once considered myself to be a Communism, and later a Socialist. My own studies proved to myself that they both go against basic human nature and are useless.

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Hey Nute, you forgot to quote this part:


Originally posted by Jem

And those who claim to have adopted it didn't respect it


there you go.

And socialism needs time to work, so once adopted they should stop organising votes for other ideologies...

And you're right when saying it's against human nature, it prooves humains aren't perfect.

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If it goes against human nature then it's fatally flawed from the beginning and therefore useless.

That's the endgame arguement for why socialism and communism can't ever work ever.

Capitalism on the other hand realizes people are greedy and pathetic and there's nothing you can do about it. Plus animals are capitalistic too. Capitalism works because it so...Darwinian.

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