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I never played EliteForce, Soldiers of Fortune or Quake 3 so I don't know much about the controls. However I have one small demand/question for Raven.


Could you PLEASE make it so the game recognise any mouse buttons over 3! I have 5 buttons on my mouse + mouse wheel. It frustrates me when I cannot assign things to the 3rd mouse button!


I also have a question completly OUT OF TOPIC:


are there any canadians working at Raven ;)

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Originally posted by TheJackal

Could you PLEASE make it so the game recognise any mouse buttons over 3! I have 5 buttons on my mouse + mouse wheel. It frustrates me when I cannot assign things to the 3rd mouse button!


Are we talking Intellimouse Explorer, here?


If we are, I can help. You need to make sure you install the driver software for the Explorer. Then go into the Mouse setup, and change the buttons to match the keys on the keyboard that you wish to assign to particular game functions.


Now go into your game, assign the functions you want to access via the mouse using the keys you set for the buttons.


Clicking those buttons should now activate those functions...and it works for all the buttons. It works for me, anway.


If it's another type of mouse, maybe you need to do the same...


Let me know. ;)

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Originally posted by TheJackal

I never played EliteForce, Soldiers of Fortune or Quake 3 so I don't know much about the controls. However I have one small demand/question for Raven.


Could you PLEASE make it so the game recognise any mouse buttons over 3! I have 5 buttons on my mouse + mouse wheel. It frustrates me when I cannot assign things to the 3rd mouse button!


I also have a question completly OUT OF TOPIC:


are there any canadians working at Raven ;)


Some ideas about the games you haven't played:


Soldier of Fortune: Bloodiest game of all time (Although the last time I SEE people playing Doom [like when I was 7 :eek: ] I think it's sick and disgusting when those monsters make the OHHH!!! UHHHH!!! sound) Controls are very un-Quake-like.


Elite Force: never played it


Quake 3 Arena: Basically fight bots from the beginning to the end. In game you feel very HEAVY (walking or running or jumping) because you can't jump as high comparing to Jedi Knight or Soldier of Fortune.


Yes that's about it.


5 button mouse? That's crazy! I can't even remember 2 of my buttons...

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The same method you have posted, Stormhammer, has worked for two of my Logitech mice with thumb buttons. The only problem I have had is that for my mouse, it toggled the key, as if I was hold it down. So press it once to activate it, press it again to deactivate it. It actually works out for me because I have it set to duck, and I prefer not to hold down the button. Click once to get down, click it again to come back up.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Hey, thanks for that, Sturmgewehr! ;)

I hope you don't mind me asking...but is there an English translation for your name? Is it something like StormGiver? Just curious...


I think it means Storm Weapon if it is word for word...

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I'm gonna set the controls of JO to be almost exactly the same as I had for Elite Force and Q3 (except for whatever force keys, of course). I played them with an Intellimouse Explorer (the first bulky optical mouse), yet I still only used two mouse buttons. Button 1 for normal fire and Button 2 for alt fire. I used the typical "adsw" for moving, mouse for turning, spacebar for jumping, and "f" for activating switches and the like. "c" was for crouching. I also had "r" and "t" for something but I dont' remember what.

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chocolate? yum yum... Thanks for the warm welcome. I've actually been watching the forums since JediKnightII.net was first created. It wasn't until recently that the overwhelming excitment over the nearing release of Jedi Knight II that I couldn't help but start posting. Actually, it was more that the people of the forums here seem so nice, I thought maybe I'd like to be a part of it.


You're right SaberPro. Word for word its Storm Rifle/Gun.


The name comes from a German assault rifle, the Sturmgewehr 44. Built in 1944 (at the time, German weapons designers assigned the numerical designation to weapons based on what year it was designed it. For example, the Maschinenpistole40 (MP40) was designed in 1940, the Maschinengewehr42(MG42) was designed in 1942), it became the worlds first working assault rifle. I'm somewhat of a aviation/World War II buff, hence the BF109 in the signiture and the mini history lesson :)

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Originally posted by dazilla

I'm gonna set the controls of JO to be almost exactly the same as I had for Elite Force and Q3 (except for whatever force keys, of course). I played them with an Intellimouse Explorer (the first bulky optical mouse), yet I still only used two mouse buttons. Button 1 for normal fire and Button 2 for alt fire. I used the typical "adsw" for moving, mouse for turning, spacebar for jumping, and "f" for activating switches and the like. "c" was for crouching. I also had "r" and "t" for something but I dont' remember what.


My control:


asdw for movement

-space- for activate

x or Mouse2nd for jump

Mouse1st for primary fire

z for secondary fire

c for crouch

q for a Force power (Force Destruction in JK)

e for another Force power (Force Grip in JK)

f to use force



b for kicking

n for lightstaff

m for grappling hook

:lol: I still remember hehe

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Originally posted by Sturmgewehr

chocolate? yum yum... Thanks for the warm welcome. I've actually been watching the forums since JediKnightII.net was first created. It wasn't until recently that the overwhelming excitment over the nearing release of Jedi Knight II that I couldn't help but start posting. Actually, it was more that the people of the forums here seem so nice, I thought maybe I'd like to be a part of it.


You're right SaberPro. Word for word its Storm Rifle/Gun.


The name comes from a German assault rifle, the Sturmgewehr 44. Built in 1944 (at the time, German weapons designers assigned the numerical designation to weapons based on what year it was designed it. For example, the MaschinePistole40 (MP40) was designed in 1940, the MaschineGewehr42(MG42) was designed in 1942), it became the worlds first working assault rifle. I'm somewhat of a aviation/World War II buff, hence the BF109 in the signiture and the mini history lesson :)


Wow...a little inner Germany history lesson!

Why don't they call VW Beetle something like VW40 or something?

I bet they call the V1 and V2 Rockets for some reasons similar to this...

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<font color=cbcbff> One thing that really disappointed me about the RtCW was that it lacked joystick support. Some of you may believe that the joystick has no hope. I saw that mailbag thing. But I have used a joystick-mouse-keyboard combo for quite some time, especially with Jedi Knight and I'm quite skilled with it. I use the joystick with my right hand, and with my left I alternate between the mouse and keyboard. I find that I have maximum control over my actions this way and once you learn to play that way it is quite unlike any other style.

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Yes. The V1 and V2 rockets were made in 1901 and 1902, respectively. Er wait...that's not right...


[history lesson 2]

Actually, the V2 was originally designated the A4. It was the 4th missle in a series prototypes. For propaganda reasons, it was renamed the Vergeltungswaffe 2 (Retaliation Weapon 2), or "V2". The V1, or FZG-76, was also called a Vergeltungswaffe for propaganda reasons. The FZG-76(FZG meaning "flakzielgerat " or "flak aiming device") came first, so naturally, it had the "1" designation. Next came the V2 (after many many many tests), hence its "2" designation.


As far as the beetle, I really don't know.


[/history lesson 2]


When I said weapons, I meant submachineguns/rifles/assault rifles/machineguns. Listen to what I mean, not what I say!


How's that for being off topic?!




I have used the arrow keys ever since Jedi Knight. I also use the surrounding keys, ctrl, delete, Numpad1, all of those. I find it much easier to find the key I'm looking for when there aren't a whole bunch of keys surrounding them. Using the arrow keys also lets me keep my hands close together. Using the ASDW keys forces a keyboard length between my hands. I am no good with a joystick unless it is a flight simulator. I need the mouse to aim. I can not play first person shooters on consoles either for the same reason. I do hope they have joystick support. I do not want people to have to relearn the controls for Jedi Knight II. Just my opinion :)

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you can't beat keyboard for movement, force, etc. and mouse for aiming :)


my setup

i use WASD for movement, alt = crouch, f4 = activate, capslock = bacta, shift= slow, enter= talk, space = secondary fire(or primary if im playing NF sabers), mouse1= primary fire, mouse2=jump.


as far as force goes, i typically played with q = speed, g= seeing, e=pull, c=fjump, r= destruction. tab= first fire, mouse1= grip.


the whole idea of my setup was to allow me access to everything i needed without having to lift my hand off, thus saving me part of a crucial second in the heat of battle :)


z,x were too inconvient for access, so i usually hotkeyed them to saber/conc or something that you really didn't need to switch around quickly, etc.

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For JK, i always used just the keyboard, but i usually only played sabes, so i wasn't at a disadvantage, but in guns, the mouse/keyboard method is definatly the best way to go. i use the asdw with space for jump and f for activation, with mouse buttons to fire and scroll wheel to switch weapons. Works well for me in UT.



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Originally posted by Sturmgewehr

Yes. The V1 and V2 rockets were made in 1901 and 1902, respectively. Er wait...that's not right...


[history lesson 2]

Actually, the V2 was originally designated the A4. It was the 4th missle in a series prototypes. For propaganda reasons, it was renamed the Vergeltungswaffe 2 (Retaliation Weapon 2), or "V2". The V1, or FZG-76, was also called a Vergeltungswaffe for propaganda reasons. The FZG-76(FZG meaning "flakzielgerat " or "flak aiming device") came first, so naturally, it had the "1" designation. Next came the V2 (after many many many tests), hence its "2" designation.


As far as the beetle, I really don't know.


[/history lesson 2]


When I said weapons, I meant submachineguns/rifles/assault rifles/machineguns. Listen to what I mean, not what I say!


How's that for being off topic?!




I have used the arrow keys ever since Jedi Knight. I also use the surrounding keys, ctrl, delete, Numpad1, all of those. I find it much easier to find the key I'm looking for when there aren't a whole bunch of keys surrounding them. Using the arrow keys also lets me keep my hands close together. Using the ASDW keys forces a keyboard length between my hands. I am no good with a joystick unless it is a flight simulator. I need the mouse to aim. I can not play first person shooters on consoles either for the same reason. I do hope they have joystick support. I do not want people to have to relearn the controls for Jedi Knight II. Just my opinion :)


Wow you really know German history :) I'm only good in Chinese history, and WWII :)

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For JK, i always used just the keyboard, but i usually only played sabes, so i wasn't at a disadvantage

Yes, you were :)

Why? Because you weren't taking advantage of the 'centripetal force factor' which is explained better than I could by this excerpt from a post Lucky made a while back:


If you strafe run and apply gentle turns to your path you run significantly faster, if you apply a quick turn you accelerate very fast.


This is the the principle behind the saber style most folks refer to as 'mouse warp', but everyone who knows their salt either does it naturally or has learned to curve their movements just right so that they move at the optimal rate.


It also allows for the 'double jump' applying an extremely quick turn and a jump and using the acceleration from the turn to propel u thru the air at a speed roughly equal to 1 and a half times that of a normal strafe run jump.

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That probably wont exist in JK 2. Here is my setup for my basic FPS.


WASD= movment

Shift= Jump

Caps Lock= toggle walk/run

Spacebar= Use item

Mouse 1= Fire

Mouse 2= Secondary fire

Mouse 3= zoom (on elite force)

Scroll wheel= Scroll through weapons

Q= The best weapon, whatever that may be, for example on Elite Force this is the Photon burst.

E= My secondary weapon of choice, on Elite Force this is the Compression rifle. So I have both my long and short range weapons.

1-0= weapons

all other keys= bound phrases such as, incoming enemy on the right and the like.




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i know you will be able to use all your mouse keys for JKii, but what i would like would be a double or triple click for them... that way you can set your most used Force powers to only say one key... and if they are turn on, turn off like in SBX, then that would work great... click for force jump, dbl click for speed, then set another one for say, click for throw, and dbl click for push... im no programming wizard, but i dont think this would be to difficult to accoplish, i mean, you dbl click to open things on windows, right?

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