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Important News about TPMTC


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Its is with a great shame that I have to let the Community know the following news.


Being the resident Project Coordinator of the TPMTC, i planed on getting back into it and finally putting the TC to rest. Yes it is dead, and i don't think anyone really wants to put the work into it to finish it off. My plan is to take everyhting in the state it is in, yes i still have almost everything saved on my Hard Drive, and release it as is. A lot of hard work was put into this TC by a lot of great people. I will be shutting down the TPMTC website once the Outpost D34 server is all set for me to do so again. There won't be any fancy designed page layout or anyhting.. just a simple page with a list of everyhting you can download and links to the respective files, etc. It was gresat while it lasted, and im sorry to see it go. Hopefully i'll be back when Outcast graces shelves in a few months.


till then,





This has lead to the retirment of me in JK Editing and moving onto Jedi Outcast and going on to creating a new Total Conversion, that hopefuly wont take forever.

Im glad to say that its has been a pleasure working on TPMTC, and to see you all enjoy some of the hard work that we have put into the game.


So for the last time- Anakin_pm of TPMTC has gone.


If you would like to post something regarding this please feel free and I shall pass it onto the current members.

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