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HEY! looky hear! i found somthing you all missed!


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Originally posted by dazilla

I would guess the yellow shows that the sabres are locked.


no. its not. we've seen it before (jan in trailer 2).she wasnt saber locked..... we thought it might have been coz she was jedi master. stance is a good possibilty

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ok so its stance. if so i have only seen 2 then blue and yellow.

so whats the 3rd? or witch of the 3 havent we seen?

med/reg. i think is what we've seen the most of right? it might be the blue i think, yellow doesnt seem verry heavy to me so it might be the light? have we seen heavy anytime lately? if so maybe soebody might ask raven about this, seems kinda small right? just what color = what?


ps DOH heavy is gonna be RED i bet(think vader) a screenie be nice tho.......



edit: after watching trailer again it is in there, but only 2 blue and yellow. so new idea: when yelow was up did not seem very light at all, blue did however. so the new idea for tellignthe stances is:(da da da da) yellow=heavy blue=light reg/std.=NO BAR! thats teh 3rd combo if nothing is there, thats 3 right?


also cos only some of the shots in the trailer had this i have another idea(grone.....) what if in mp and/or sp the stance is shown divarent? other idea is the trailer is more mixed up build wise then we think. (2nd more likely ithink)

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the blue bit doesnt really look like a head to me, maybe its just a switch or etc on the wall

its probably light stance

eg first pic hes fighting mainly stormtroopers on that level, so he uses light to block shots, but 2nd pic hes fighting dark jedi so he uses medium

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Interesting to think that colours would be used to represent stances. Seems no real code for such, but still, it would undoubtedly be described in the manual.


Either that, or it's used here to represent a saber lock with that dude? Or.. hmm, like someone said, a meter to show how long you've been in saber lock or how close you are to breaking, I don't know.


Seems reasonable to think it's definitely one of those two.


Argh.. so intriguing. :)

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If it is indeed a stance indicator, that isn't the only way to see what stance you're in. It's been confirmed that you hold the lightsaber in a different way(at least when standing still, probably moving too), not to mention the entirely separate collection of attacks for each.

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Metering how long is left until the saber lock is broken is a pretty good guess too.


My guess is that your stance/fighting style will be shown visually through the player animations. Considering how tightly-designed and thought out this game allegedly is, it would be pretty depressing if sometime during the design they had to fall back to listing it in the HUD.

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There are thre fighting stances, a clear hud indicates = fast style, blue = medium , yellow = large. Watch the trailer for yourself to figure it out, ah heck on second thought just enjoy you n00bness until you get the freaking instruction manual. I care not...


[Edit - Stormy - please try to respect the views of other members of these forums. There is no need to be insulting. If you have something to contribute to the debate, by all means feel free to do so, but insulting other members is not appreciated...or tolerated...on these forums. Thanks. :cool:


As for n00bs...there are no n00bs, only those seeking the path to enlightenment. :) ]

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ok, i have the most simple answer for everyone who has said anything in any fourm that is about JK2, my answer to everyone is.................. besides go play the game, nothing.............. anywho, it will be a great game, no doubt that right?? can i get a whoop whooop, ............O and why can we get answers from the person who took the pic huh? yeah i dont get it either... o well

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Originally posted by Silent Wolf

Some of you are simply morons. There are thre fighting stances, a clear hud indicates = fast style, blue = medium , yellow = large. Watch the trailer for yourself to figure it out, ah heck on second thought just enjoy you n00bness until you get the freaking instruction manual. I care not, freaking n00bs.

I guess that Newbie is the latest insult. Whatever non insultive word will become an insult next. Tree? YOU'RE ALL FRIGGING TREES! YOUR TREENESS SICKENS ME! STUPID TREES!....ahem ^_^" *runs away*

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woohoo THANKS chang now we can end this debate and turn are heads to new stuff


so lets get this layed all out.



and the hard/heavy/slow/strong= the lack of a color or the color black, OR some other color we have not seen yet.

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