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What do you want to see in a GF site?


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do u mean team up and do a site together?, cos that aint a bad idea. well, we'll have to see what the others think. If these sites are to be hosted by the GFN then quality is important and i dont think we should just submit sites that tell us the same thing. Thats why i was reluctant to submit the one i made as i dont think i has nethin different to offer. We could have sites that specialise in certain areas, like one site could deal with fan art, another with news, another with...*searches for more ideas*(!) well u know what i mean! just an idea, but i do think its important that all hosted sites are unique and can each offer something different to the community ;)

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The only thing that I can exclusively offer is MY style of GF comics.. but I'd like to have have something else to fall back onto if I ever get annoyed with drawing them for a week or two.


The design's complete.. I'm burning through the general sections.. but I really, really need to think of something that'd make it different from the rest.


/me glares at the creative portions of the community



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Well it could take some time. First I'm going to recreate parts of the game in comic-style just for looks, while trying to make the characters look good at the same time.


Then I'll incorporate both skills into a series of comics. I aim to release at least several pictures a week D:

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