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JO Special Edition?


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RAVE, you've got a point. I was running on 98 and loved it. But I got fireWire and had 98FE (for those who don't know fireWire doesn't work on FE) so I had to upgrade. I'm on ME and hate it. But at least I've got fireWire. But yeah. I have no idea on how they'll handle DF. It will be interesting to see. Also I would be surprised to see them not include MOTS. I've got it and while I don't think much of the single player levels, I love the multi-player levels. It's great!

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The LucasArts Archives Vol. IV - Star Wars Collection II included full version of Dark Forces which had brand new laucher for Windows, but it was only shortcut to Dos. Might be cool, if LEC programmed their older games to use DirectX, like they did with Collertor's CD-Rom editions of both X-Wing and Tie-Fighter(think about all those classics like Sam & Max, Day of the Tentacle, Fate of Atlantis etc. which cannot be played without support for Dos). :(

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Last I heard, WinXP was setup to play older dos based games. My WinXP runs Duke3d, Doom and Wolf just fine. Actually thats not totally true, it runs them at 70000 frames per sec. lol. But some people have made fixes for these games to run at the correct speeds for higher end systems (which is anything past Pentium and graphics in software mode ;) ).

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Oh DF does run under WinXP, you just have to give it a looooooooong time to load (since windows no longer uses those old DOS drivers) and theres no sound. And for best performance emulating it under 95/98 doesn't hurt.


Just got done playing the demo, it's oldschool as hell (and I thought the graphics way back when kicked ass, lol), you could probably emulate this game on a color Palm nowadays :D.

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I sure hope they upgrade Dark Forces to run on newer PC's, which more than likely they have done if they are including it in this special editions pack. I used to be able to get it to run on Windows 98 but the sound was all screwed up, I kept getting these awful reverb noises (voices would echo in cutscenes etc.) and I couldn't remedy the problem unfortunately.


I would also like to see updates for Day of the Tenticle, Fate of Atlantis, and various other LEC classics. Heck I'd buy these games yet again if they updated them to run on my current PC.

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