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dead bodies dissapear


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Guest Krayt Tion

It is highly unlikely that dead bodies in multiplayer will stay in the game for much longer than a few seconds.


Having the bodies remain in single player is more of a possibility but we don't have an official word on any of this.

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hahahaha i hope they leave the ded boodies in sp cuz.. it just looks cool when u have hundreds of enemies charging towards u guns blazing, with you only armed with ure saber and 10 mins later u stand tall with all them enemies laying dead at ure feet.. its probably a mental thing.. depends if lots of 'easily offended' people play the game or not .. i have no idea what im talking about :rolleyes:


but i do know this: umm.. i forgot what i was gonnae say :rolleyes: oh well.. I LOVE YOU ALL! *hugs u all*


im unusually happy today ;D


kim -x-

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Originally posted by Yodimus Prime

Yeah, and you can tell from that crappy icon how?

Right-click it, then click Properties, then look at the URL -




'benholo' - As in 'hologram' - although I agree it is a Jedi 'ghost' of Obi Wan, not a hologram :)

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Originally posted by Skyrunner


Too little RAM is the smallest hardware-problem that can be encountered. Get some more! It's really cheap!


Well everyone better get it soon, because over the next couple of months its going to go up in price to its expenseive price that we were used to :rolleyes:

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Ram is just part of the issue. When DFII:JK came out computers were less powerful CPU and Graphically. So keeping poly counts low (less detailed characters, terrain, etc) and cutting down on waste (dead bodies) reduces overhead on the CPU and video card. I played JK and MOS on a 120mhz Pentium and Monster 3D 3dfx card way back when. And played smoothly which surprised me since it had vast outdoor areas. Ah, Seems like yesterday... I just re-installed JK on modern day rig for some nostalgic fun before JKII comes out. :)

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Yodius Prime, there are two ways he can tell that it is supposed to be a holograph:

1 The Force

2 The fact that it says :holosid: which is short for hollograph of D. Sidius


also, check out this screen shot in the bottom left corner there is a gun but no person, my guess is that the person was killed in this battle and his body disapeared very quickly, I wonder if the dead bodies really do disapear, hint, hint, Raven or whoever knows best about this subject.:p

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