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Official Release Date


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<font color=cbcbff> Why they would put an exclusive on an american game in an american based magazine and then put it only in the UK is beyond me. But it would make ABSOLUTELY no sense for them to release a highly anticipated american game in the UK first. None at all. I really doubt it.

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Guest X-Vector
Originally posted by Obi

But it would make ABSOLUTELY no sense for them to release a highly anticipated american game in the UK first. None at all. I really doubt it.


Elite Force was released in the UK before the US and Europe, by a couple of days.

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Well Obi, IAt first i thoguht u were Obi Kwan and i thought ur brain had been taken over by somesort of alien species outside our galaxy... but it was only Obi :) Star Wars is NOT American... it is universal and no need to be so biased. :cool:

Also PCG UK are pretty stupid and give bad reviews. They're the sort of people who would put an advertisement for a TV behind the front cover.

But there is some way that the game will come here first since it's already in america and given out as a world-wide release.

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Actually, there's this one great place in a mall near my house, which usually has games ON their shipping date, or one day after. So, I'll probably have it before anyone here! mwuhahahahahaha...unless of course some evil darksider here would want to download the EVIL warez copy that is bound to be out on the shipping date as well! I would NEVER dream of doing that to LucasArts or Raven! THEY DESERVE MY MONEY IF THEY MAKE A GAME AS GOOD AS THIS SEEMS TO BE!

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I was at a Software, Etc. yesterday and I asked the guy to look on the compter to check the release date. He mentioned that the Special Limited Edition and the regular one were coming out on the same day, April 3.


I was unnaware of there being more than one version. Odd. I apologize for all the VB code and bad spelling. Ha.

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Well that's sort of cool, I suppose. I wish it was more of a "special" thing that just giving you games that many of the JK community have already. But it's cool! That's fine, you definately don't lose anything by getting it! The only thing that really bugs me is the April release date, revealed almost immediately after the official trailer said it'd be out in March. Go figure. I guess I'll live!:deathstar

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I just reserved my JK2:Special Edition at Software Etc., and the date was April 3rd as you said darky. But they are saying April 3rd to be safe, the dates we have are all over the place so there is no official date right now. The trailer said March, so I won't expect anything later. I have a feeling they will release an official date soon.

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Why is everyone arguing about whether it is coming out in march or April? It isn't official until Lucasarts says when it is coming out. But a little hint, look at all the trailers, they all say March 2002. So I don't think they would put that if it wasn't coming out in March.


I am curious where they say "Demo is rumored to come out late feb. early march.." Are they talkinga bout these forums? That is the only place I have seen it rumored. I still think there is going to be one, I just think the Raven Software guy is trying to trick us....


March..25 though I don't know. Would they bring it out on a monday? I wonder...it just might work...

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