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Rumor about JK2 specs?


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From that last Preview/Review from Futurelooks.com they say that the rumor is that JK2 will maybe use a Star Trek Elite Force engine which of course is the Q3 engine or Team Arena, what ever it is, I just hope thats true because all of us that don't have great PC's will be able to enjoy the game really well! I really do hope that it's not the SOF2 engine.




I can play ST Elite Force really well so I hope JK2 will be kind of like it.


Specs are:

P3 766mhz,

512MB ram,

Geforce 2 MX/400 64MB PCI ( PC does not have AGP slot :-(,

40 Gigs,

DSL connection :-)

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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon

JK2 uses heavily modified Quake3: Team Arena engine just as SOF2, but Raven have took the latter one a little bit further. Still both games are gonna look awesome, and I'm sure JK2 will run fine with your PC.


Yeah, don't call it the "SOF2 Engine" because its the Quake III: Team Arena Engine modified for SOF2. It's just a picky way of saying it but it's more accurate.

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Originally posted by JediDante

Well MOHAA runs pretty good on my PC but still JK2 is going to be bigger in terms of Graphics so thats why I posted this post


please don't flame me



Are u kidding? If MOHAA runs fine on your pc then u won't have problems running JO...


A lot of people have problems with fps in MOHAA...



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Agen_Terminator, did you know you spelled Agent wrong? I just noticed that, keen as I am. :rolleyes:


What are the system specs according to PC Gamer, by the way?


Oh, and JI:2 should have as good or a little bit worse graphics than Medal of Honor. I've read previews that said the graphics are sweet, but not as good as such games as Return to Castle Wolfenstein, for example, which runs without a skip on my 1 Ghz w/ a Geforce 2 GT.


I'm not worried about it. The screenies and video look awesome to me, I don't need any better graphics than that.

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Speaking of spelling errors...what in the world is JI? ;) I think that people are getting worked up over nothing. Usually the makers of a game try to get the game working on both low- and high-end systems, meaning that we might have options for graphics detail, explosions, lightsaber trails, and other things that can cause probs. This means that even if ur system's not that good, u'll still be able to play the game.

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Various places have put JKII just below RtCW and MoH:AA in terms of graphics - but PCG-UK speaks highly of the graphics and how beautiful it represents the SW Universe.


So ... I would dare say that the ability to run RtCW well *is* fairly indicative of JKII performance.



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Hey guys, I was worried about my computer too,


Yoda Stories was running a little slow this morning, is that a bad sign? I mean Kings Quest 1 was having some bad fps...but i dont' know. Jedi Outcast is supposed to be a little better graphics wise...




Dude relax your computer will do fine. I have a geforce2 and i am not sweating. Think of it this way, when you get the game and you have to turn down the settings...it will be like a whole new game when you get a computer upgrade!!


shout out to Gonk... CRIIIIICKY!!

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lol! hehe


Well I feel better now!

I have been playing Max Payne again and the game just rocks!


I have everything on High and the res on 1024x768x16 bit and I get a good 30 fps


I also have it on Anisotropic and texture color depth 16 bit.



So I think that JK2 should be good :):deathii:

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