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Funny Phobias!

Boba Rhett

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Here are some of the most hilarious phobias I've ever laid eyes on. Feel free to post some more, disguss your own phobias or even make some theories as to why some of these exist!




Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing


Anablephobia- Fear of looking up


Barophobia- Fear of gravity


Bogyphobia- Fear of the bogeyman


Catoptrophobia or Eisoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors


Cnidophobia- Fear of string


Chromatophobia- Fear of colors


Clinophobia- Fear of going to bed One of my phobias.


Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of school


Epistemophobia or Gnosiophobia- Fear of knowledge :rofl:


Geliophobia- Fear of laughter


Genuphobia- Fear of knees


Geumaphobia- Fear of taste


Graphophobia- Fear of writing


Heliophobia- Fear of the sun


Helmintophobia- Fear of being infested with worms


Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words Who's the amazingly evil man behind the naming of this one? :eek:


Hypnophobia- Fear of sleep Again, one of mine.


Kathisophobia or Thaasophobia- Fear of sitting down


Logophobia or Verbophobia- Fear of words


Mnemophobia- Fear of memories


Octophobia- Fear of the number 8 the hell?


Ommetaphobia- Fear of eyes


Oneirophobia- Fear of dreams Second only to the fear of spiders, this is the one that I suffer from the most :(


Panophobia- Fear of everything


Papyrophobia- Fear of paper


Peladophobia- Fear of bald people Do all women have this? :D


Phengophobia- Fear of daylight Do we have that? :D


Phronemophobia- Fear of thinking


Sciophobia- Fear of shadows


Selenophobia- Fear of the moon


Siderophobia- Fear of stars


Sophophobia- Fear of learning





I'll post a few more good ones later. :)

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A few I suffer from:


Truiphobia: fear of reality


Nulicaffiophobia: fear of no sodas


Twangophobia: fear of country music (NOOO!! MAKE IT STOP!!!)


Sensophobia: fear of being coherent


Vegophobia: fear of eating healthy stuff


Makeemallupophobia: fear of making up phobias


(yes, I did make all of these up and I'm sacred. For me, the later it gets, the sillier I get. If you want some really weird posts, just wait for the next time I stay up 'till 5 am. :D)

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I could think of why people would be afraid of some of those though you'd have to neurotic first.


"Anablephobia- Fear of looking up" should be renamed fear of looking up and seeing something falling toward you.



"Epistemophobia or Gnosiophobia- fear of knowledge" should be fear of what it could bring about you know dooms day.


"Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing" Again you need to be nutty frist but you might be afraid drowning.



"Clinophobia- Fear of going to bed" either you have bad dreams ALOT or your afriad you'll never wake up.


"Helmintophobia- Fear of being infested with worms" that would be nasty and painful so your right to fear it... if you live in he Amazon not in NYC.


"Peladophobia- Fear of bald people" bald guy's tend not to very nice in pop culture and if you already have lose grip of reality you might extend that to all bald people.


"Sciophobia- Fear of shadows" more like what might be in them.



For these to happen you have to mess up in the head to begin with and at that point you might be afraid of anything for some irrational reason.



All I have is my nice old fashion fear of heights.

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rusophobia- Fear of Russians


Uh, Clefo, most Americans already suffer from this one. It is widely regarded as 'fear that totally devastated countries will somehow benefit from a miracle and destroy themselves by declaring war on the United States, and it is better known as American Paranoia :rolleyes::D.


unophobia- fear of receiving a '1' for a score for your newly released scenario.


assfallophobia - Fear that your ass might actually fall off when you roll on floor laughing.


Deathstarophobia- The fear that the moon might be a concealed Death Star :deathstar:


luthoslipophobia- The fear of being chased around by wolves while on a newly waxed floor while wearing socks



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my phobias are heighs and claustophobia. and HOMOPHOBIA

also motherithianphobia-afraid of your mother

puttingtogetheralotofwordsphobia-afraid oh having nothing to say

bacteriathalphobia-fear of bacteria

solamaniphobia-fear of the sun blowing up

and iammakingthisupphobia- (suuffering from having no life)

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