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No Lynk... the Yoinking is for moving a topic in GB...

they have a set of rules there..... everything GB related goes in one forum and everything OFF-topic goes in the off -topic forum..


But here we dont have that distinct tings.... most people read the other forums here on Rogue squadron... but only post in the OFF-topic thing.... so there you have it Gungan Warrior.... just post it here and you will get an answer. :D :D




"You know, if I had even the tiniest control over the Force, What I,d do with it? I,d scratch that little spot in the center of my back I can never reach."

-Garik Loran-

X-wing Series, Book 5. Wraith Squadro

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Originally posted by Gungan Warrior


btw in the x wing books,do you have to read them in order?

well No Problem to your first comment.

and about the X-wing books.... my first x-wing book was book 6... Iron Fist and then book 7... then i started with number 1... and am reading them in order..... i now have read:

1. Rogue Squadron

2. Wedge Gamble

3. The Krytos Trap

4. Bacta War

5. Wraith Squadron


and im busy reading number 6 again to get back in the story... and after that ill read:


7. Solo Command

8. Isard's revenge

9. Starfighter of Adumar


.... does that explain it :D

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ehehe i need a moff seerdon quote...


Rebel scum, you are in restricted airspace, you will surrender or I will shoot you all down? hehehe i forget how it goes...


that level kicks butt tho. i know in the newest rogue arm, u can fly in it FOREVER! haven't tried it tho...


I'm currently reading 'Star by Star' it's that huge New Jedi Order book. I got it for christmas. It's AWESOME so far. hehehe kinda freaky tho if u think about it, the old republic wouldn't have thought something was more evil than the sith...the VONG!!! AAAH!!!!! THE NEW REPUBLIC AND THE JEDI ARE BEING SPLIT APART!!!!! ehhehehe


the vong hate droids, imagine what they'd do against the droid armies of the trade federation!


o i last finished Wraith Squadron....dam that book was good, but only if that Bothan didn't die!!!! HE WAS MY FAVORITE!!!!!!! :(





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Originally posted by Rogue15

o i last finished Wraith Squadron....dam that book was good, but only if that Bothan didn't die!!!! HE WAS MY FAVORITE!!!!!!! :(



well dont read Iron Fist than... a main and realy cool character dies there.... and another on a real crued manor...

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figured bror had it coming for him...no...it's not him it's....GAVIN!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!


don't tell me if what i think is true tho. :D


i'm playing Battle for Naboo once again, got a Gold Medal on the level b4 the gunboat. The game's pretty easy once you figure it out. And it's not frustrating if you just play it and admire the graphics, and study the level. Kinda like imperial construction yards. I GOT THAT LEVEL MEMORIZED! :)


ok as u can tell i'm in a bfn/rs mood right now. eheheheheh i think i'll take a few screenshots and see if aristotle or chris'll put them up on the main site. :D

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