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Funny stuff....

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Originally posted by Redwing

This really is a spoiler :D



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ah i see......



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Last night at 0200 hrs. 40 miles west of Nea Bay, Washington, a flight of 6 F-16 Falcon aircraft shot down a group of 4 Imperial Tie Fighters. The Tie Fighter, from George Lucas's STAR WARS saga, is a light, fragile space fighter. It is so fragile that it has been known to blow up while entering a planet's atmosphere. It is armed with 2 laser cannons, very similer to the COIL laser under development.

Although the Tie Fighter is much more maneaverable than the F-16, the F-16 is much faster and has longer range weapons, which is the reason why this news report exists. Each of the 6 F-16s were carring 6 AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles, which have a range of 30 miles. Each plane shot one missile, destroying all of the Tie Fighters.

"Whatever the Tie Fighter is made of, it is NOT stealth at all, because at first I thought I had 4 C-5s on my radar!, said Maj. Jones, one of the pilots. "I am a huge Star Wars fan", said Lt. Myers, "I wish I could get in a dogfight with one of those Ties; it would be fun to see what a Sidewinder would do to a Tie. "I'm suprised one AMRAAM destroyed them", said Lt. Rust. "I'd think they'd have a stronger hull or at least some sheilds."

Since Tie Fighters operate from bases, the government is suspecting there's a Imperial base nearby. They are searching for it currently.




Pretty damn funny, huh?

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Laser cannons?!? Like COIL lasers?!?! ROFL :rofl:


"so fragile that it has been known to blow up while entering a planet's atmosphere"


LMAO :lol:


How ridiculous. Only ever happened in the X-Wing series I believe, in one of their few instances of thumbing their noses at superior canon :rolleyes:


'the F-16 is much faster and has longer range weapons, which is the reason why this news report exists."


Ya...RIGHT...a TIE at top speed, while totally unable to maneuver, would be going fast enough to leave atmosphere from the ground to space in only a few minutes...and the blaster bolts fired by TIEs are incredibly long range...that's why they have them :rolleyes:


So...pretty...LAME...pretty...INACURRATE....where'd you get it?

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Guest Imladil



*(Enters outer atmosphere in A-wing at high speed, then hits hyperdrive, imploding several cubic kilometers of air and creating a shock wave that busts open all TIEs and F-16s like air balloons at the bottom of the ocean.)*


Next? :D

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today i had to do some yardwork and it's like hot out and when i come inside i'm like 'WHY IS IT HOT OUT!!!?? IT'S NOT EVEN SPRING YET!!!' and i check my calendar and it's spring!!!


funny thing is, i did the SAME exact thing last year!

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