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Let's talk about Gonks...


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Originally posted by jesseg88

Perhaps when JO comes out you could create a gonk shooting range with JORadiant.


And while you shoot in the range perhaps you could sing "99 gonks to blow up, 99 gonks..., you shoot at one, it blows right up, 98 gonks to blow up" and so on and so forth.

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Heck, I just thought that they gave the game some great atmosphere.





I do believe I'm the first one to post the strangest smilie ever. What in the world could that be used for? Ha... I know...





[lasVegasShowMusic] "Da, da, da-duh-da-duh, da, da...." [/lasVegasShowMusic]




(My strangest post ever.)

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AHAHA i remember a gonk doing that in MOTS


in the second level..... on the asteroid, in that room.. you kill the guys, and the gonk is EVER SO SLOWLY making its way up the ramp... and you're thinking.... hurry up ffs.....



then it gets up there finally, and opens the secret chamber for you, and you get a super shield or something. ahh i killed that gonk so many times.... so many memories...

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Just like little brothers or sisters, always there when u don't want 'em, never leave u alone to get on with things.


EV9d9 had the right idea, hang the little buggers upsidedown and put hot irons to their feet, that'll teach 'em !

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Originally posted by Tay-Mar



Just like little brothers or sisters, always there when u don't want 'em, never leave u alone to get on with things.


EV9d9 had the right idea, hang the little buggers upsidedown and put hot irons to their feet, that'll teach 'em !


I think we should just put them upside down so they can't go anywhere and let their batteries run out. Then recharge them and do it again.


You shall die a thousand deaths.


Of course we could do random hot irons. From directions that they can't tell it's coming. :emperor:

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I say we should use them as tables. We run out with barbed lava sticks and beat them all up and carve them while they're all still in wokring order and take away their legs and put table legs so they can't move but they can see.

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I say we should use them as tables. We run out with barbed lava sticks and beat them all up and carve them while they're all still in wokring order and take away their legs and put table legs so they can't move but they can see.


Wow, that's almost as evil as my suggestion. :cool:

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Originally posted by dazilla

It's not evil...gonks are just machines...they don't have an artificial-intelligence core...or do they?


They are semi-evil.


*got shot* : gonk!

*walks around* : gonk!

*not doing anything* : gonk!

*dying* : gonk!


I hope JK2 makes this machine better-utilized...:)

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