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Climbing in JK2


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Just because ladders weren't in JK, doesn't mean they shouldn't be in JKII. :) Ladders are useful when the turbo-lifts break down...or there's a power-cut. :D


Besides, I always found it a little odd in JK that you had some platforms that could only be reached by Force Jump. How did the people working in that area get up to those levels - especially if there was gear stashed there? :confused:


A good example of a game that uses ladders as well as lifts is *groan*Half-Life*groan*. (I hate using that game as an example for everything :rolleyes: ) Some of those ladders were really long (I just remembered HL was quite vertical as well). So, what happens when the turbo-lifts break down in JKII, and you can't Force Jump that high? Ladders make sense even in the SW universe, IMHO. ;)


The other thing that annoys me that is related to climbing...is when you can't jump up onto a box/crate/ledge that is just below or above your eye level in the game. It's a bit stupid having to Force Jump in that instance...especially if there is a low ceiling and you keep whacking your head. Why can't you just climb up onto that box or ledge, as you would in the real world? :rolleyes: (Just pet hate #3 :D - with unbreakable windows at #1, unbreakable doors at #2...etc...)

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Besides, I always found it a little odd in JK that you had some platforms that could only be reached by Force Jump. How did the people working in that area get up to those levels - especially if there was gear stashed there? :confused:

I thought that was a bit odd, too :confused: ah well, I just hope they have an explanation for them in JKII...

The other thing that annoys me that is related to climbing...is when you can't jump up onto a box/crate/ledge that is just below or above your eye level in the game. It's a bit stupid having to Force Jump in that instance...especially if there is a low ceiling and you keep whacking your head. Why can't you just climb up onto that box or ledge, as you would in the real world? :rolleyes: (Just pet hate #3 :D - with unbreakable windows at #1, unbreakable doors at #2...etc...)

I think everyone would agree with you there... I know I do :D

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That kind of situation calls for you to charge your Force Jump. Just hold the button down instead of tapping. But I'm sure you knew that. At least I hope you do. Saves you quite a bit of brain cells it does. :D




Originally posted by OnlyOneCanoli


I don't recall any ropes or ladders in JK. Correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a while.

There weren't any ladders or ropes in Jedi Knight Single Player. Not the SP levels developed by LEC anyway. But there were some in MP levels.


The technique for doing it wasn't around until sometime in early-mid 2000. Just before summer of then I think. Or whenever the Spork Level Pack was released. The Bespin level in that pack has at least one ladder in it. There are a few other levels that contain them, but they were, and still are a rare thing to find in Jedi Knight.

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Half-Life was actually released pretty quick after Jedi Knight. So I'd say yes.


If someone with a fan-made editor could make them for Jedi Knight, then LEC probably could have to. I wouldn't be too surprised if they originally planned on having them in Jedi Knight. But the way that you had to use a ladder, continously using the ladder by pressing your activate key over and over and over and over and over again, probably wasn't worth the trouble when they were making the game.


Did Quake II have ladders?

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If someone with a fan-made editor could make them for Jedi Knight, then LEC probably could have to. I wouldn't be too surprised if they originally planned on having them in Jedi Knight.

Well, LEC made ladders for Infernal Machine which used modified Jedi engine and there was a "special" climbing key included. I don't remember any robes though, because Indy usually used his trusty whip to get into more difficult places. :indy:

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There were ladders in Quake 2. There was no climibing animation though. Like Half-Life/CS/DoD people just seem to float up ladders. Rogue Spear and Medal of Honor had climbing animations, they look pretty damn good.


Anyway ladders are a fairly standard thing in FPS these days. Although i wouldn't really care if they weren't in JKO.

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Originally posted by SaberPro

I don't think there is any ladder or ropes you can climb (especially when you are in an Imperial base.) Why not just take the elevator? (although watching Stormtroopers climbing ladders/ropes would be entertaining)


Acutally I cant really imagine a ladder in an imperial base. Maybe in a sewer system though, or a ventilation shaft. I definatly cant imagine needing to climb up a rope to get to another level......it just isnt technical enough....hey, this is sci-fi :rolleyes:

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I definatly cant imagine needing to climb up a rope to get to another level......it just isnt technical enough....hey, this is sci-fi :rolleyes:

I think it depends on the location developers want us to visit: elevators, ramps or air shafts leading you to the upper level in military installations and robes or ladders in a primitive village(if there is that kind of location featured in JK2).

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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon

I think it depends on the location developers want us to visit: elevators, ramps or air shafts leading you to the upper level in military installations and robes or ladders in a primitive village(if there is that kind of location featured in JK2).



There IS a Yavin IV location in JKII. So I'd guess that there are Massassi villages in there. Isn't that primitive enough?

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