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Fare thee Well...

Havoc Stryphe

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I'm sorry to have to type this, but I must leave you know...


As some of you know/guessed, I work for the United States Government in some capacity, what capacity I should not say but suffice to say it's not for the FBI or CIA or NSA so don't get all worked up or anything! :D However, the government has been monitoring our internet usage more closely in recent days and are slowly filtering out the sites I frequent that are not work related. This morning I lost TheForce.net, and now I cannot access any banners on this page anymore. Everytime I try to access any site they have filtered out, it gets reported directly to my COM people. I fear that this board is their next target, I'm not sure what kind of trouble I'm going to be in, but I know this much... I can't come here anymore during work hours, which happens to be most of my life. :(


I will try to stop by from home, but I don't get the chance very often...


Thanks to all of you who have made this board a clean and enjoyable haven for those of us who seeks it's refuge from the everyday stresses of the workplace. Thank you to those of you who have made debating clean, kind and yet suprisingly fun :D



So it is with deep regret I must bid thee a fond farewell, keep the dreams alive and please remember me fondly, for my memory of you and the times we had will be forever near my heart.


may the force be with you...



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Yeah, that really sucks, they should let you do whatever you want if you are still doing wat your suppposed to when your supposed to. Too bad...


We've all enjoyed your presence here so don't forget to come by at least a little bit when you can, and maybe the gov't will let up a little sometime in the future.

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Aaaaawww I was hoping he worked for No Such Agency. Heehee, get it NSA? But really if you did i have a set of super-cool cousins who work their on..... something. I can't really say cause they've had to do alot of censoring to tell me anything. So I'm not gonna say anything. The government is working for the people's better good, but I'm sorry you MAY have to stop posting. I'll keep my fingers crossed that they don't take this address off. :D

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Guest SlashAndBurn

That is a shame. Hopefully they'll losen up (yeah I know I'm talking about the government but we can dream). In the meantime hope to see yo as often as possible and take care.

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There's a government conspiracy here too, Scully.

Trust no-one.

The Truth is out there.

Just tell me were my sister is, u son of a b****.

Mulder,I don't think this is an X-File.

But these bodies aren't human, Scully, they're alien.

C'mon, lets get out of here.

They took Mulder.


Guess how above is related to Havoc. :(

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Just a quick posts, the net has eyes you know...


Thank you all for your kind words, Uncle Sam has yet to pull the plug on this site yet, so I thought I would drop a quick hello, but I must make it quick...



yeah Tie Guy, I hear ya! I think as long as I'm getting my job done when it needs done, then the rest of my time I should get to do what I want. In this case, surf the net. Ah well, what can you do?


Crazy Dog, It's not a government coverup or anything, at least... that's all I can say about it... ;)


Oh, and Duder, I share your pain. Hope it goes better for you than it did for me...


Oh, and if anyone asks, this conversation never took place... :p

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

You could just say that your monitering these boards to make sure no one is conspiring to kill the president or take over the gov't or blow up buildings or something like that....


Unfortunately that isn't my job, or that excuse would probably work :D ! I will just lay low, and post periodically, hoping that I'm not drawing too much attention to myself. So I will continue to defy the government until the last minute :cool:


They can take my websites, but they can never take... my FREEDOM!!! :rolleyes:

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