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What'll be the biggest downer?


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Although JO will be great, all games have problems. Which ONE problem do you think will be the most annoying?

I'll start the ball rolling.

1. Compared to the orignal JK, the (single player) game will be way too short. 15 hours gameplay if you're lucky.



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Going by EF, I'd be inclined to agree with you. Going from Raven's comments about playtesting to date, they claim it's likely to be 60 hours plus.


My personal downer is that they are unlikely to release an SDK for the SP game meaning that, once again, all modwork will be Multiplayer-centric.

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If I recall, they said over 24.


So it should not be short. That is, if we are going through the levels like the original.


I don't really see anything that could make the game bad. And from the reviews we have seen already - it looks to be perfect, or near-perfect.


In terms of SP, I hope it is a good story. For MP, I hope for good custom settings and maps.

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I have ever confidence in the SP game.


Usually I don't even really care about the MP, but I'm suspicious of two things about it here that have me worried... and so I think one or both of them will end up being the "biggest disappointment"


1.) Lack of skins, or lack of some particular cool skins in MP

2.) more importantly, if it feels like Q3A and not JK1 (the MP)

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Guest X-Vector

From the PC Gamer US preview (as quoted on JKIINight.net's frontpage):


As jazzed as we were, we had one immediate concern: the Quake III engine just can't do the enormous environments we enjoyed in Jedi Knight. The producer promised us that the game will have some pretty big spaces, but the emphasis in level design is on action rather than grand vistas.


This is just another hint that my biggest concern for JO might be justified, i.e. that it'll play, look and most importantly feel more like EF than JK.

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I'm not sure if PCG US is jsut as off their heads as UK, if it is it's most likely a load of BS. And also PCG UK review (of a pre-beta!!!) said it did not feel like ef and it said at the bit down the bottom not : Star Wars : Elite Force. And also in many mags it said 28 hours of gameplay. 28 hours is longer than i had to complete jk1 so you can keep worrying all you want but i'm sure it's gonna be good, 24 massive levels. the biggest disappointment is........ knowing you're in mp.


And where did all the newbie questions come from? or is it all my buddies here are americans....

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I'm not too worried about the length - EF was pretty short. SoF took me under 7 hours, MoH:AA ~8 and RtCW ~14! I know my time on CW was long - but I was really enjoying every bit of it! (most people I have seen take ~1 hour or so longer for RtCW than MoH:AA)So ... if JK2 is 'play tested' at 15 or so hours, I will surely be in it for more than 20. And will likely replay it again almost instantly.


My concerns are around the power balance and lightsaber controls. In JK, it could clearly be a struggle to go saber-only (though a good exercise in skill-training ;) ) and would be much easier to just blast through stuff in places. Even at very high levels you run into considerable difficulties against a couple of officers if you don't immediately take them out (e.g. on level 17, I was playing yesterday when someone came into my office at lunch, I came out of an elevator and took considerable damage while just sitting there. As a Jedi Master, I figure I could block a few shots from two pistol toting officers :mad: !!! So ... I hope that aspect of gameplay is more realistic this time around ... of course it is tough to balance against making you invincible (i.e. too easy).


As for the saber controls, given the breadth of moves, I just hope the methods to execute them don't interfere with the speed of play.



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Originally posted by X-Vector

From the PC Gamer US preview (as quoted on JKIINight.net's frontpage):


"As jazzed as we were, we had one immediate concern: the Quake III engine just can't do the enormous environments we enjoyed in Jedi Knight. The producer promised us that the game will have some pretty big spaces, but the emphasis in level design is on action rather than grand vistas. "


This is just another hint that my biggest concern for JO might be justified, i.e. that it'll play, look and most importantly feel more like EF than JK.


I remember seeing that and thinking "HUH?!?!" ... especially after playing the QUAKE III POWERED Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, both of which featured excellent outdoor levels and grand scope of detail. Given that and the screenshots ... I'm not worried!

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The multiplayer is what will either make it or break it in JO. The single player will be great - Raven is known for making fun and enjoyable single player missions.


There has not been one title of Raven's that is not great - I have total confidence in them.

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For me i dont think that game length will be a problem 15 hours is still a long time (with my free-time it will be 3 weeks before i finish:mad: ) but my main concern is that it will turn out like Galatic Battlegrounds, not that it was a bad game but because it was almost identical to Age of Empires II, that was a big dissapointment for me. So i hope that they dont let that happen with this game.

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Rouge_Ace, I agee with you, those damn critticks (is that how you spell it) got mad at one of my favorite Star Wars game because the same keys were used, you see a catapult rolling up a hill by them self, blah blah blah blah blah:(

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Originally posted by Rogue_Ace

For me i dont think that game length will be a problem 15 hours is still a long time (with my free-time it will be 3 weeks before i finish:mad: ) but my main concern is that it will turn out like Galatic Battlegrounds, not that it was a bad game but because it was almost identical to Age of Empires II, that was a big dissapointment for me. So i hope that they dont let that happen with this game.


I honestly don't see that happening ... the biggest fear seems to be the "Star Wars Elite Force" thing, which I'm not very worried about. The scope is totally different, and the story seems immersive - I expect that comparing the two will be like comparing RtCW and MoH:AA - sure they have some similarities, but are very different games.

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Well I dunno if this will be the "biggest downer", but it's the only one I can think of at the moment.




Or lack thereof. It was so stupid how you'd miss like constantly in JK & MoTS. Like your chance to block must have been 50%. Although it was at least somewhat accurate considering Kyle just picked up a lightsaber and suddenly knew how to fight with it.


Now, and clearly later in JK (when he was a freaking Jedi Knight and Master and all) he should be able to freaking block without missing half of the shots/saber swipes.


If the video clips are any indicator (well the UK beta one at least, and YES I KNOW IT'S FROM BETA THX!), in that one scene with the batsaber thing he was running along moving his saber like he was blocking incoming shots, but nothing was hitting him or his saber, wtf is that? I guess chances are he won't miss if his saber is there like 5mins before the shot is...

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The single player game will defiantly be longer then JKI, I'm sure.


You must remember, even though JK had 21 levels, 6 of them were Dark Jedi battles, which I wouldn't really consider as a level. So in reality, JK had only 15 levels, while JKII has 24 or 25. That's 9 or 10 more levels then JK had... Also, even if the levels are smaller then JK's, I doubt they'd be so short that you could fit several of JKII's levels into one JK1 level... besides; the developers said there'd be 24 or more HUGE levels...


I think my biggest complaint will be that alot of the game won't feel like the Dark Forces series or Star Wars... For example.. the Disrupter, which is basically a phaser rifle really looks alot more like Star Trek then Star Wars... Especailly that freeze effect... ugh. Also, I'm not a big fan of the recharger booths, and I think they should've stuck with the original Dark Forces and Jedi Knight way of picking up power ups.

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I think the biggest downer I'm anticipating about this new game is the fact that I won't be able to "choose my destiny" like I could in JK1. The powers will be chosen for me, and my alignment will be chosen for me as well (Light side). It should be fun, but without that possibility of an alternate path, it's going to cut down on the replay value of SP for me.


Other than that, I'm pretty optimistic about it. I know it will be different and some things sound annoying (no automap, for example, some of my favorite weapons gone, no classes in MP) but I'll learn to live without them (until the mod community can perhaps remedy the overlooked features) but otherwise it sounds like the game will have a lot to offer, I'm looking forward to it.


I'm especially looking forward to the pretty graphics, improved netcode, and improved AI. I'm probably looking forward to MP (and botmatch) more than SP this time around...

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God, this whole thread is just lame.


Why focus on what 'could' be a downer? Nobody played the game so you have to guess what part will suck? lol How about enjoying the game? Geez


Also so much wrong information here. Raven said that JK2 will not have the same game length as JK but it will still not be short.


The hours of gameplay will vari for everyone. There is not 24 hours+ gameplay. Thats for sure.


There's always the MP part of the game which only add's to the fun.

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