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No Demo!!!


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Oh my god.!!!!

This totally sux, although it depends on lucasarts they may not make a demo, or if they do they will release after the game is released. That is so totally ****e. I live in the middle east and i won't be seeing the game till at least summer 2002 so if they don't release a demo i will die of anticipation, im so desprate for the game, and now i will have to wait even longer... GOD DAMN IT!:mad:

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Well to quote off someone else, there was the E3 demo, which didn't have all the features but would be an appropriate "demo" of the game, so there is no hassle for the team, why don't they just release that... another thing is...why they being so stingy with the screenshots, PC gamer have done an overall review of the game, so in its clarity it is a finished product, so they could do there future customers a little more pleasure by releasing at least a few screenshots a day...sheesh.. i don't mean to complain...ok well i do...heheheh :)

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Once the games done u just can't send it out the door......you need to print packages, burn the CD's etc etc, that in itself takes a month at least, so yeah.....i would think the game is more or less finished and LA reached a deal with PC Gamer UK so they could send a exclusive copy of the game.......but then it seems Raven are still doing a lot of work so maybe they really dom't have time to produce a demo like the answer states......but now i do think the game is finished...more or less. :)

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Well, they did release the Galactic Battleground demo...so they

could release JO demo...but not so soon..my guess, the first or second week of March...most probably after the game has gone gold.;)


Oh...one more thing welcome to the forums, the_immortal...

hope enjoy your stay.;)



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i wuold much rather have the full version out faster than having the demo out and delay the full version....b/c obviously the demo is going to be a one level situation (hopefully it has a MP level) and i would get bored w/ the game with only one level...send out the full version!

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I feel almost faked !!!


I know we have to be patient...the relase date gets closer every minut.


But im hyped above the sky, so that the answer about the demo makes me angry.....i think i need a time out....or i become a hyped and dangerous guy ;)

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Originally posted by Krak3n

Once the games done u just can't send it out the door......you need to print packages, burn the CD's etc etc, that in itself takes a month at least, so yeah.....


They can do the packages anytime. They can do that right now. But you're right about the CD's. I thought they were just testing the game and tweaking different thing.


I'm really excited that this is only a month or so away. I may buy a new computer just so I can play this in my room.

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Some Pros:


-If done well, it can provide perspective buyers with a good reason to purchase the game. It's good free advertising. It's also a good risk-free way to get some people who weren't going to buy the game, to buy it, once they see how good it's going to be.


-On the customer side, playing the demo can potentially save some people from wasting their money on a game they won't like.


-If released before the full game, it can provide fans with something to "tide them over" until the real thing.


-Demos can enhance magazine reviews, by being packaged on CD/DVD to help people see why a game is good/bad.


-Picky consumers may be turned off to the fact that there is no demo, and may resort to "copying" (ie: pirating) a full version in order to "try before they buy." But then piracy may happen anyway... it's just that some people feel guilty about pirating a game they like, and so to make it up to the developers, they will buy a copy (so it balances out).


Some Cons:


-It gives the dev team more work to do, and if released before the game, it takes time away from what they're working on.


-If the demo is bad, or poorly done, it can generate negative publicity for the game, even if the demo is just poorly done, but the full game is fine. Thus some people who were already planning on buying the game, may be turned off to the idea after seeing the bad demo.


-Thus there is great pressure to make sure the demo is good in its own right, much like the full game.


-If the demo is just stuff taken from the full game, this gives a more accurate picture of the final product and if the customer will like it, but it may be the least interesting level, or most unbalanced game mode, etc. It may spoil too much, so that the full game is dull after playing the demo to death.


-The demo may be free, but downloads may clog servers, and be too hard to download for slower people.


-If the demo is too good, people may not bother buying the full game (I remember seeing tons of people playing the JK demo as late as 2000, for example).


-Demos create expectations. If something is in the demo that players like, and it isn't in the full version, they may be disapointed.


I think it's too bad that the industry is in such a state that releasing an official demo before the full game's release isn't considered feasible by a lot of companies. However, that's not to say that everyone is going to buy the game on the day it's released, I just think people should have a way to try the game out before they fork over the money and resources for it. Too many games don't live up to the hype, or are full of bugs and problems that prevent them being fun for the first few months of release (or forever, if the bugs aren't fixed).


That said, I hope that a JK2 demo comes out eventually, and the closer to full release, the better I say. In the back of my mind, I think that if the full game is good enough, and the dev team is good enough, creating a demo shouldn't be that big a deal. But then I'm not a game developer, so what do I know? ; )

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You all need to take all of those answers with a grain of salt. I was asked them in a private message and they were not meant to be published in a public forum (as a result, I will not be answering any more private questions about JK2 - that was the first and last time). I have no control over whether or not we do a demo. But you need to undertsand that making a demo of a game is not automatic, there is work and time involved. If we were to try to get a demo out before the game, it would delay the game perhaps as much as a month, and I see no purpose in that. Perhaps after we go gold we may do a demo, I don't know... as I said, I have no control over that. Regardles of my opinions on whether we should make a demo or not, if LucasArts tells us to make one, we will, if they don't, we won't.

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