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Do you think Sherack's Idea is good?


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Originally posted by silenthunter

Sorry, krkode, but I don't really consider you an oldbie. I consider someone to be an oldbie if they have been here for at least 4+ months. Of Course, the true oldbies have been here since a least.


counts on his fingers *one* *two* *three* *four* *fifth going*


i have been here for 4+ months, and im an oldbie alright, ive been on this forum if not in terms of days in terms of hours as long as or longer than a lot of you "oldbies" ;)

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I'm definately an oldbie, i've been part of GB.com since the 1st day it opened, but i've also been on the JK.net forums and RS.net forums for...oh....a year and a half or more. And, as always seems to be the case, i post less often in less topics. When your new, you are normally concerned about things like post count and getting to know people. Therefore, you post as much as you can about anything, chat, spam, or otherwise. However, as you become a standing member of the forums, you realize that everyone knows and most likely likes you, and that posts really don't mean much at all, so you choose your threads carefully. I only post in threads that interest me, and i skip over the others. I never read a thread on StarCraft anymore, whereas in the beggining i might just to have a post or say something, anything. Now, i couldn't care less about a thread like that, as i has nothing to do with me. Still, i find plenty of threads to post in...normally, and i still visit at least twice on most days. Thats just how i see, maybe its just me....



Anyways, about Stryphe's idea, it could work, though i think that every thread is bound to stray off topic. You just can't discuss one thing for that long of a time. As a result, threads with the (NO CHAT) would probab;y be short-lived and get a much smaller response, as people would be worried about whether what they have to say is "on-topic". Short-lived threads may not be all that much of a problem, but i think that they would be less involving, and the total of threads would decrease overall. Again, this might not be such a bad thing, as the threads would be of better quality. The other problem is that some people might even leave, if they are constantly yelled at or banned by the forummers or mods for what i believe is very close to inevitable. Even in this topic, which is about "staying on topic" we have gotten off-topic. See what i mean?


But i'm not a mod or admin, am I? The choice is not mine, i'm simply a voice of reason. When it comes down, the decision is the mods' and the admins', what they say goes, and anyone who doesn't like it is free to leave. Sherack, Rhett, Niner et all. do what you think is best for the forums, and know that i'll support ya'll in whatever you decide. Afterall, there is a reason why you're mods and i'm not.

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Originally posted by GUNNER


Brown noser.:rolleyes:


Hmm. Maybe, but what i say is what i feel. I couldn't care less at this point about being a mod or having the mods like me. I'm serious, this would be a very important decision for the boards, but i think that they wouldn't choose it if they don't think it is good for the boards. If they do, then they don't deserve to be mods, or even forummers, and thats the truth.


You may think of me what you like, i've gotten to the point where i don't care what others think about me. I guess thats sorta what going to a huge public school requires. Not everyone will like you, or think highly of you, the real problem occurs when you let it get to you.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy




You may think of me what you like, i've gotten to the point where i don't care what others think about me.


Take it easy big fella, I'm just joking with ya, didn't you notice the little roll eyes guy.


Sorry if I offened you in anyway, that was not my intention.

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Originally posted by krkode


counts on his fingers *one* *two* *three* *four* *fifth going*


i have been here for 4+ months, and im an oldbie alright, ive been on this forum if not in terms of days in terms of hours as long as or longer than a lot of you "oldbies" ;)

face it krkode, just cause you post lots doesn't mean you are a oldbie

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Originally posted by Jedi_Knight

face it krkode, just cause you post lots doesn't mean you are a oldbie


well ok, but i wouldnt call myself an oldbie if i came on the first 5 days of it opening, left for a long time and came back today......


i say an oldbie is one who knows a lot of people on the forums, and i know almost everybody who has posted in my time.

and its not the date he joins but the time he spends according to me.


look at yourself for instance you joined in sept while i in oct, do you thik you know as much about forumers here as i do?? ;)

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

But i'm not a mod or admin, am I? The choice is not mine, i'm simply a voice of reason. When it comes down, the decision is the mods' and the admins', what they say goes, and anyone who doesn't like it is free to leave. Sherack, Rhett, Niner et all. do what you think is best for the forums, and know that i'll support ya'll in whatever you decide. Afterall, there is a reason why you're mods and i'm not.

But mods and admins are still humans. We CAN be wrong, and we WILL be wrong if we don't know the members' own opinions. Maybe I didn't interpret your point correctly, but it seems like you are degrading yourself compared to mods and admins... You opinion is as valid as mine or Rhett's!


Mods can screw up. It's part of our job that it does not happen often, and to correct these errors when they happen.

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Originally posted by krkode



look at yourself for instance you joined in sept while i in oct, do you thik you know as much about forumers here as i do?? ;)

yes I do

I just don't post as much now but I still come and read the posts lots.

people would spend more time here than you would, alot of them just don't post as much as you do

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Anyways, about Stryphe's idea, it could work, though i think that every thread is bound to stray off topic. You just can't discuss one thing for that long of a time. As a result, threads with the (NO CHAT) would probab;y be short-lived and get a much smaller response, as people would be worried about whether what they have to say is "on-topic". Short-lived threads may not be all that much of a problem, but i think that they would be less involving, and the total of threads would decrease overall. Again, this might not be such a bad thing, as the threads would be of better quality. The other problem is that some people might even leave, if they are constantly yelled at or banned by the forummers or mods for what i believe is very close to inevitable. Even in this topic, which is about "staying on topic" we have gotten off-topic. See what i mean?


Okay Tie Guy, maybe I can help address those concerns:


First, "short lived" or "smaller" threads is, as you said, not necessarily a negative thing. Remember, for the creator of the thread, it's supposed to be about quality over quantity. The thread creator should realize if he wants the thread to be large and be high in interest he/she should not dismiss chatting. However, if the thread creator really wanted an in depth and intelligent discussion, but may only consists of two other posters for ten posts, he/she should tag the thread title (NO CHAT). The Thread creator therefore knows ahead of time what he/she is going to get in response, they asked for it.


Secondly, I don't think a few "NO CHAT" threads would dissuade or alienate newbies or current members from posting and/or leaving the forum any more than a whole other separate forum where they can't post would. Let's be honest, it's the minority who don't whish any chatting in the forum, and therefore the minority of threads would be marked (NO CHAT). So the remaining 98% of threads would still be available for chat orientated posting. And if someone really wanted to post in a thread marked (NO CHAT) so bad that they'd leave the forum over it, I think they probably have something to say that would add to the discussion, don't you. So they have nothing to worry about. No one says to themselves:


"Gee, I really want to go into that thread on Quantum Physics and ask if anyone's seen that new Brittany Spears movie, but it's marked (NO CHAT). That's not fair, I'm leaving!"


Of course not, instead they say:


"Hey, there's a thread entitled "what did you do today?" I bet I can ask if someone's seen that new Brittany Spears movie in there!"


And conversely:


"Gee, I really want to go into that thread on Quantum Physics and ask if someone knows about the 'super string theory' of electrons in time and space, but it's marked (NO CHAT) I wonder if they would cosider the 'super string theory' chatting?"


Of course not and they know that! But...


"Gee, I really want to go into that thread on Quantum Physics and ask if someone knows about the 'super string theory' of electrons in time and space, but now they are talking about how bad of an Actress Brittany Spears is, I wish they had marked it (NO CHAT)!"


So you see, it would greatly enhance the forum experience for those who would want to discuss topics in detail without fear it would break down into "who had McDonalds for lunch?" And it would also vastly improve the forum experience for those who want a "community" and want to chat amongst friends. But here's the real selling point...


Both of the above mentioned types of posters can move freely in and out of both types of thread and discussions!


In other words, I can post the "Super String theory" in the Quantum Physics thread marked (NO CHAT) and then I can post in the thread below it and tell them, "I saw that movie and that Brittany Spears is the worst actress to ever grace the silver screen, Oh and by the way I had a Big Mac for lunch, mmmmm"! All without having to gain permission to get into a separate forum or even jump into another forum!


Personally, I think this idea can solve most of this forums woes and growing pains, by letting those who wish to chat more do so, without infringing on those who hold sacred, the art of debate and intelligent discussion.


I hop that helps sooth your concerns, thank you

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Originally posted by GUNNER

Take it easy big fella, I'm just joking with ya, didn't you notice the little roll eyes guy.


Don't worry, didn't you read my post? Maybe you were joking, but i wasn't. I'm not bothered by what people say about me on this board, and this isn't the first time i've said this. I'm not easily bothered or worried about what people i don't actually know and will never see think about me. Even people i do know and will see again i don't really care too much. Anyways....i guess thats what i get for trying to be serious around here :rolleyes:


Sherack, i'm not saying i'm inferior to you (i'd never truly admit to myself that i'm inferior to anyone ;)), or that anyone else is either. All i'm saying is that when the time comes to decide, its not my choice, its your, as well as the others mods. Being a mod gives you some power, but with that comes responsibilty, the responsibilty to uphold your duties, and to also make decisions. All the mods are very competent people, though it is true they can make mistakes. Still, it doesn't matter if your right or wrong, we may never know which was best, all that matters is that whatever you decide, you choose that because you think it is best for the boards as a whole. That responsibilty belongs to the mods, not the forummers, its a burden you must carry, not me.



Oops...there i go getting all serious again.....

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Originally posted by AU_heavyarms

I know it sounds stupid, Sherack, but what gave you this idea? It wasn't my fight between me and Rogue Nine.

No. I had this idea in my head for a while now... Most oldbies I chat with on MSN Messenger were always saying that the boards are not what they once were (myself included)... I originally just joked about secretely creating a V.I.P. forum for them only. The name stuck. :) Your fight with Nine had nothing to do with it.


Hopefully the newly announced Expansion Pack for GB will give this board a new life! :D

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Don't worry, didn't you read my post? Maybe you were joking, but i wasn't. I'm not bothered by what people say about me on this board, and this isn't the first time i've said this. I'm not easily bothered or worried about what people i don't actually know and will never see think about me. Even people i do know and will see again i don't really care too much. Anyways....i guess thats what i get for trying to be serious around here :rolleyes:



I can relate to that. I'm sure I will never meet anyone that I have come to know here either. But it does bother me when someone I have know for 3 years says they are disapointed with something I posted. Why would I feel bad since this person is just an on-line buddy?


Well, I like to feel like I have in some way tried to make a difference for the better around here by what I have done and said. And if I have let someone down some how then my job as being someones friend is in jepordy. I have met alot of people here in 3 years and I would like to think that in some way I have made there stay here more enjoyable and fun.



But like I said, I can see your point of veiw, I just think it's a little off , but to each there own.;)

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