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The FDNY Statue


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I have to open this cause it has aggravated me so much that I have to see if I am the only one.


There was a picture taken of three firefighters hanging up an american flag at ground zero in New York. Some nice people decided to make that picture into a statue and donate it to the FDNY. The only problem is that in striving for racial equality, they changed one guy to be african-american, and one guy to be hispanic. THEY WERE ALL CAUCASIAN GUYS!!!! What about the people who got cut out! If I were one of them I'd be raising heck about this.


Moral of the story: If you are going to do a statue based on a picture, make sure it is correct to the picture. Especially when there are real people in it.



Am I the only one?

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That's like saying "black people and hispanics did a better job than the white people during 9/11".


Also, did it ever occur to you that they're actually changing the people featured by doing so? Hey, imagine you're one of those people. 1) You sign up for becoming -and become -a firefighter 2) You become a hero on 9/11. 3) A picture of you gains global attention. 4) They make a statue based on the picture, with some other person on it. Come on, how little respectful is that?!


It's got nothing to do with racial understanding!! It's about respect! If you want to create a memorial of firefighters in general -which this statue became-, then make a sculpture of Asian, European, Black, and Hispanic firefighters, respectively, together saluting or smiling or taking out a fire or something.


Historical analogy: Let's say someone makes a statue of the Iwo Jima soldiers getting the US flag up after the battle. But instead of all US soldiers, there's a Canadian, a Chinese and a Swede (or some other guy from a neutral country). Yes, it's showing respect to everyone who took part in the World War. No, it's not honoring the people who fought the battle. "At x/x -x, China, Canada, and Sweden captured the Japanese is. of Iwo Jima?" What were the firefighters in Brazil, Argentina, Niger, or Galapagos doing at 9/11? Nothing! They were firefighters too, but ...really.


What these people [artists] are doing is to steal a famous picture and make a statue of it. Yes, it is stealing, as it's not honoring those particulary individuals as much as it should. Fine, make a statue of those firefighters getting the flag up, but add more people instead of replacing them. Geez, these 'artists' are just afraid of getting sued, I think.

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it was really unfair to change it like that

cuz it was the original 3 that deserved to be in the pic, and not someone to be cut out, but really if at all they do i think it would be wrong for the guys who were cut out to raise a havoc just cuz some people didnt put them in a statue, its not like he paid for the statue or they promised they would include him, but still it was unfair

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This really shows the racial problem in our country. No, i'm not talking about the same problem you may be thinking, i'm talking of the problem of treating minorities better than everyone else. Sure, everyone should be equal, i'm all for that, but when they start going out of their way to try and involve minorities thats not treating them equally, which is what they want. If they wanted the statue to be diverse then they should have chosen another picture, rather than disrespecting the men and the entire race of white people. In changing them, its like saying that being all white is a bad thing, and that they don't deserve to be up there.


I hate it when they try to make things equal to everyone. Instead, they should just tell things like they are and if any group has problems with that then they can get involved, rather than demanding that they be placed in it after doing nothing. Its like this is more than this case as well, namely, in the workplace. Telling people that they have to hire certain amounts of minorities is like saying that they can't get a job on their own, and i would be very much offended if i was a minority.


So, the statue should stay like it is, not only so that it acurately protrays the event, but so that the men who were in it get the respect and honor which they deserve.

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Amen. That and the eradication of welfare. Especially for those people who just sit around and collect it so they can just barely live and not try to get a job. (God I hate those people so badly) They just sit on their rears all day long and collect our taxes cause quote "they deserve it." They don't deserve my money! (If I payed taxes that is) I hate leechers. Period. They have no place in America. They should try to get a job, or they shouldn't receive money. Welfare is okay for those who are trying to find work, but there are a lot of people who think that they don't have to work cause other people will take care of them. They make me sick.

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Excellent put, Tie Guy. Nobody can complain officialy because they're afraid of getting sued for being rasistic. On the other hand, what if the people in the pic had been, say, a black and a chinese? If that had been changed into a white and a hispanic guy, people would've been yelling 'Nazi' all over the news and the artists would have to spend the rest of their lives in bankrupcy from the lawsuits. It's so damn one-sided, it's sick.


I's like that man-woman debate -women claim to be treated unfair, but even as they are, they are 'allowed to' use men's restrooms because 'they have no choice' (imagine the reaction if a desperate guy entered a girls' restroom with a full bladder?), and the men are always looked upon as perverted in 'sighting-cases'; if a guy sees a female naked, he's a perverted pig of a peeping tom. If a girl sees a man naked, the man is a perverted pig of a stripper and if the guys complain, the girls hand their butts to them saying that 'they should have locked the door', etc. Imagine a guy telling a girl this?? He would have been looked upon as perverted because he 'kept discussing an episode that the girl would rather forget'.. you know what? :evil5: is all I can say..


The above paragraph may seem OT, but it's just another example of the fight for equal rights going too far. We (the males/white people/country receiving immigrants) feel guilty, loosen up, and end up at the other end of the scale. Sick..

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Political correctness is such a pain. How can anyone thing that ommiting two people that riskded their lives to save others, from the statue be considered fair?

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a friend of mine is doing a 4-year research project on racism in the united states and how racism isn't at all as low as we all think it is. there's just as much racism there used to be 25 years ago, just that it's more subtler (some find this even more insulting). Just thought i'd mention even though it doesnt have anything to do with much on this thread


but i dont think they're trying to glorify the specific firefighters that actually PUT UP the flag, but ALL the firefighters that helpd out on sept. 11. in other words, the statue is supposed to thank all the firefighters by showing the different races, which makes a lot of sense imo. i, living pretty close to the city, certainly like it as showing all the races and all new yorkers i think would love it as well. the statue would glorify the message of NYC being the center of diversity AND equality even more.

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They should not change their faces. What will those men tell there kids when they show them "their" statue. Will the children say "daddy why are you black??" I'm sorry but there were a lot of races, male, female and even dogs who helped participate in 9/11 who united our country. We are not representing EVERYONE with this (which is there intention of showing) If that's the case...where are the women in this statue. I think it should be left the way it is...as a historical moment in time preserved as a statue to serve as a reminder to all those who look at it that these were REAL fighfighters and this is what REALLY happened. It has nothing to do with races!!! We all participated...we all know that. This is out of respect for those fighfighters who gave their lives...and this is a picture of those men who died friends and coworkers - people who REALLy suffered a loss but carried on. They shouldn't be allowed to disgrace the memory of those who died and those who were there.

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Well, they have officially called off the statue. But also, did you here about the statue the're going to make of a golden retriever? Should they they add a german shepherd, and a black lab, just to be "politically correct"? I don't think so. I'm all for the statue, but i say make it real to the picture or make a different statue all together.

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