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Multiplayer Force Options


Do you want a multiplay option for Light/Dark-only or Combined Force powers?  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want a multiplay option for Light/Dark-only or Combined Force powers?

    • Yes
    • No

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I say emphatically YES.


Some of us want a multiplayer game experience where the players are able to pick and choose their powers from the entire palette, similar to Mysteries of the Sith.


Others of us would prefer all players in the game to either be a Light-only, or Dark-only Jedi.


We should be allowed to customize the game so that all of us can play according to our preferences. Surely it would be relatively straight-forward to provide this as an option in multiplay.

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I voted yes because I would like to try both as well, but you have to think, even among those of us that say the powers should be segregated, would anyone really use segregated powers beyond a couple of games?

Although it shouldn't be very difficult to program this even at this late stage since both are implemented, although one is in SP. Still, even though I think it might be beneficial to the game to segregate the powers, I'm not sure I could resist using my favorite skills in tandem. Just my 4 cents (a bit long to be only two, at least for this thread)

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This is actually the only method to "resist". If the server is set to "force sided" you HAVE to respect the rule if you want to play (get out of here cheaters!). We could decide to have different sides also without that options but in that way there's no control.

This multiplayer force option is quite similar to MotS personalities. I really hope Raven will implement this eventually as one of the announced multiplayer modes other than deathmatch and CTF. Maybe it could be called Force Deathmatch.

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Yes, what I had in mind is that if the server sets the option to Separated Force Powers, then you are only allowed to join the game with a Jedi that has either Light or Dark powers only.


If the server sets the option to Combined Force Powers, then you could still come in with a Light or Dark only Jedi, but you could also come in with a Jedi that has both Light and Dark powers.

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the discussion on light and dark side powers proved to be endless, there are canon arguments to support both sides (separated and not separated)


I doubt we will see this option, and as StarScrap says, would anyone really use segregated powers beyond a couple of games?


Iv always been pro customization, and the more options the better, but the option of playing with separated powers would never be used


The system in the game will be JK like. I dont know if Itll will have some option like JK level 6 disciple to use both sides weaker powers, but the separation will be based based on defensive/offensive powers, as in JK, and apparently Its balanced and fun, and LEC approves it (If they didnt approve OW fun factor for the PC, they will only accept things that make JO fun to play I think)


Does this post sound like GonkH8er? when he appears to have some info? ;)

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Yes, 'options options options' is where it is at.

Give server admins the ability to host both Light v Dark ( I prefer that term to 'segregated') and Combined Force servers. Then, the gamer can decide where he or she wants to play, and with what Force style.

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I'm not sure I could resist using my favorite skills in tandem
. I agree StarScrap.


This is precisely why server admins need both options. With light v. dark we can play with some good tradeoffs between force powers. No reliance on just a few of the best of both light and dark powers (e.g. grip & absorb/protection at the same time).


And with combined force gameplay, we can get all of the force powers to surprise our opponents, to keep gameplay fresh.


As an aside, providing options for both light v dark and combined force powers will require at least some more effort by Raven to program bots for optimal force use, for both situations. Simply programming a light bot and a dark bot wont be enough. They'll have to prog a light and dark bot as well.

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Originally posted by Wilhuf

Yes, 'options options options' is where it is at.

Give server admins the ability to host both Light v Dark ( I prefer that term to 'segregated') and Combined Force servers. Then, the gamer can decide where he or she wants to play, and with what Force style.


I couldn't have said it better myself. The more, the merrier. Options = good.

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I am confident that with a reduction in the number of force powers we will have more balanced gameplay. I am not saying that things like protection should not be in, but it does need to be seriously reworked..


sorry to deviate a bit VAG...




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wardz, even though it sounds like JKII will have fewer Force powers, I've always been in favor of more powers. Why? The same reason I like mixed Light/Dark powers in a Jedi - it increases the surprise and possible tactics that people might use. Trying to adapt to and outsmart the tactics of others is what I relished in JK/MotS. Hopefully any future addons to JKII will provide even more powers and more options :cool:

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I'm all for balance, although this can also be achieved with a Jedi using both Light and Dark powers. This balance is provided through the Jedi Template Creation interface. The interface should have logic that groups the Force abilities together by their apparent power or category, and allow the selection of only so many from each group, very similar to how MotS did template creation. This way one could select perhaps a couple very powerful Light and/or Dark powers, a few from another category, and so on. This would provide some semblance of balance, rather than just allowing the creation of a Jedi that only had powers from, say the "Combat" category.


But agreed, there needs to be balance. Although, I suppose there would be some that would be interested in seeing what an "anything goes" type of battle would be like. I admit, I'd be curious, but suspect that wouldn't be my preference. Even in Mysteries of the Sith, I almost exclusively played Personalities, which only allowed a Jedi of level 7 - this because I loved playing against other player classes, and because level 7 seemed to allow a good all-around Jedi, but not too powerful.

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Like said before, it would not be hard to program since all the powers are already there, and in my opinion people would use it. Say you just watched Episode I and finished that incredible lightsaber battle at the end and were thinking to yourself, "Wow! I want to have a fight like that!" Well, you would want a light vs. dark fight because it seems more realistic. A light vs. light just doesn't make sense, and it's more likely a dark jedi would fight a light jedi than another dark.


So yeah, I'd say I'm...pro-choice!

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Guest TGE_Kueller

Being able to mix up the powers would be great, as long as we don't end up with any gods walking around. (anyone seen someone on the zone with ALL the powers? They're nearly unstoppable, unless you have a conc) Well, you probably know what I'm trying to say...



"It is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth, and remove all doubt." :D

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