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Trailer II Discussion


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Originally posted by Lucky

Did you guys catch force seeing? its in that shot with the homing missle. You can see the lil icon looks like a head with 2 lines comin off it.


Turned the guys the player was watching yellowish/greenish. I was hoping you'd be able to see thru walls with that, but who knows.


Check out this link, scroll down to 'seeing'. I think you'll be pleased.



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that was so unbelievably cool

it looks to have all the original and incredibly fun gameplay of the original plus added bits to make it even better.

saber play looked awesome

this is gonna rock the house !!!


i wish they showed more of the darkjedi fight bit at the end though

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Originally posted by nu||ifier

Looks awesome... multiplayer looks awesome... single player looks awesome... Graphics look awesome... Sound sounds awesome...Starwars is awesome.




Truer words were never spoken.

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I thought the trailer looked absolutely great. Even though I'm a light sider, I thought Dark Rage looked awesome. The multiplay of this game will be absolutely great. The cartwheel off the wall, the backward stab move and I even like the female voice. This game is going to rock.


I have only one complaint. Call me sick, but I was really hoping to see some dismemberment in the game. I'm not a huge violence freak actually, so I don't mind that there's no blood, it wouldn't seem right anyway. But I personally think it would be realistic, acceptable and just downright cool to be able to cleave arms, legs and heads and watch them fly all over. I didn't see it in any of the SP footage or the MP footage. SP alone would be fine, but since I'm going to be playing MP most, that is where I had really hoped to see it. But I didn't see it at all. I just thought I recalled Mr.Gummelt mentioning that dismemberment was not removed. But I didn't see even a hint of it in the trailer.


Everything looks top notch. I'm particularly impressed with Mr. Gummelt's work on the controls. It appears to be fairly simple to do amazing moves and attacks. I'm guessing strafe-running into a wall will initiate a wall walk, and then jumping off of it will cause Kyle to bust his cool cartwheel move.


I don't have any qualms about the action pace. If you think about it, watching a video of several scenes of Jedi Knight gameplay would also be a little disorienting when you aren't at the controls. The same thing as car sickness.


Looks like the levels are excellently well done, with spacious areas as well as smaller areas. They are probably holding off some of the real splendor for us to discover when we play it. I don't think we've seen this game at its best yet. I'm fairly certain we saw Nar Shaddaa and the Garden Ruins level as well as the Death Star level(or star destroyer) definitely an imperial something.


It looks like we've got a good assortment of lightsaber colors and a satisfactory diversity of skins. That won't be certain till we see for ourselves though. All-in-all, I'm pumped to recieve my game on or before the 29th(if after, someone will die.) This looks like it will meet the high expectations placed before it, and may even exceed it.(I've always wanted to hear the pronounciation of "ysalamari" and that was really a nice thing to see in the trailer.)

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I have a feeling that Multiplayer saber fights are going to be a spiced up version of Rune.


No real skill involved just hacking and slashing.



Also, I didn't see any severs in this trailer. I would at least thought that the storm trooper that Kyle pulled to him then cut down would have lost an arm or something.

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Originally posted by TrUeFoRcE

OMG!!!! so far it looks better than any other game ive ever seen, the single player is amiazing with all the stuff u can do and all the movements etc... the one thing that put me off a little was the multiplayer though, it seemed a bit Q3ish but i think it will hold up to the jedi criteria that is expected from a star wars game



The only worry I have with JKII is that I hope it's not so choppy as Q3. I'm not talking about Q3 being slow on my computer...I've got a fast computer but it's too quick. I don't want things to be too slow either but a happy medium; a little faster than in Medal of Honor. Oh I like the Force Speed etc…but I'm talking about when you’re normally moving around in MP especially. Raven has said (specifically Ken Hoekstra) to me that he thought I'd be happy with the movement of JKO! :D

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I think you are expecting a bit too much. Control wise i guess, theres only so much you can do. But there are a couple of cool moves incl. the famous block. I doubt it will be as simple as in Rune but i also dont think it will be the complete 2nd coming in lightsaber combat.


Still, game looks like fun. Raven rocks. And we need a good sw game, right? :marty:

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Wow, that was quite amazing. I'm not as sure about the MP, but the SP looks like it's going to be really, really good...


However... The game looks just a wee bit faster then I hoped... Maybe it will feel different when I'm actually playing it though...


Secondly, am I the only one that thought the Stormtrooper sounds sounded frighteningly similar to tusken noises from JK? I mean... Stormtroopers just don't sound like that when they die I thought. The Reborn death noises were good though.


Also, when Kyle "fires" a thermal det., why doesn't Kyle actually throw it instead of it just flying out from underneath his hand somewhere? I really hope we get to see the throwing animation... it makes the detonators look alot more like thrown weapons, instead of a blaster.


Force Rage looked cool, but I still think it will be very unbalancing... It looks even more powerful then I thought... a lightsaber whirlwind... you move faster, hit harder, and you can't die. I think this power may end up being either uber, or end up where, as soon as someone sees someone put the power on, they run away untill it wears off.. Either way, I honeslty don't like it too much. If only Force Rage would've stuck with the original idea people had about it.. Which was... greater offense at the cost of defense... but now it's great defense and offense, at the cost of a weak period afterwards. Also, I noticed that Force Rage only uses about one-fifth of the user's mana pool, so it looks like poeple will still be able to use force powers while it's on.


All of the acrobatics looked very nice, and fluid. Also, it seems like it will be fairly easy to do aswell.


All of the multiplayer skins looked very nice. I especially like the Gran and Jan skins. But the Stormtrooper also looks great (espially with that blue lightsaber :)).


Another thing I noticed was that all of the power-ups in the first multiplayer game was a blue holo-gram-like picture of the item, instead of a physical object (I'm not just talking about the jedi holograms either, I'm talking about thermal dets o nthe ground ect..). But at the same time, the last multiplayer battle shows a Golan Arms on the ground, exept it's solid this time. Maybe it's an option you can turn on and off?


It looks like there will be a nice mixture of large open areas, and tight coridors... Nice looking levels too...


Did anyone notice the little icon to the right of the health/shields HUD? It seems to show which force power is in use.


Force Lightening looks pretty cool, and powerful, but I was hoping for something alittle less flashy... Like maybe just 2 or 3 arcs of lightening instead of 320933224 coming from Kyle's hand to his victom.. I wish it looked more like RotJ... But oh, it looks cool anyway :).


Who do you all suppose is the guy at the end of the trailer? Could it be the final boss? Or maybe a mini-boss? He sounds an awful lot like Jerec.. both in voice, and what he said. Why does he say "I sense you, jed" If he is able to plainly see you as you walk in? My guess is because he can't... like Jerec (no eyes.) So he's forced to sense you with the force...


Over all I thought the trailer was awesome, but I really hope the game isn't this flashy once I start playing, I hope they just showed off the really cool effects for the trailer, but still have a few slower and less flashy "things" in the actual game.

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Well what can I say that hasn't already been mentioned here? The back-stab was cool, the wall running was fantastic and the pursuation...


I also noticed that the lighting effects look fantastic which is great as there is so much coloured lighting used in the game. This could be a game that is worthy of a good graphics card.

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I'm not completely sure, but it looks like normal items take on a blue aura when force sight is in use. There is only one scene with hologram items where no force power is in use and I think that it might actually be a hologram item on the ground(like a jedi holocron or something), in which case that theory would still be sound.



I think you'll be so weak after Rage(if you use it for an extended period), that it will balance out. It's only at it's highest level that the user can't die. And at that level, the best strategy would definitely be to avoid them until it runs out. It's hard to avoid someone who's 33% faster than you are though.


And regarding your concerns about force lightning, Wolf. There are, of course, 3 levels of the power. At lower levels there are probably fewer bolts. Even so, it still looks really cool.


The guy at the end of the trailer could have been a mini-boss or could have been just a normal reborn. It might be what they say when they see you. I doubt they'd show the final boss in the trailer, and I doubt even more that that was Jerec. I think I know where the final battle will take place, but I don't want to spoil it if I'm right, so I'll keep quiet, because it would be perfect. I don't think it will be Bespin though, I think it'll be somewhere Kyle has visited before.

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I AM SO EXCITED!!!! W00T W00T W00T W00T !!!!!!!!


ok... calm down... deep breaths.... ah that's better...






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I hope we get a response on Syko's question about using force powers.


I hated cycling through all the force powers or reaching across the keyboard to just make a force jump. It's probably the only thing I'm really worried about concering this game.


The Raven response to only using the basic six keys for all the acrobatics was very encouraging.


I hope we'll see these buttons all close together, in a very accessable position:


Up, Down, Strafe Left, Strafe Right

Jump, Crouch

Use Force Power


I think the mouse wheel would be best for cycling through force powers while weapon cycling would be better fit for the number keys.


In the trailer, the player seemed to use force powers very fluidly, without the need to pause to look through his/her force power list.

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While I don't think it completely nessicary(sp) to have blood and guts all over the place (I think JK2 can do WITHOUT gibbing people), I DO remember MANY times in Jedi Knight when I'd cut off the arm of an enemy, and it would fall the ground, trailing blood behind it. I remember the first time I did that, and I said to myself, "HA! I found blood a Star Wars game!" :D ... :|

;) But yeah, I remember what it was like to play Rune, and get a head shot. The head pops off and goes flying. I can't argue with that...it was pretty neat. I think, because Lightsabers cut through virtually anything...that there is no real problem with having an arm or a leg, or a pinky finger here and there come shooting past Kyle's head when he cuts it off...and making a little bullet pining noise. :| Okay, so maybe that would be corny. Leave that out. But an arm or leg, or the head...that would be pretty neat. Maybe with not all the blood (lightsabres, I think might cauterize(sp) the wound), though.

Now for the real question...those of you who understood a word of what I just said, raise your hand. :D

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Originally posted by Harbinger

I hope we get a response on Syko's question about using force powers.


I hated cycling through all the force powers or reaching across the keyboard to just make a force jump. It's probably the only thing I'm really worried about concering this game.


The Raven response to only using the basic six keys for all the acrobatics was very encouraging.


I hope we'll see these buttons all close together, in a very accessable position:


Up, Down, Strafe Left, Strafe Right

Jump, Crouch

Use Force Power


I think the mouse wheel would be best for cycling through force powers while weapon cycling would be better fit for the number keys.


In the trailer, the player seemed to use force powers very fluidly, without the need to pause to look through his/her force power list.


I agree the wheel may be best suited for cycling though the force powers. With the saber being such a key weapon it is unlikely you will want to use anything else very often.


I hope i can assign actions to the extra side buttons on my intelli mouse explorer like i could in Max Payne.

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Originally posted by Hoowl


I hope i can assign actions to the extra side buttons on my intelli mouse explorer like i could in Max Payne.


me 2, but q3a dont allow it cause somehow i heard ppl cheat with em o_O:mob:

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