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Beyond Star Wars


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Just wandering ,what if they create something original in the game setting ?!?


Mind you ,i say this as a non Star Wars fan (althought i liked the first 3 movies ,i know less than nothing about the SW universe ) ,therefore i couldn't care less ,besides the obvious interest for new things ,but i'm curious


How would you SW freaks feel at the idea of having something you haven't seen before ?!? :)


New alien creatures from new planets is a rather easy addition ,but i was thinking something a little more radical.


If it was up to you ,what would you like Raven to add to the existing universe ?!?

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

4 way lightsaber? :)


Who makes those things anyway ?!? ,was i a Dark Jedi i'd want to create my personal light ninja arsenal :)


Like ,say ,a light lance (for those who don't know ,lances are supirior weapons when fighting against swords)


Silliness aside ,why does it have to be Jedi (hu ?!? ,whats the plural word for Jedi ?!? ).


I mean ,we have the force ,and than we have a very ancient galactic comunity whitch ,despise the several milions of different species that inhabits it ,offers one single cultural entity that deals with the force ,Jedi.


What if there is a unkown race that has never had contact with any of the known speices but that it's aware of the force ?!?


The way Jedi are taught in the use of the force all lead to similar skills ,but there's no say to what a alien race could do when developing the force on their own ,taking different direction and making different mistakes and success along the way.


Their use of the force could take a total new direction ,whitch could make for a compelling plot twist ,yes ?!? ;)

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Originally posted by ShadowcasT


Who makes those things anyway ?!? ,was i a Dark Jedi i'd want to create my personal light ninja arsenal :)



Light suriken. :D Ignite when thrown.


Their use of the force could take a total new direction ,whitch could make for a compelling plot twist ,yes ?!?


I'm envisioning a class of secluded monk-types, trained in purity and pascifism, the highest ranking class and the one with the least political power, merely because they do not stoop to politics.


Or maybe a caste of martial artists who scorn the use of technology where avoidable.


Or how about the power hungry monarch that searches for force sensitive children and uses a permanent mind trick to brainwash them to their cause?

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The only radical thing I could think Raven and Lucasarts doing is making an expansion pack for JO2 that deals during the time of The New Jedi Order books where the Yuuzhan Vong appear and they can not be sensed through the force. Now that would be cool if Lucasarts made an expansion pack based on that. I mean, it is kinda radical. Most people don't know about the Yuuzhan Vong that are star wars fans. Most just buy the games and watch the movies. I myself also read the books. I would be cool though if they did make a expansion based off the events of The New Jedi Order Series. Just a Thought.

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Originally posted by Kylilin

I think if you used the full terms "Jedi Knight" and "Jedi Knights" you would find no problem with the plural and singular...


Good point :)


So we're all agreed that Jedi is the singular and plural? ...kind of like 'sheep'...



...the following pic is from this medical site, where you can find a test of how beneficial your sleep is (if you get any) ...


The pic looks very dodgy on its own -




Apparently, the edge of a cliff does have its uses... but I know nothing about that... :D;):p

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