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Raven has updated the FAQ list! They answer the 'fists question' and whether or not JKO will have cheat protection.




[EDIT: Fists Q&A: http://www.lucasarts.com/products/outcast/html/faq.html#311 and Cheat Q&A: http://www.lucasarts.com/products/outcast/html/faq.html#207 if you don't want to search for it]

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It's going to be a little weird not having fist as an option, I got kind of used to them in Dark Forces and Jedi Knight. I will never forget taking on those Krayt dragons in Dark Forces with just your bare fists, quite fun and interesting. Not to mention it was always fun running around like a mad man in multiplayer with fists trying to punch someone with a conc. rifle.


I am glad that they are putting in safety measures for cheaters/hackers. One thing that was aggrivating was having someone ruin a perfectly good game because some hackers came in and ruined the party... happened too many times that I'd like to remember. Although it seems that no matter how sophisticated the cheat/hack protection gets it seems to breed an even smarter hacker/cheater. However the password protection may help remedy alot of this problem.

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Yes the hacker kicker program is certainly a life saver. Especially when you'd get people coming into your games with those annoying ascii characters, you could just simply change their name to a number and kick em. I could never get the level restore to work properly however, usually once a hacker messed up something in the level we had to do a complete re-start of the level (i.e like no gravity, or being turned into a specific 3DO object.)

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I'm not too happy with the decision to not include fists. We know that weapons can be pulled from your hands by dark jedi, so what happens when that is done? Do you automatically switch to the stun baton? Why can't that be pulled away as well? It seems to me like fists are a neccesity more than a novelty.



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I'm not too happy with the decision to not include fists. We know that weapons can be pulled from your hands by dark jedi, so what happens when that is done? Do you automatically switch to the stun baton? Why can't that be pulled away as well? It seems to me like fists are a neccesity more than a novelty.

I'm am totally in agreement. It will be VERY lame if you can't pull their baton, and it's not looking like you can.


However, this could be the FPS of all time that can actually render you completely defenseless, which needless to say would be the single stupidest mistake in FPS history.


I haven't been disappointed about anything yet, so it's expected there had to be something to be disappointed about.


Not only that, but remeber how fun the fist fights were? I can't see a stun baton fight being very fun at all, sorry.


Shame on whoever made the decision to replace the fists, it was a part of the Dark Forces series and helped define it.:(

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It will be VERY lame if you can't pull their baton, and it's not looking like you can.


Why would it be lame? Stun baton is simply to be a different form of fists; you don't complain about not being able to pull fists do you?


Its a better choice anyway IMO as a last resort weapon.. its more realistic to drop a Stormtrooper whose armor is designed to partially protect from blaster bolts(at least to shield from the debris thrown up) with an actual weapon than to say you're not actually breaking your fists on a stormtroopers relatively hard helmet.


However, this could be the FPS of all time that can actually render you completely defenseless, which needless to say would be the single stupidest mistake in FPS history.


I doubt stun batons will be pullable; if they are, you still have your lightsaber to fall back on, which will be a significantly more powerful weapon anyways.


Not only that, but remeber how fun the fist fights were? I can't see a stun baton fight being very fun at all, sorry.

You swing at them with your fists, you swing at them with a stun baton. What's the difference? They'll probably do the equivalant amount of damage.


Shame on whoever made the decision to replace the fists, it was a part of the Dark Forces series and helped define it

Fists helped define JK??????????????? :confused:

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The fists also worked good if you wanted to call a truce with others.

When your talking, little message things pop over in your head in Quake 3, and Elite force.. i suspect they will be there in JKII.. no need for fists=peace because if they're going to kill you with the message over your head, they'd probably kill you with fists out.


We know that weapons can be pulled from your hands by dark jedi, so what happens when that is done?

Yank out your saber.. :rolleyes:

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This is from the JK2.net news.


Users from the Premier Forums noticed that LEC has updated the Official Jedi Knight II Page with a couple of additions to the FAQs.


Users?! It was me! Me! :p


Aside from that ego trip.. It could be possibly that you just can't attack with your fists, but you can be weaponless. :)

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Why would it be lame? Stun baton is simply to be a different form of fists; you don't complain about not being able to pull fists do you?

Maybe that's because fists are attached to Kyles body duh.:)

Are you implying that the stun baton is attached to Kyle?


Fists didn't help define only JK, it helped define the DARK FORCES series. If it ain't broke don't fix it. I can't think of too many other FPS with fists.


You swing at them with your fists, you swing at them with a stun baton. What's the difference?

The thing is that if you will be able to swing the stun baton, just like you can throw a punch, what's the point? I'm hoping that since they insisted on replacing fists, you can certainly do something other than just swing it

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Guest Krayt Tion

There are a few problems here that I see.


First, that part of the FAQ is poorly written.


From the official FAQ:

3.11 Can you use your fists as a weapon in Jedi Outcast?

The default weapon in Jedi Outcast is the stun baton, not the fists. Kyle begins the game with a stun baton and his trusty Bryar Blaster Pistol. As such, there is no need to resort to fisticuffs.


They didn't explain multiplayer with that statement. I can only assume that means "Kyle begins the [single player] game with a stun baton..." because you will be able to spawn as someone other than Kyle in multiplayer. They only mention Kyle. It seemed pretty clear after the opening line; having the stun baton as default in "Jedi Outcast" would mean that everything in the 'entire game,' single or multiplayer, would start with a stun baton. But then they went and contradicted themselves.


Second, as people have guessed: if there definitely aren't fists in the game, what happens when you try to pull the stun baton? The only two answers are that you automatically switch to another weapon, or it cannot be pulled.


What happens when all your weapons are pulled, what will you switch to if you have no hands? Jedi Sockpuppets? This is the crux opf the matter- if by being "default" Raven designates the stun baton as unpullable, that just sucks. There should be no reason why a stun baton, as a weapon, is not as pullable as the rest of them. This is partially why I think people are concerned.


For further clarification, remember you have to consider the non force multiplayer user in this too; surely there would be no limits to what a Jedi could pull from a NFer in a normal situation (read: no force blocking creatures or such around). A user with good force pull should be able to pull anything from a non force user, so what the sith is a NFer supposed to end up with if all his weapons are pulled? Hands seems like the logical decision to make.


It think Raven needs to reconsider this, or at least clarify the situation in multiplayer.

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Being not able to hit your opponent with a fist, doesn't mean you have no hands. :rolleyes: I have no idea, why Raven didn't make hands a possible weapon, but if someone pulls that Stun Baton away(and I'm sure it will be pullable) then you are defenseless. "What will I do then?" Well, first you avoid your opponents attacks(or run away as fast as you can), then try to find a new weapon OR use your possible Force powers; you are Jedi, you know? So, being defenseless doesn't mean, you should stand still and wait for that last hit. ;) Also, we don't know yet for sure, can Kyle kick; in the movies people didn't jump too many times into fist fights, but they tended to kick each other quite effectively.

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Guest Krayt Tion

I disagree, Kestral. Merely delving into the details of what seems like a valid concern of many here was I. I hope Raven can clarify a bit on the issue. :evanpiel:

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It could always go to "no weapon selected" after the baton gets pulled, y'know.


1) You can still have the oddball "fistfights" with stun batons.


2) When a Jedi with lit saber (or any other operable weapon) pulls your guns you are not going to run up and slug him with any sane chance of success.


3) "Peace" is more universally recognized as an icon above the head in Q3 engine games.


Taking those three into account, is there any reason other than nostalgia to keep the fists?


Oh, and P.S: Deus Ex already did the "completely defenseless" thing. J.C. Denton, nano-augmented superhuman, cannot throw a punch at all. He must have equipment to attack. :D

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Stun baton is simply to be a different form of fists; you don't complain about not being able to pull fists do you?


Laff! :rofl: Agreed 100%! Finally a ray of clarity piercing the quagmire!


What is the big deal with stun baton as the default unpullable weapon? Bare fists are not the mercenary's tool, after all. Might as well have a baton to crack some stormy skull.


I almost wonder if this is a limitation of the q3 engine, that a player must hold some form of weapon at all times. Not sure.

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