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My computer is a memory-devouring b****


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I've noticed that recently my comouter has been runnig low on memory. About a week ago, I was down to 2.5(out of 20) gigs. It has been steadily shrinking ever since, despite lack of large downloads and stuff. After I was down to 77 MB, I deleted about 2 gigs of stuff and had to reboot. 10 minutes later(AKA now), without DLing ANYTHING, I have less than 300MB. Norton is being an ass****, not doing anything except when it randomly pops up and says it's fixed something and slowing me down a lot. And yes, I've goon through temporary caches and whatnot. Some of you are proficent computers, so please tell me how to fix it.

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first of all, get rid of the norton ****. don't run anything norton except anti-virus. next, i would go into your virtual memory settings and set it yourself at at least a gig or two so that it doesn't fluctuate. Then delete all temp internet files, temp files, empty recycle bin, etc.




if you see it shrinking again, stop taking cold showers. I mean, hit ctrl+alt+del and see what is running. end task on likely candidates and see if that changes anything.


take two valium and call me in a week.

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Originally posted by Ikhnaton

first of all, get rid of the norton ****. don't run anything norton except anti-virus.


>>Way ahead of you <<


next, i would go into your virtual memory settings and set it yourself at at least a gig or two so that it doesn't fluctuate.


>> I suck, explain how. <<


Then delete all temp internet files, temp files, empty recycle bin, etc.


>> Been there done that <<



if you see it shrinking again, stop taking cold showers. I mean, hit ctrl+alt+del and see what is running. end task on likely candidates and see if that changes anything.


>>I do have a few thing there. But they've been there since time immemorial and there hasn't been a problem until recently. Won't stop me from trying though. <<


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What he said... I'm doing my co-op in the service department of a computer store, and I saw something like that a few days ago... But it turned out to be viral.


It was hillarious though, cause Bob was cursing and swearing like a madman about how he'd ***CENSORED*** done ***CENSORED*** every ***CENSORED*** thing he ***CENSORED*** could to ***CENSORED*** try and ***CENSORED*** fix the ***CENSORED*** stupid ***CENSORED*** ***CENSORED*** ***CENSORED*** ***CENSORED*** ***CENSORED*** ***CENSORED*** ***CENSORED*** peice of ***CENSORED*** ***CENSORED*** machine, naming in the process (intermingled with colorful words such as ***CENSORED***, ***CENSORED***, and ***CENSORED***) everything Ike's mentioned... Including something about cold showers, although I'm kind of glad I didn't catch that part. *shudder*


Anyway, he storms off to the can with a long blue streak of cuss words trailing, and I meander my way over to the POS HP he was working on, fire up NAV, and by the time Bob gets back from the can, it's turned up a list of virii longer and more distiguished than my johnson.


That was a really fun day...:D

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What OS are you running?


If it's ME or XP you may want to wipe the System Restore (or Go-Back, if you are using that) file clean and start again.

I do that at least once a month and it always frees up a gig or so.


Otherwise, I would be running a full Scan-Disk on that puppy, and start backing-up anything you can't live without, just in case the drive fails.


It might be time to contemplate the dreaded words: "Format C:"

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ed speaks the truth.


to change your page file (virtual memory), right click on the my computer icon and go to properties, then click the performance tab, and then click on virtual memory. Change it to manual and specify it to 1000 (or more) for both. Make it stationary so that the minimum and maximum are the same.


click ok to everything and you need to reboot.


also a good idea about the system restore.

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I had to reinstall NAV to get it to do a full scan. Cleared out a buttload of files. 328 MB remaining.

Can't do the virtual memory thing, Since I can't set the maximum to more than I have dammits.

How do you do you clear the system resore?

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(This is what works with WinME, I don't know XP yet)


Right click on "My Computer"

Click on "Properties"

Click on "Performance"

Click on "File System"

Click on "Troubleshooting"

Check "Disable System Restore"

Click on "Apply" then "OK"

Restart computer

Repeat to set up restore function, uncheck "Disable System Restore"

Reboot again


That should free up some room.

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I would go through the whole thing anyway, just to see if there's any change.


OK, if that has no effect then I have this old e-mail from Microsoft about manually removing, reinstalling, and resetting the system restore program... but it's kind of scary. It means mucking around with DOS prompts and such, and I have never actually tried it, since the other procedure always worked for me,.. but here you are:


To fix the problem, we recommend to reinstall PC Health using the following steps.


Step A




At a command prompt from within Windows, type the following to uninstall pchealth:


rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection Uninstall 132 c:\windows\inf\Pchealth.inf


Step B




At a command prompt within Windows, type the following command:


extract c:\windows\options\install\precopy1.cab pchealth.inf /L c:\windows\inf


Step C




At the C:\WINDOWS\ prompt from within Windows, type the following command.


rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfsection pchealth.install 132 c:\windows\inf\pchealth.inf


Reboot the computer for changes to take effect.


I would never try something like that without being prepared to do a full reformat/ reinstall just in case. Backup backup backup!


Good luck.

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1: Turn on computer.


2: Smack it like a little b****h. Ask it who its daddy is.


3: Threaten computer with 32 oz. serving of Pepsi.


4: Turn monitor to face pile of smashed monitors in corner of room.


5: Call up Bill Gates and suggest that he might be a punk.


6: If none of this has worked, smash your computer with a blunt object, then go get another from Rent-a-Center.



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