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Gamepro has new screens....


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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Tomcat- we cant be sure about the newness of screen 4.



We've seen so many screenshots of that same hall with those same 4 bloody stormtroopers :)


Yes...I think screen 4 is a prequel of a old screenshot...which ended up pretty messy :)

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Hmm look at the good side...LucasArts doesn't want to reveal much...about the game....cuz it doesn't have anything more to reveal...wait that's a bad side...


How about LucasArts wants us to buy the game! Um..bad side too...


I'm confused :confused: ....anywayz, the bottomline is JK2 will rock. :)

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Originally posted by TIE

Wow....look at the tree in that last shot...




That was exactly what I was thinking ... I remember reading in PCG UK how RtCW and MoH:AA were 'just edging' JK2 in terms of graphics - and in those games it sometimes feels you should worrk about scratching your face when you walk through trees :) Anyway - I think that the detail looks fantastic ...

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Tomcat- we cant be sure about the newness of screen 4.



We've seen so many screenshots of that same hall with those same 4 bloody stormtroopers :)



As usual, you are right, I only skimmed that one, my mind saw that same hall and somehow just assumed it was the same one, but its indeed new :)

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Those floor tiles look really great in screen with Luke and Kyle and give Jedi Academy an authentic touch; if you have been examining details of mining facilities and imperial bases shown in earlier screenshots, you can see that Raven added dirt and stains to wall/floor textures, and some guns and especially Thermal Detonator approach perfection with their well-worn looks(Swamptrooper's armor is also fine example of this). :cool:

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