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Water Affects


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I can't wait for cloud city map, does anybody have any screenshots of it? Does it look like the one off of MotS...

But yah, How about the swimming...? and the water effects.

Has anybody ever seen any screenshots of water effects or swimming effects in it????

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I don't recall seeing any screens w/

clear normal water, but there was that

older screen with the green goo stuff...

not very revealing though:




There's also the pics of the lava/molten metal:



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Lucasarts have had some pretty decnt water effects in their time. I remember (at least i think i do) that despite obiwan's shoddy blocky graphics and munted textures, the water effects were superb. I think we can trust that raven's done a pretty damn good job on it..


Can't wait to see the rain on water effects :)

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Have any of you played Metal Gear Solid 2? It is the most realistic game I have seen:D I mean on the first level you are on a ship in a middle of a storm and it is raining, you can see the rain hit you and go off, and when you go insaide then out side you can tell it is the right door to go outside because his head band blows.

And I hope when you go in water and come out you look damp for a minute and get drier and drier as the time goes on, that would be cool!:cool:

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Can Lightsabers really work under water? In Splinter of the Mind's Eye, Luke uses his lightsaber under water. And that perplexed me. I didn't know they were water proof. Which would almost make sense except the recharge socket.... would that mess with the electronics of the saber? And would the saber blade just boil and evaporate all the water that comes in contact with it?


My question is: Will you be able to use blasters and lightsabers under water? I think that is kind of unrealistic. Half-Life was really good about that. You could only use the Glock (I think that was it...) and the crowbar underwater. Oh yeah, and the crossbow. I was just wondering if anyone had heard. Otherwise, I'm content to wait until the game comes out.



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Originally posted by Proto

There is water in new trailer: in the scene where Kyle uses mind trick to blow up three officers.


I noticed that ... you get plenty of movement and detail ... just something nice in the background. I'm not so worried ... I've seen (played) RtCW and MoH:AA, which are supposed to 'just edge' JK2 in terms of graphics - and they are fantastic!


As for Splinter, it is clearly not 'Canon' ... in fact, if you check a cut scene from TPM, ObiWan had his saber 'on' when he landed in water on Naboo, burning out his power source - which is why he was running without his saber drawn. I have no idea what will happen in JK2, however.

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Well perhaps it just differs from saber to saber, perhaps some jedis are smart enough to make their sabers waterproof. ^_^" And about the evaporating water thing, I don't know... a saber doesn't radiate heat. Altough it could be possible.. but in this case I would't mind having to sacrifice a bit of realism for saber usage underwater.

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u can use blasters underwater in jk1


u can use the rpg and a few others(det packs, grenades) underwater as well in HL



if u fire a blaster from outside the water, the shot got something-or-other-erized when it hits it, deflected somewhere else.


sabers are waterproof; u get a noisy hiss when underwater...i read that somewhere...



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I know OBi-Wan didnt kill those STAPs in episode I himself cause his saber didnt work cause it had been under water (the conversatio he had with Qui-Gon about this was cut from the movie)




what about:



In episode II, Obi-Wan will have a battle with Jango Fett in the RAIN, his saber works just fine...


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One thing I really wish was in the game is Environmentally Mapped Bump Mapping. When applied to water it looks absolutely gorgeous.... Pity a lot of cards dont support it.


Luckily, my card was the first to support hardware EMBM...


pity its hardly used :)



Expendable, with EMBM off



Expandable, with EMBM on.....



It's not important.. but it's very pretty.

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Whew, Gonk, I remember seeing those pics when they first came out...a while ago, wasn't it? You're absolutely right...more games should support EMBM, especially now that most modern cards support it. Seems a bit pointless leaving it out when it can add so much.


As for water effects, the most realistic looking water I've seen to date is in this pic from the game Chrome. Good reflections, and detail of the ground under the water at a close distance.


I know that rain is confirmed to be in the game (along with fog), but they didn't specifically confirm snow. I know it's certainly possible - they had a nice snowy/icy level in SOF, for example. As for rain on water...it's the first I've heard of that for JKII. I know they've got that effect in Morrowind.


As for things like waterfalls, or water spilling out of pipes, etc., who can say? If those are in there, I hope they've done a similar job to H2 (and the new Unreal 2)...where the water comes out in an arc...not just straight down. :rolleyes:


I have to say that water is one of the things that is rarely done very well in games, probably because of it's complex nature and the technological limitations of the past. Refraction, reflection, shadows, seeing the bottom up to a certain radius...then the mirror effect, water ripples, distortions, raindrops (and other things) falling on the surface... Heh...it's a veritable computational nightmare. And that's before you even go under water... ;)


When a game finally delivers realistic water effects, I'll be very, very impressed. :)

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