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same here...I like that spaceport level, sith temple, and cargo ship. btw, get patch commander and saber battle x 3.0!!! well, that's for saber fighting...i haven't done guns in forever, i always lose...Full Force is awesome, favorite force power for me is Lightning and Push. Just don't let rhett get the carbonite gun or concussion rifle. :D


edit: use force push to drown dark mara


later on you get to fight.....SITH STATUES AND VORNSKR!!!!

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel




*giggles* vice versa ;)


BTW, why don't we join together so we can beat on EETS :p

HAHAHAH! My nephew can beat eets! He's a breeze.

My real dilema is should I buy JK now, or, since I'm preordering JK2 and getting it for free should I wait? I know if I wait I'm probably never going to play JK again, since I'll have JK2, which will most likely be more superior

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