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First Clone Campaigns Screenshots!

Emperor Dan

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Cool! Here's a screenshot analysis:


#1: Ok, those Imperial looking buildings are of course Republic ones. Anything Imperial looking is Republic. Right, so on the purple (Republic) side, on the land it looks like some heavy pummels, next to a Hvy Weapons Factory. There's some grenadiers there too (look closely to see the clone helmets). There's a shipyard, and a few frigates (looks a lot like the Imperial ones) a transport boat and a utility trawler. I see a few destroyers as well!


On the Confederacy Side, there are a few cruisers, an anti-air destroyer and something else that I'm not sure of.


#2: Looks like the Geonosis terrain! The Confederacy is in GREEN on the map. They've got a bunch of Super Battle Droids (probably) and predators that are made at the animal nursery. Specifically, those are acklays (featured in Episode II).


For the Republic (in red) looks like some Trooper-class Clone Troopers, and some Mounted Troopers (maybe Hvy) that look a lot like Dewbacks!


#3 "You are being attacked by Count Dooku!" SWEET! Lava terrain, very nicely done. Looks like some new ore as well. Now, for the units


Confederacy, in BLUE: Some small (trooper?? strike mech?) units that look a bit like the spider things in the Clone War trailer for Episode II. Also, a mech destroyer (most definately), this being the Corporate Alliance Tank Droid (see:here, at HoloNetNews.com). Also, some Super Battle Droids at the bottom (I think)


Ok, the Republic, in RED: That's some Heavy Trooper class Clone Troopers there, and some other unit. It's either a Mech Destroyer (unlikely) or an Artillery unit (notice similarity to pummel in the first screenshot).


Cool! Bring on more screenshots!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

hmm. Blue spiders could be Confederacy Mounted units. These are featured in the Episode II Trailer.


Clone troopers look VERY cool although it looking at the screen shots, it looks like they could be confused as Stormtroopers (please no remarks about thats what they become, I know this).


On my first glance, they looked like stormtroopers.



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Yeah, my first glance too, DM...


I take back what I said about the blue spider things... At first I thought the laser bolt next to the one was from the clonetroopers, but then I remembered that clonetroopers fire BLUE laser blasts!

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Those are NOT dewbacks. They only look like them because of the relationship between the Republic and the Empire.


The Spider things are probably not mounted troopers. Much too small for that. They're probably strike mechs, considering the situation.


The Clonetroopers will be firing RED blasts in the game, because of the color coding fire.

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AAAAHHHH!!!!!!! too many guests online!! lurker alert lurker alert get to your command centers asap this is going to get LAGGY!!! ;)


*cough* sorry, had to get THAT out of my system. already typed it up and it got deleted. /end rant that has nothing to do with your question :D




Volcanic world, served as a place for rebel mines until the Empire took it over in Force Commander. It's hot there, but the music is great, i'm listening to some Sarapin right now, i'd turn it up but my parents would storm my room or send sonic shockwaves through the wall. :D

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Originally posted by Rogue15

AAAAHHHH!!!!!!! too many guests online!! lurker alert lurker alert get to your command centers asap this is going to get LAGGY!!! ;)


*cough* sorry, had to get THAT out of my system. already typed it up and it got deleted. /end rant that has nothing to do with your question :D




Volcanic world, served as a place for rebel mines until the Empire took it over in Force Commander. It's hot there, but the music is great, i'm listening to some Sarapin right now, i'd turn it up but my parents would storm my room or send sonic shockwaves through the wall. :D


Yeh, damn lurkers!! :eek:

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Originally posted by Emperor Dan

Also, a mech destroyer (most definately), this being the Corporate Alliance Tank Droid


At it's size, it looks more like an assault mech. I think that they'll have bank tanks/guild walkers for mech destroyers.

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if those spider looking units are anything like lurkers from sc, then they would be awesome! however, this is the aok engine, not starcraft's, so i highly doubt that.


the one thing that i do hope from this xpac would be to at least improve some of the sound issues in the game. i've talked to kvan about this numerous times and i hope indeed the sound quality improves...

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