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Did you play JK as a light jedi or a dark Sith the first time?


Good/Bad/or Ugly?  

75 members have voted

  1. 1. Good/Bad/or Ugly?

    • Light
    • Dark
    • Didn't play JK

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I had read the instructions and saw how 'your actions will guide you to the light or dark' ... and I already had light-side tendencies.


I found it didn't really matter that I force pulled weapons rather than just killing everyone in sight ... so long as I left innocents alone ;)

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I don't think your actions in the game have anything to do with it, its simply how you spend your points at the Jedi Powers screen. I killed all the droids and civvies yet still ended up a Light Jedi.


Recently I played through JK1 again, this time as a Dark Jedi. The Dark ending is the most stupid FMV sequence I've ever seen. The FMV throughout JK1 was poor, but that last Dark scene was just ridicoulous.

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I played SP with lightside powers and just considered it common sense to not shoot innocents. :) I later beat the game with darkside powers and thought that it was fun either way.


Originally posted by ukdag69:


The Dark ending is the most stupid FMV sequence I've ever seen. The FMV throughout JK1 was poor, but that last Dark scene was just ridicoulous.


That may be so, but nothing compares to the horrible ending that they gave us in Mysteries of the Sith. For a game that was about twice as hard as Jedi Knight, I expected a better reward/ending.


Both games were great in SP though, however you played them. I think I had the most fun playing SP when I spent time trying to find all of the secrets/hidden areas in each level. In my opinion, if you haven't found them all, you simply haven't beat the game yet. :)

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I just tested t->tab->red5... AFAIK that only gives you all weapons (and tab is not necesary) :(


But, in the beginning of the 4th level (The Jedi's Lightsaber, or something like that) when you get the ls from weegee, if you strike the poor robot for a while (I mean a LOT) when you destroy it the voice of Rahn says that you have chosen the dark path :)

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The first I did was the dark side. The FMVs weren't that bad! And the dark side powers rock!! The ending was obvious once you defeat Jerec. The light side was interesting and a good ending. MOTS ending was horrible. It was a no-brainer figuring out that Kyle was going to be converted to the light side again by Mara (I only realized that I couldn't finish the game by hacking Kyle after some 20 tries at it!). But thats it! There was nothing to it! FMV sequences would have been good in MOTS plus there was no real dark Jedi to fight and kill. I thought Mots itelf was a better game than JKI. So next time....come to the dark side.....it is your destiny....ahhhhhhh........hooooo.........ahhhhhh.......hoooooo.

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I played light side first also, but I played around with it and discovered that if i killed innocent bystanders whenever i saw an opening, that i would end up dark. I also found that if you use your dark powers alot and just play normally but with an excess of dark powers, that you will end up dark. Of course spending your points in dark force powers was a sure fire way to end up dark.

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I played light and then dark.

My brother slashed every innocent yelling "Get out my way you door knobs" with his lightsaber. Then he choose the light forcepower but he was so evil all his points for the lightside side were taken away and he was instantly seduced by the dark side! He was so dissapointed he started from the beggining again and has never played Dark since :D . Poor guy doesn't know what he's missing!

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But let me say I thoroughly enjoyed Dark Side as well... I played both each at least a couple of times. ; )


Now in Multiplayer, I played both quite a bit.


One thing about MotS though, it forces you to play as a "light sider" (even though the force is "gray") and everytime you kill a civilian or AI buddy (but not a droid) your mana is completely drained (along with a fizzling sound).


However, you can go on a rampage slaughtering people with force push, and you never recieve any penalty (slamming them against walls or off cliffs). I did this for example on the Bespin Secret Level... mean ol' Luke!

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