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Worst Military Stratagy Ever II : World Domination


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The other day I read an nice article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that did a comparison of the "vaunted" Canadian LAV III and the M113 Gavin that it's supposed to replace. The LAV III Stryder is bigger, heavier, and less manueverable. Good job Canada. Make something that really sucks and claim it's better. For a mere $2 million a piece we can get a LAV that's too heavy to be flown in numbers (only 3 18.5 ton vehicles per C-17 as opposed to 5 at 13.5 tons each for the M113s), too big (doesn't fit in a C-130), and can't drive well on rough terrain (8 wheels opposed to M113's with tracks. To quote the analyst in the article "there's a reason that every army in the world uses tracked vehicles ever since WWI"). The only advantage is a 60 KPH road speed over the M113's 40. However, for $200k-$500k a piece, we can refit the M113 with digital sighting gear, digital communications gear, new lighter tracks, and a redesigned engine that will push it to 50 KPH road speed.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it and the current LAVs aren't broke.

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Originally posted by Kylilin

What are they going to do, throw maple syrup coated hockey pucks at us?


You'd be surprised on how much pain can be inflicted when being hit by a hockey puck... specially when it gets you in the ****, trust me: I KNOW.


lesson I learned that day: ALWAYS wear thet appropriate protection, even if you don't like it...



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I last summer I began to write a story about a war between the US and Canada sparked off by a heavy handed reponse to Arab terrorists attacking from Canada. It featured Osama bin Laden (fresh off his USS Cole bombing), the various bridges over the Niagara River Gorge being blown up with carbombs at the same time an Air Canada 737 was rammed into the John Hancock Center in Chicago, and massive cruise missile strikes against terror targets inside Canada that pissed off Canada.

Of course, someone did crash airliners into a building and I decided to not finish it.

(In case you care, the reason for the attack on the bridges was to get the US and Canada confused over "who got attacked the most" and then be unable to figure out who should deal with it)

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They cannot advance further south than I-90. I propose we let some cities fall to their advance in the hopes that we can slow them down in bitter street fighting and garrison operations. Air superiority MUST be maintained for the entire war. Frankly I don't see how we can avoid this one. <i>We are through the looking glass here people.</i>

Switch over to secure communication channels at 0400. We don't know who's reading and who we can trust anymore...

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