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Which difficulty setting?


Which difficulty setting will you play first?  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. Which difficulty setting will you play first?

    • Rookie
    • Jedi
    • Jedi Adept
    • Jedi Master

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Yeah I see what you are saying Justus, the difficulty wasn't that different in JK, but I bet it will be a big difference from Rookie to Jedi Master. I bet there will be a big difference from Rookie to Jedi, not so much from Jedi to Jedi Adept, and a HUGE difference from Jedi Adept to Master. After reading your posts and thinking about it, I want to know the story too much to just kill myself over and over again. Therefore I think I will vote Jedi Adept.

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I usually go backwards, I go on the hardest difficulty and go back for some reason... I still have no idea why I do this. But one thing I do know, that once you play multiplayer single player becomes a breeze, especially after you learn new tactics and learn from others on-line.

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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe

i laugh at all of the people who can't play first person shooters on hard difficulty....after virtually any time of playing COMPETITIVELY in any fps, you will laugh too at the sheer pathetic tendencies of ALL AI....i can go through lets say...JK guns levels without getting shot once....you learn to avoid shots, to use tactics...compared to the dynamicism of deathmatches, the ai is no match..


If you've only played against AI the quality of Jedi Knight, I think you'll be in for a surprise in JKII.


BTW, with JK MP, with all its glorious lag, I'd be surprised if I got hit by anything that didn't have splash damage. :rolleyess


I'd like to know what separates the difficulty levels; if it's just less ammo and more enemies like in Jedi Knight or something more "sophisticated"... and if Raven makes games like R15 says, I'll probably choose Jedi Adept or Jedi Master...

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I am going to play it at jedi adept. Because I know I will be playing this game alot more than just once. So you can have a new suprise atleast the second time you play it...thats my vote. Plus I hear this AI is pretty tough, so it might be better to start a little less then normal to get used to the lightsaber and how the AI works.


Thats my vote...I want to hear Gonk's.

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I will probably go Jedi Adept on the first run through just to see the story quicker. I would hate to get killed again and again by some suped up Jedi AI and slow down the progress and flow of the game. But if it's too easy or I get used to the level of difficulty I will switch up to Master providing they allow switching during SP games. But I am most looking forward to getting into MP as I have had little to no experience in MP FPS and I will want to play this game online especially seing as I have cable modem it would be stupid not to.

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Of course, for most players, it will matter what scale the difficulty actually translates to ... I have found the defaults on Elite Force a bit easy for the most part, and on RtCW and MoH:AA to be reasonable.


However, I'm just a normal gamer, not some deity like thrEEpaGe who is either so tremendous a player or such an immature, full of sh*t geek that he feels the need to not only post three times in *this* thread to boast how 'all FPS sux, I rulez' - let alone how he does it in all other gameplay related threads, but also to put down anyoen who can't play on hard settings and have a sig calling peolpe losers ... but I forgot, MP gaming (for some) isn't about enjoying the story and immersing yourself in the gameplay and strategy, but trashing others ...


Personally, I'm pretty good - not great - but I still get shot in JK ... hell I get shot in Dark Forces and Doom ... I'll go somewhere in the middle and really try to enjoy the game - not just shooting but the environs and story.



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Totally agree we could do without sad egotistical people like thrEEpaGe that just post to try to boost their pathetic ego. Some people play the game to enjoy it and are not out there to proove anything about their gameplay expertise. What level difficulty you choose in the SP game does not indicate any skill level in MP. Sometimes you might find a human opponent easier than an AI opponent especially with the sophistication of AI scripting getting better and better. There is no doubt that an AI bot can be programmed with perfect accuracy skills which is impossible for a human. So we'll have to wait and see how good the guys at Raven are at programming the AI.

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Guest Lord Chief

As I recall correctly Raven made two people in the development work fulltime on the AI. These are also some of the AI routines that were/will be used in SoF2.


I personally think we can be pretty sure the AI of the Sith Lords well have to face in SP aswell as teh bots in MP will be quite good. Have a little faith :)

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