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Why so much media?

Rebel Loyaltist

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If you live in California you probably know about Danille the missing girl. Her kidnapping (or what it's assumed to be) has gotten tons of media in the last few weeks. My question is why? Why does her case get so much media? Kids end up missing all the time and never come back home yet they don't get any media. Why is this? This has puzzled me for a long time.

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I have no idea why some stories are huge "news breakers" while the same thing will happen 2 days later and it will go unnoticed.


I do know that most kidnappings involving little kids are pretty big news. Probably becasue everyone that watches the news was a parent at one time or will be and everyone can relate to it some how,

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News networks are all about sensationalism. Although some missing children are never found, news broadcasters fail to send across the message that an overwhelming majority of missing children are found and safely returned to parents. It's kind of sick the way some people will use stories like these as ratings-grabbers.

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Yeah, it all depends on if it's a "slow news day" or not.

If the newscasters and reporters have nothing better to talk about that day, such as who's Bill Clinton showin' his willie to at the moment, are Britney's breasts real and is she still really a virgin, or that Olympic Figure-Skating Judges may be (GASP!) a wee-bit biased, then they might bother to do a piece on a missing child.


Don't even get me started on the weather guys! Everytime there's even the slightest possibility of a bit of precipitation around here, especially if it's snow, then that's the big headline and what all the channels start thier newscasts with. Like it's never happened before around here.


If they have enough to talk about then the missing child angle will have to be dropped.

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It all rides on the circumstances of the crime.


A guy shoots his wife and then shoots himself. Standard murder-suicide. Media reports on it when it happens.

A guy walks into a Taco Bell, screams "I am the angel of death; the time of purification is at hand," kills the guy standing next to the trash can, and then shoots himself. This one is GUARANTEED to get extra coverage because of the part where he was insane.


Now, as for this missing girl thing (which i haven't heard about so it mustn't be all that big a thing), it probably all deals with the actual event itself. Most missing person cases are incredibly simple or mysterious and there's simply nothing to report, like a dad just takes off with the kid and never turns up.

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Originally posted by Commander 598

Speaking of that Olympic scandal...


I think the Russians should keep the medal. I think Russia is a helleva lot bigger friend than Canada in the way of warfare.


I know for a fact that Canada's entire military force was destroyed on D-Day back in WWII.

They don't even have a military force anymore.


The US could take either country. Russia is in poverty and Canda doens't have a military.

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We do NOT have the nuclear capability to destroy the world 3 times over. We have the ability to ride out an attack, strike back, take another hit, and then deliver a killing blow. If Russian nuked the US RIGHT NOW, more than 80% of our warheads would be destroyed. But that 20% that would make it through would be more than enough to **** up the other guy, and that's the reason for nuclear overkill. So the next time you think 11000 warheads seems like "a ****ing huge pile of death" just think that only 2200 of those things are the only thing standing between us and horrible flaming death.

Just be glad that the US and Russia have it all together and no one goes with what I call "the ape **** scenario." In the event of a massive first strike by the Russians (or we just feel psycho), the US launches everything it's got in one huge spasm, spewing atomic death in every direction. So it's now a nuclear free for all and it's not so much that you win, but lose less than the other guy. Since everything has gone "ape ****" all bets are off and London and Paris are as valid a target as Moscow and St Petersburg. I mean, what if the swiss suddenly rise up in the post-exchange enviroment and the crippled US can't do anything about it? better that Geneva and Zurich are vaporized NOW while we still can, just in case. Nuclear war is a beautiful thing; logic desintegrates faster than the H-Bomb will suck the paint off your house.


The important points:

1) America has a giant pile of nuclear bombs so that we can guaranteedly destroy whatever pisses us off even if they jump us.

2) America will do whatever it feels like doing once a city gets vaporized, regardless of who's city and why.

3) Canada does not have this capability. Canada therefore sucks. All the cool kids have the bomb. ****ing Pakistan has the bomb. It's a sad state of affairs when South Africa has the bomb and Canada doesn't. North Korea is like the most sucky country that ever sucked a suck and THEY might have the bomb yet Canada doesn't. NOTE TO CANADA: Get the bomb, paint your ***gy maple leaf on the side, and be sure not to give it a ***gy name like "Royal Canadian High Altitude Rocketry Patrol" like you did with your "Land Force." Call it an ARMY, not a Land Force. While you're at it Canada, design and build our own stuff instead of buying ours and putting a C in front of the designator. Everyone knows the CF-18 is really an American F-18 with a C in front of it to trick us. Israeli builds it's own fighters and I have yet to actually see a picture of a factory in Israel. However, I have actually seen factories in Canada. Are they busying making substandard goods that are heavily subsididized by the canadian government and then sold to the US?


In short:

US>Russia>Pakistan>South Africa>Canada>I accidentally typed an extra > because I couldnt' think of anything lower.



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Originally posted by Nute Gunray


Interesting... If you just glance at a random part of that character string it looks as if Noot is trying to spell the word "sausage" repeatedly, and never quite completing it.

Funny how the brain works,.. eh?

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