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I'm going to Disneyland!!


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Been there, done that...


I've been to Disneyland twice in Florida, once in Paris (France not Texas for you ignorant persons...;) ) and another time in Japan.

So i've been in disneyland 4 times already....


Seriously I suggest you cancel that trip to Disneyland and instead go to Universal Studios and experience the ultimate Hulk coaster... Convice whoever is paying the trip to do so! Use the force! (seriously try to go there instead of Disney)

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anyone ever been to marineland? that place is awesome, u get to see dolphins up close, and we went on a weekend, and there was hardly any crowd...u can get in for around $12 a person. Never been to busch gardens, i'd rather go there than disneyworld/land.

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The thing is I can't get out of it because it's for the school band and stuff. The cool thing thouht is that after we get done performing we get to watch another group, and we can switch in and out of Disney and the California thing.


Well at least I'll be with a bunch of friends.

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Couple a things dude, 1, don't diss disney, I'm there right now and it is my NUMBER ONE place on the planet, sure it may not have the Hulk of Universal (Rode it 16 times last week, the coolest ever!) it's the feel of the place, I've been going all my life, and whenever I'm not there I can't wait to get back, and I'm sure many feel the same way, sure they're in a lucrative money making machien, but DisneyCorp bring happines to millions! isn't that what capatolism is all about?


Well thats enough babbling for me today, oh and if you ever goto Disney MGM studios in florida, do "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, Play it!" It's the Coolest show ever! and you can get free hats pins and tee's :D

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Hey Milky, did you also try the Double Dragon Coaster (information for uninformed: not from the game... it's actually two coaster shaped like dragons and they swirl around each other, really cool, specially the red one....or was the bleu??)


I hope you tried it and didn't miss out. But the Hulk Coaster still is the best.

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I have loathed disney for ages, always ruining my saturday mornings with pussy as feel good *** cartoons, all I wanted was GI Joe, Transformers, and X-Men. It halso helps that my parents switched from HBO to disney when I was 9, right after they caught me peeking at some softcore porn with my 13 yr old older brother :D

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Indeed, the ice was the coolest. I like the part when the two coasters are heading for each other and the sharp turn that follows it.


I love the begining of the Hulk coaster, the little story that goes with it: everything is smooth when you hear the narrator say:


"It's going to work... well, it should."




"there's a problem with the (I don't remember where the problem was.. the engine?), malfunction!"


Blast out and just out of the tunnel you can barly feel the sunlight before hitting that sharp, real sharp turn swirling downhill. So cool. I must do it again.


The Spiderman ride was also cool for the 3D stuff and all....

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