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whats the closest related game to JK II


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OK so Jk 1 is the closest related but have any of u guys played severence blade of darkness. This game has the best combat system in the world and almost infinite number of weapons it also has a various number of combat moves that ull never get bored of, in terms of lightsaber battles this game is the closest. If u can't afford to wait any logger for JK II get this baby it keeps me going...happily! :):newbie:

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Its hard to say.. we really don't know if the movement physics are going to be the same as JK or simliar to those of EFs. Also, it depends how force is.. if force powers are more or less taking a back seat in this game, similiarities between JK ff and JO ff are going to small.. at least in how it handles and combat strategies.


If you wanted to best prepare yourself, I'd play elite force and Jedi Knight equally..... up until we know which game JO is going to be the closest to.


as far as MP goes at least :)

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I can't believe no-one here mentioned Heretic II, also developed by Raven. :eek:


That game would give you a good grounding in the 3rd person saber style combat that will be in JKII, because the attacks are also dependent on movement, you get a 3rd person crosshair, and a bladestaff, wall jumps, rolls...basically some of the same moves you will be able to pull off in JKII. It was developed using the Quake 2 engine...so it's probably more representative of the type of physics in the Quake engine (yes, I know Q3A was rewritten...but it's not vastly different to Q2, IMHO). You should be able to find a demo of Heretic II (on Fileplanet if nowhere else).


As for Force powers, you would have to play either JK or MotS to get a handle on that.


In terms of scripting, AI and weapons, I'd give Elite Force a whirl too, as it's the last game Raven released. Just keep in mind they've made vast improvements to everything since then. ;)


Having played Severance...I can't really say that's a very good example of what JKII would be like, because the combat style is so different, and nowhere near as fast.

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A combination of JK and MotS (JK + some of the conventions of MotS, but lacking all the options).


As far as styles are concerned, see Dark Forces and JK1.


For graphics engines see Quake3 Team Arena, Elite Force, and the new SOF game. For netcode, same.


The combat sounds like JK1 just with more animations, plus some conventions from Bushido Blade 2 (multiple stances, blades locking).


For gameplay modes, see most modern FPS games...

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Here is our list so far (of the ones that are CLOSE):

Space Invaders



Pac Man

Chip's Challenge


Alex Kid in Miracle World


Super Mario Bros.

Sonic the Hedgehog

Spy vs. Spy



Redent's Revenge


And now for my additions:

Battletech (the original)

Commander Keen



Billy the Kid

Cannon Fodder (YES!)

Donkey Kong

Scorched Earth

Mortal Combat

Final Fantasy

X-Men (for GameGear)

Space Bats

Laser Light

Might and Magic

Empire Strikes Back (for Atari)


I think that's enough for now.

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