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My apologies to this forum.


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I might as well make one and get what little respect I can back for myself. ;)


Sorry for calling you all spammers/newbies/flamers. And now that I look over the topics, most of them aren't spam/pathetic, most of them are pretty good, but I noticed maybe 1 or 2 ones that REALLY stuck out that kinda upset me. I'm not saying which ones, cause I know I'll be misunderstood, and be considered 'a threat' or something like that. :D


Sorry to those of you that saw the uncensored words I put, I quickly thought better of it, and went to edit them out ASAP, but my !@#$ internet connection cut me down for about 3 minutes (AT&T MUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), and a few of you saw it.


I was just about ready to close the topic, when a moderator came in and started threat warning me, which intensified foreward firepower...and that's what set me off...


I'm sorry I acted in a childish manner, please forgive me.



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*falls back in his chair glad that there was no war breaking out between forums*


oh man... dont do it EVER again:mad: ... you will give me a heart attack :p i need to go here too you know :p


oh well..

singer.gifhmmmmmmm!! :D






"So here I am stark naked, locked out of my quarters, running around the corridors looking for a towel, a rag, anything, and I turn a corner and bump right into the executive officer. He has about the same sense of humor as a Wookiee with a rash. So I throw my best salute and say, 'Major, I regret to report only partial succes with the Personal Cloaking Device.'"

-Garik Loran-

X-wing Series, Book 5. Wraith Squadron.

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