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HD Space?

Guest Rogue15

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Guest Rogue15

How much hard drive space do you have left on your computer?



I've got 2.42 gigabytes left. I uninstalled the games that I do not play much anymore, such as xwing alliance and rebellion.


Might delete a bunch of other crap, such as the 'stuff' folder i just throw loads of trash in, it's 632 megabytes of crap altogether!!! will probably route out all the goods and say 'GOODBYE' and click the folder and press the delete key. now, what is in it that I do not use...

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Guest Boba Rhett

Ummm... that's nice. :)


On my old computer I must of had a few gb of junk sitting everywere. In my Jedi Knight folder alone i had 600+mb!! The full install of Jedi Knight is only like 128mb!! :D

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Guest Rogue15

now I'm back to 2.93 gigabytes!


now, if i could remove jedi knight and mots from my computer, i'd have 1 more gigabyte i bet...checks...yep, 1,054 megs.


DANG THAT IS ALOT!!!!!!!!!!! *checks patch commander* 265 megs in patch commander!!! WAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!


*accidentally deletes jedi knight from computer* heh, you all wish.


now i'm going to go delete all the levels stored in my episode directories, except for the important ones that is. :p


There we go for jedi knight...only 167 megs, and it still works. hehehe. 3.29 gb now! :D


ok now that mots has all the levels that nobody seems to multiplay taken out of it, there's 3.58 gigs left on my hd. now...for patch commander...

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Guest Rogue15

eheheheheh went and deleted a bunch of other crap along w/a few gobs and goos in patch commander that nobody uses, so now i've got a whopping 4.28 gigabytes!!!!! YAAAHOOO!!!!!!

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Guest Tie Guy

Uhh....i have 1.5 left out of 10. I really need a bigger hard drive. I've only got like 2 or 3 games on it right now too!!!


TW, i havea folder called "downloads" where i basically throw everything i make/create and also all of my downloads (duh!). It's got 1 gig in it alone.

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Guest dr_death

i had barly nothing left BUT THEN!!!


i went to 'my computer' then i went to my c drive and clicked on the folder windows, there is loads of old data there!!!

i found old downloaded trailers (lotr) coppis of old pictures and basically loads of stuff i no longer needed.

i advice all of you to go through it if you need memory.

i did this because i didnt have enought virtual memory to play the demo.

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Really? :eek: where do you get them from, I work in computer support, none of our suppliers do anything that big?



...just in case you were serious, ";)", he's lieing. - lol no I knew he was lying, I wanted to see if he would come clean - all he seems to do is lie :)



Originally posted by Delphi's Clone

well i have 2 hds


my first one is 110 Gig w 102.563 left

my second one is 120 gig w 116.780 left


all in all i have 219.343 gigs left haha i beet you all hahahahaha

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neither have I....most I ever seen (retail anyway...) is 80 gb...........


oh, and I have no idea.....one of my partions is completly full, and one has nothing in it (formatted and I havn't unpacked all my stuff yet ;) )


proberly about 4-5 gig though :)

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ummm just that you know that they do come in sizes like that go to http://www.pricewatch.com and go to harddrives then you should see this




Hard Drives Links Quotes @16:14 - 2/7 See Brands

$208 EIDE 100GB

$140 EIDE 80.0GB

$205 - EIDE 75.0GB

$97 EIDE 60.0GB

$107 - EIDE 45.0GB

$73 - EIDE 40.0GB

$72 - EIDE 30.7GB

$73 - EIDE 30.0GB

$73 EIDE 25.0GB

$63 - EIDE 20.0GB

$256 - USB 80.0GB

$174 - USB 60.0GB

$151 - USB 40.0GB

$138 - USB 30.0GB

$131 - USB 20.0GB

$115 - USB 13.0GB

$109 - USB 10.0GB

$80 - USB 64MB

$48 - USB 32MB

$38 - USB 16MB

$1359 - SCSI 181.6GB

$399 - SCSI 73.4GB

$470 - SCSI 50.0GB

$498 - SCSI 47.0GB

$175 - SCSI 36.7GB

$178 - SCSI 36.4GB

$86 - SCSI Ultra160

$337 Firewire 100.0GB

$248 Firewire 80.0GB

$339 Firewire 75.0GB

$197 Firewire 60.0GB

$158 Firewire 40.0GB

$155 Firewire 30.0GB

$149 - Firewire 20.0GB

$3299 - Attached 320GB

$3598 - Attached 300GB

$2125 - Attached 120GB

$2395 - Attached 73GB

$524 - Attached

$244 15000rpm

$49 - 10000rpm

$215 - Stackable

$112 - SGI

$115 - RAID

$45 - Pluggable

$45 - Fibre Channel

$79 - External

$5 - ...All in Category


now you feel stupid dont you lol

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