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Fists as a Weopon???


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Actually, it was imposible to knock someone out in JK with one punch, as it took at least a couple.


The stun baton may turn out to be cool, but I sure would prefer some punch and kicks instead. However, if you wouldn't be able to mix the punches and kicks in with saber combat, it wouldnt be as cool.

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Fists used to be very useful for MP games. We'd agree before the game what we were going to play (Full Force, No force, guns only, sabers only) and that Fists=Peace. So if you were running around and saw someone with just fists, you'd know they were either typing or away from their computer. For that reason I would hope there are fists, or the option of not having any weapons out. I'd prefer being able to have no weapons out.

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Originally posted by lonepadawan

Well since it seems you can switch off your saber, simply use that for peace.


Except that can be "peace" or "I think I've found myself a nice hiding spot and am going to skewer the next person that runs past, hee hee". :D

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It might be better to have a balloon appear over your opponent's head if they are typing a message or something. It worked in Rune...in fact, you had honour rules in Rune, so if you attacked someone when you shouldn't you either got slaughtered by the other players...or got kicked from the server for repeated offences.


The server admin could set the rule for non-ignited sabers to mean peace though...so I don't see there's much of a problem there. You just join a server that you know has that rule if that's the way you want to play.


As for fists...it would be nice just to have them back, just so you can go around Jedi Boxing. I remember taking on those Gammorean guards in MotS on the prison level...you just had your fists...and nimble feet. Ah, the memories... :D

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I'm sure you will have your fists, there is bound to be a level where you have your weapons taken away and you will have to use your fists.


It just doesn't look good promotion including "fists" as a weapon. It looks like your scraping the barrel a bit.


"Now in Star Wars Jedi KnightII: you can use weapons including Lightsabre, StormTrooper Rifle and Fists!"


See what I mean?




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If there are no fists it means that there are never any levels like that. Unless you have to force pull your lightsaber back and cut your way out of a cell........who needs fists when you can have your lightsaber.........look at games like AvP2, that had no fists because all the weapon slots were filled, but it didnt really matter anyway.

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Actually, I found that it was a problem in Elite Force that people would have no courtesy and attack you whether you had weapons or not. In fact, in any multiplayer game, even when I went to some person's house (GoldenEye, specifically), they hang around a warp-in point and then kill anyone that comes in. It's incredibly cheap but it works for them.

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Originally posted by dazilla

Actually, I found that it was a problem in Elite Force that people would have no courtesy and attack you whether you had weapons or not. In fact, in any multiplayer game, even when I went to some person's house (GoldenEye, specifically), they hang around a warp-in point and then kill anyone that comes in. It's incredibly cheap but it works for them.


Well, in JK, MP has normally worked with an honor system; fists=peace. And the spawn points are too random, so it's rather pointless to hang around them...

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RedWing is right...In JK fists meant peace.

Like brb...the other players force jumped through the level and collected ammo, power-ups and so on...


The Stun Baton could be similar to the knife in Counterstrike...just be silent and quick...one hit: one kill! :)

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