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Jan Ors Model!!!!!!!!!!

Keiran Halcyon

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and speaking about Jan...

Jan has become one of the few people Kyle trusts and perhaps the only person in the galaxy he cares for more than himself.

This makes me think she will get in trouble, and we will have to rescue her or something like that

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Yeah and he didn't get any action packed moments in DF or JediKnight. so maybe he'll be doing lots of stuff with her in the 3rd installment of the DarkForces Trilogy!!!


lots and lots of stuff.


He shoot's .........He scores!!!!!!!! thats 1 up for Kyle Katan

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Guest Krayt Tion
Originally posted by digl

and speaking about Jan...

This makes me think she will get in trouble, and we will have to rescue her or something like that


Wouldn't be the first time :)

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I woudn't mind rescuing Jan again, I just hope it's not the main plot. Maybe a one mission thing, like in DF. Seeing that Jan is so early in the game, right before Kyle goes to the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV, mildly suggested to me at first that it resembles the plot of the book "I, Jedi." For those who haven't read it, the book is about Corran Horn (the "I" and for that matter the "Jedi" in "I, Jedi"), a pilot who is strong in the Force. In the beginning of the book, Corran's wife dissappears and Corran has to go to Yavin to learn how to be a Jedi so he can get her back. Good book.

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I like the story motivation of them actually having a potential romantic relationship...at least it provides real Human motivation for some of their actions, rather than the cliché, "I must save the galaxy", thing.


On an entirely different note, is it just me, or does anyone else think that Jan's blaster looks extremely similar to the BlasTech DH-17? Very interesting :cool:


Jan's Blaster:


<img src="http://www.lucasarts.com/products/outcast/images/models/24.jpg">


BlasTech DH-17:


<img src="http://www.jediknightii.net/_vagabond/images/column_002/BlasTechDH-17.jpg">

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