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My first 'might be' successful 200 max pop game.


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I've gone from the 25 max population to 200. I figured it'd be more fun to have a ton of stormtroopers, etc. but i knew i was going to get swarmed somehow. I picked arena, random map, and one random enemy, on moderate difficulty. I was expecting the enemy to be the rebels and i didn't check when i first got into the game, so i was building a ton of aa troops, and then dozens of gungans attack my wall, i quickly build an airbase, and take them out...the game's been lasting quite a while, and I think I may just win this one. I keep building advanced bombers and i have 3-4 advanced turrets in the middle of the battlefield, they have their fortresses set up, so i can't really get in and do a quick assault (however, i did take out 2 of their command centers). I built like 50 repeater troops just for fun, and went to their base to take out some of their aa troopers (they learned to build them cause i kept attacking thier mechs with my bombers...however, they don't got the guts to build like 50 of them and send them into my base to attack all my air...which is a relief, if they would've done that at the beginning, i would've been toast. :) SO, I have those 3 advanced turrets walled in, and a power core by them, and also a shield generator right next to that, so they go strong with those mechs...I had like 13 atsts and they seemed to work well, but they were overpowered, and i need to get some more...i'm not sure if i should invest in some AT-ATs, as i've used up alot of nova, and it's REALLY expensive since i needed ore to build a bunch of turrets...the gungans control about the whole top of the map on top of that. I don't know how I'll build a fortress, I think that's one of the keys to weakening them...I'm more concerned with defense at the moment, cause I need some time to mass a decent strike force to take out a few of their buildings (that are outside their wall...) So far tho, the gungans have kept me on the edge of my seat. :)

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Depending on your settings you could also just build a monument. It sounds like you're shy on ore so buy some from the spaceport. If you run short of Nova, you can sell Carbon or Food to make it up.


As soon as you build it, he'll attack so make sure you have it surrounded by turrets, Anti-air and at least one shield gen. Once it's built if you have time and resources, build a shield wall around it all. If you don't have enough ore build two layers of light walls. Garrison the workers in the turrets and if he does start getting hits on the monument you can eject them and have them repair it. Even if he trashes your troops you will win if you can hold him off about 20 minutes.

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i lost...i ran outta resources...the game lasted 10 hours. :eek:


I did catch them off guard once tho..I put my initial base as a decoy, moved all workers near their carbon, built a troop center, and built like 50-70 stormtroopers, and built an airbase and a bunch of tie bombers...i wiped out a few of their carbon facilities, why they built like 20 of them, i have no idea...


I ended up losing at the end tho, I even threw a simon in there, to make the game last another 30 minutes...


edit: the setting was on conquest. :)

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Conquest mode is a pain in the undercarraige. At least in AoK (haven't bothered to try it in GB because of this), the computer is just relentless when it knows all it has to do is wipe you to win the game.


If you play in "standard" mode, the computer is more "diffuse" in its strategy. It's more explorative, looking for holocrons, etc... And that also means if the game goes one for too long and becomes a sort of WWI-style trench-warfare draw, where he can't get you but you can't really get him either (without a lot of pain), that you can instead, build a monument and end it that way. It's easier (and takes less powerful forces) to do a good defense than to make a devastating attack.


50-70 storm troopers by themselves, is not really enough. You need a mixed force of 70 or so units for a good attack -- including either heavy assault mechs, pummels, artillery, or canons to wipe out his buildings quickly.


TIE bombers are not too useful, because they get wasted too easily.


Now, if you were playing the Rebels or the Naboo, I'd advise you to go after the computer's sorry butt with 30 or 40 bombers and a 20-30 fighter escort... but ast the Empire, that nasty little combination is not a guaranteed win (as it is with Naboo or the Rebs). So you want a nice, balanced ground force -- with some nice AA-trooper/AA-mobile protection vs. enemy air power.


In general, against good defenses, stormtroopers alone are just not going to cut it. They make good support forces for a group of AT-ATs and other Mechs, especially if they're fully upgraded... but not on their own. They're too low on hit points and can't soak up the kind of damage a mech or a pummel can...

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That makes sense if you're used to 25 max population... no one with 25 max would be prepared for the # of workers you need. In a 200 max pop. game, you need at least 10 carbon, 10 food, and possibly more, before going to TL 2, and you need a bunch of nova and ore gatherers once you hit TL 2 (I try to make 2 of each, if possible, while still in TL 1).

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