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The Faculty


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The faculty of a school is a bunch of aliens. Some of the kids find out and try to kill them all while staying alive. It's a good movie if you like B grade movies..


If you like horror go rent Event Horizon. That flick is sick and twisted. I loved it...:D


Time to go home, later.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

I went to see that when it came out. I really enjoyed it. Wasn't expecting it to turn out that way. :)



I saw Event Horizon on tv a while ago. I wasn't really paying attention so I didn't understand why that guy dug his eyes out. :confused:


I think it was that he "in a way" became one with the ship. The ship had supposedly went to hell and came back and now this guy was the head man.. He was also the guy who built the ship so he had a personal connection with it... He dug out his eyes because the ship helped him to "see things" and so he didn't need then any more... I think..


I like it, it game me the creeps though. go rent the movie, if you saw it on TV you missed a bunch I would bet..

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