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My Greatest Fear for Star Wars

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

The Han and Leia romance was perfect for the original trilogy. Anakin and Amidala better not be too freakin' mushy and teenageish. That's what I think that most of us are afraid of. I don't want a SW version of Titanic. Gimme good ol' Star Wars.


Don't tell me you never saw 'TIE Tanic'!!!

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Originally posted by hannibalscipio

I think one of the major strengths of SW is that its so believable. Its like a documentary of actual events. Too much romance can REALLY hurt a movie, just like Jar-Jar hurt Ep1. Lucas don't need to cater to the ignorant masses, but he DOES need to honor his SW vets.


Actually, no he doesn't.


Thanks Havoc...finally someone with a brain :D j/k ;)


Anakin and Amidala better not be too freakin' mushy and teenageish.


They're teenagers (basically). Live with it :p Geez, why are so many people here so afraid of romance? :confused:


EDIT: Did I hear someone say that the ESB battles were lame??? :eyeraise: They kicked ass!!!

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ESB had 2 "Major" battles in it and I can't say the Battle of Hoth was very interesting. The Luke/Vader saberfight was cool though.


Thing is, I think The Plad One was going to make ESB a romantic movie, he failed miserably at the romance but he got a good action move, I think AOtC will be like that..

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Pearl Harbor was a good show and the romance was a good part of it geez what do you people have against romance? I think it will be one of the best yet. And classical romantic music is some of the best classical out there. Because it is so inspired! I loved the han&leia theme! One of my favorites. The only musical thing I'd like them to do is another Cantina scene because that is a great two-step to listen to. I say the romance is perfectly good where it is.

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