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JK maps redone


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Most of the included JK and MoTS MP levels sucked. BGJ was cool only for the first 500-1000 games, but after that it began to suck. My hope is that they port over Homestead, Imp Throne Room, Bespin Mining Station, and Blades of Death. Damn, I loved Blades of Death.

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As far as I recall, I think there was mention in an interview that one MP level would be similar to one found in JK or MotS. AFAIK, all of the levels are totally new except for one, which would probably have been redesigned anyway.


If you want to see a return of the old JK/MotS levels, you will have to rely on mod teams being willing to recreate them - keeping in mind that in this new engine, the physics are slightly different, therefore the maps would have to be redesigned to fit the physics/movement dynamic of JKII.

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Although what they are using seems to be getting close to acheiving results, it is impossible to directly convert JK geometry to any brush-based engine (Half-Life, Quake(s), in fact any modern engine).


It would be best not to convert the levels, but base new levels on them that better fit the new physics engine and gameplay and expect number of players. I expect we will see about 1,000,000,000 Canyon Oasis 2's and Battle Ground Jedi 2's, so just pick the one that best fits your liking and play away.

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Originally posted by Rogue_Ace

I think that i read somewhere that some of the old multiplayer maps are redone in the new game ... but dont quote me on that. All of the SP maps are different of course.




No, Raven has officially said that old maps are not shipping with the new game and that they have no plans to do so, but I emailed Kenn Hoekstra and I offered an idea of porting the best maps of JK and MotS to JKO as a special free map pack d/l after the game is released and he said that he would pass it along to the other members of Raven. I have not emailed any of the other staff at Raven but Kenn Hoekstra is very approachable, through emails anyway!

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Originally posted by StormHammer

As far as I recall, I think there was mention in an interview that one MP level would be similar to one found in JK or MotS.


This was in the Gamesdomain chat, i remember, cause i immediately typed:


what level is this?


Now, the funny thing was, i think by mistake it got through, a mod was probably preparing to pass some other question through, cause as soon as i hit enter to submit it it immediately appeared in the chat!


it was never answered :)

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I very much enjoyed MANY of the maps from JK and MOTS.


Jesus almost all of them freaking ruled.


Space Port was the bomb diggity.


Yes I would VERY much like to see a semi-official remake of most if not all of them so that all manner of versions weren't floating around cutting into the # of people playing each version.


Duuude, MOTS especially had some really triumphant maps.

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Agreed! Spaceport, Emperor's Throne Room, Tree Canopy, Jaba's Palace, Gantry, Carbon Freeze Chamber, Cargo Ship - MotS had, by far (in my opinion) faaaaaaaar superior multiplayer maps than JK had.


I mean, how cool is it to reenact a lightsaber duel in the Carbon Freeze Chamber, Gantry, or the Emperor's Throne Room? I'll tell you - it's bad @ss. The drama, the atmosphere - nothing from regular JK could touch these excellent MotS multiplayer maps in terms of theatrical atmosphere.


And in terms of just really fun, action-based maps, Spaceport, Tree Canopy, Jaba's Palace and Cargo Ship were great! Not only did they have a good Star Wars feel to them, but they were just really fun to play, both in terms of strategy and pacing.

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It's too bad hardly anyone plays MotS anymore... Still not sure why.


One thing to remember is that maps will auto-download in JO(they do in Q3), so if there are a lot of remakes you still won't have to worry about not having the one on the server. Hopefully they did something to improve the wretched autodownload speed of Q3, but it was better than nothing.

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Originally posted by Zek

It's too bad hardly anyone plays MotS anymore... Still not sure why.


One thing to remember is that maps will auto-download in JO(they do in Q3), so if there are a lot of remakes you still won't have to worry about not having the one on the server. Hopefully they did something to improve the wretched autodownload speed of Q3, but it was better than nothing.



yea, but q3 and most games download maps quite slowly (q3 downloads at like 5kb for me ;( )

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