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Demo in a month!?


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Hi, I'm new here though I've been lurking ever since we were waiting for Obi Wan :) I know most of you, though I don't understand half of you....Rudder and pedals in JK? :p Anyway I'm the brother of ed_silvergun and since the game is nearing release I thought I might aswell sign up and give you some info too.


I have the latest issue of the UK PC Games mag PC ZONE, of which there is already a topic. Anyway, I've been reading for 3 or 4 years and they rarely make mistakes. Now they are promising a demo next issue aswell as a review. They wouldn't say this unless they were confident about it. So if you think about it, a demo in 4 weeks which means it may be on the internet even sooner. Then if you put 2 and 2 together, we have been promised a movie. Well they're hardly gonna release a movie after the demo, so they're likelt to release that a couple of weeks before the demo, meaning a gameplay movie in 2 weeks time!


Of course, this is all sheer speculation, but if you take PC Zone's excellent reputation and do a bit of maths it is entirely possible. What do you guys think?

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I sure hope a demo is on the horizon. I'm getting pretty anxious to play this game. I'm hoping it's a multiplayer demo more than anything, or maybe a multiplayer and a single player demo. If I remember correctly I think Jedi Knight had a multiplayer demo and a single player level demo. I'm more than ready to sink my teeth into this game, and practically drool over every piece of info that comes out about this game. If I didn't have school and work I would lock myself in my room and play the game for months on end once the game arrives on my doorstep, ahhh how I wish I could do that.


Besides, this game is what's gonna keep me happy until Star Wars Galaxies is released.

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I feel a disturbance in the force that a demo is VERY near...isn't it true that FPS games generally realease a demo a few weeks before the retail release? Besides...something is brewing at LEC...they haven't realeased too much since the official site launch and there have been too many clues that a demo was coming to think otherwise. I bet within the next 2 weeks we have a demo on lucasarts.com.



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I would greatly enjoy a demo of the game before it's released. The only downside is that I've got a blah modem. I've yet to get DSL or anything good so it's going to take forever to download such a HUGE thing. My general rule is that if it's bigger than 7 MB, I don't bother, but I'll make an exception for this. But that time that I have to wait for the download to get done is going to be painful. I want this game! I loved JK from the get go and now I want this.

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First off, if u ever move to australia whatever u do DONT get Telstra as your cable/adsl ISP. we have 3gb caps 512/128 uploads/etc and to makes things even more crap we pay $73 soon to be $83 australian dollars (sorry about that, just had to get that off my chest)


anyways i would love a single/multiplayer demo in one, like the Jedi Knight one...or like the GB one. i'm hoping its more than 80mbs.

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I'll second that StephenG. I got telstra...although by March we will have uncapped dl speeds, we still can only dl 3gb a month. Telstra is the leading telecommunications company in Australia. They have a monopoly on the market and stooge us at every oppurtunity they can. I hate telstra. Telstra sux.


Give us a movie a demo ...ANYTHING!!

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I'll have to agree with Swoosh on this. (BTW Swoosh, love the icon. Toe Jam and Earl is one of the greatest games ever. They were supposed to released TJ+E 3 for DC, but didn't, those goobers.)Anyways, LucasArts is usually good with release dates. I expect to have the game by the end of March.

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Thanks :). I figured I'd have a different avatar since I'm a little wierd I guess. Also, Earl's dancing is better than mine...so I guess he's an inspiration in some ways :)


BTW, TJE3 is supposed to come out for an unannounced next-gen console.



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