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Originally posted by ZeroXcape

Be happy that in March we'll have the first real game since Half-Life ;)


IMO there have been many great games after half-life. My favourites were Operation Flashpoint, Diablo 2, IGI and Hitman. i love Hitman soo much cant away for Hitman 2.

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Information diet?! We just had...2..3 previews, a ton of screenshots, and Ravenites even came and visited us at the forums? I don't know about you, I wouldn't mind fasting a little bit. Not that I don't like information mind you, but let's not be spoiled. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by ZeroXcape

Max Payne was great, I agree.... But let's be honest, no one plays it anymore. After a week of Payne... back to Half-Life.


I was too angry after beating Half-Life to play it again. Stupid Xen.


I still do play Max Payne from time to time though I've been keeping myself occupied with Halo more.

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Originally posted by Moses

Information diet?! We just had...2..3 previews, a ton of screenshots, and Ravenites even came and visited us at the forums? I don't know about you, I wouldn't mind fasting a little bit. Not that I don't like information mind you, but let's not be spoiled. :rolleyes:


It was meant as a bit of a joke, really it was... :(


I know, and appreciate, that we've been getting all of this info lately - that 'info diet' bit was only really about the video that we've been expecting for a couple of weeks, you know - the one that Gonk keeps teasing us about?


I don't mean to sound greedy or ungrateful - I'm not - I put the big grin at the end of the sentence cos I was being cheeky. The post was considerably aimed at GonkH8er, to see if I could indirectly pry a bit of info from him about when me might get a vid :) (hint, hint, Gonk, ;))


I'm sorry that I was unclear, I'll try to be better in future :)

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Originally posted by ShadowcasT


If you mean multiplayer wise ,i doubt it ,Raven themselves once said it was impossible to make great single player AND multiplayer in the same game ,either one or the other.


*reads the previews* I think they're out to prove themselves wrong. :D *can't wait for JKO MP*

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Talk to the elbow. You're not worth the extension..... :)

Hehe, that elbow thing is going to become a standing forum joke if we're not careful :D


I'm just a moderator and a news poster. What would I know? :D

Anything that your Dark Master ('stotle... ;)) chooses to tell you... spill, Gonk!!! Whaddya know??!!? :D

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Originally posted by matt-windu

As a matter of fact, their is a private room.


All moderators, super moderators(such as Gonk and myself), and all admins can see.


Pretty juicy stuff in there. :p


Im sure there is :)..........I wish someone would give us more information, at least tell us when a video will be released :)

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