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Why are the footsteps in first person so quite (only in single player; in multiplayer its perfect)? i can bearly hear them... you'd think that they would be louder in first person that in third though that isn't the case for some reason. Not being able to hear them takes the immersion and feel from the first person prespective away too, and thats not good at all.





We need a first person prespective option in multiplayer for the lightsaber... i know this has been meantioned several times before.

It can't be that difficult, i understand that in single player it only changes the camera position and changes the player models .skin file. The problem with that is that other players would be seeing the changes as well, so simpily make it so it only changes for the player and no one else..


We need to have better control and useage of Force Push/Pull. It was so much better in JK (and fun), Push/Pull was part of the interface and JK II now lacks that interface.

Here's some ideas:

One thing we really need is to be able to do is focus on one single object in the world. How about if we wish to do this, we can hold the Push/Pull key down and it'll change the aimer, so that we know we're focusing (the one that came up in single player when there was a push/pullable obstical would be great), then when we release the key it'll move the targeted object in the desired mannor. If we wish to do a massive, unfocused push/pull we can just tap the key as we do now.

Focusing on someones weapon could be a requirement in order to pull it as well.

Also, make it so the objects do not arch in flight, it should be pulled straight twords us. i find a lot of the time that the objects i pull land at my feet instead of in my hands.

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The game gets jerky with eax enabled (even if openal.dll is removed so the audigy version is used instead). Either make this faster or add another mode that just enables surround sound as this would be sufficient (at the moment I have to have eax disabled and only get stereo which sucks).

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Being able to push/pull while laying on the ground:


Player who lay on the ground should be able to push/pull to prevent the opponent to do the final blow on them and to keep them at distance (the should be able to block attacks while laying on the ground). So you are able to gain enough time to stand up.

It would eliminate the pull/backstab-sweep problem, as well as balancing the game a little bit more.

In SP, you can push/pull while laying on the ground, Shadowtrooper and Reborn bosses often do that. When I knock them down and want to finish them off, the push me and I am frozen with the counterpush animation.


Force Push and Pull:


You should load Pull and Push, like Force Jump in Jedi Knight or like the electro gun in Jedi Outcast (its 8 on the keyboard) .

When u just tab the key, the opponent is just pulled/pushed some feet nearer/away, but when you hold the button pressed, you extend your hand and force pull/push load. At full power, the opponent is pushed/pulled the way it is now.


This prevents people spamming with push and pull, especially on maps like ffa_ns_streets and such. And you have time to react, because you see the opponent "loads" his pull/push power (the extended arm) and so you are able counter it in time. It is also more movie like, because you dont see Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and Darth Maul push and pull each other in the Reactor room the whole time, hoping that someone falls into the deep.


Manual Blocking?:


Blocking should require skill. Blocking should be the 2nd attack instead of lightsaber throw (saber throw should be an additional force). When you press the block key, EVERY attack should be blocked, but there must be some kind of time limit (as the barbarian does in the pc game Throne of Darkness). You just can block for lets say 1 sec and have to wait another 0.5 sec until you are able to block again, when you are not being attacked. But if the defender (the on who has blocked) has blocked an incoming attack, he is able to be in blocking postion another second, before he has to be vulnerable for 0.5 seconds. So if someone just attack the whole time, you can leave the block key pressed. But when he pauses for a moment, and u are vulnerable then for 0.5 sec he can do well timed and placed blow on you. You should be able to block while attacking, but not being able to block and attack at the same time of course.


How long u aber able to block and be vulnerable should depend on the saber stance...for example the red stance should be longer vulnerable than yellow and blue.


I think this system requires SKILL and is much more tactical than it is now.


Keep up the good work RAVEN I like this game very much :)

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Well, I gave the new patch a shot. I gave it a good long shot. It sucks. That's pretty much sums it up. Now instead of a bunch of idiots jumping around hoping to hit someone, you have a bunch of idiots walking backwards hoping to hit someone. The game no longer makes sence. Oh well. at least I have other Star Wars games to look forward too.


I'll be back, if this crap gets fixed.

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After applying the 1.03 patch, my saber-throw worked for like a week and now it won't allow me to throw unless force powers are turned on. I've uninstalled the game and pulled all the settings from the registry, but it comes back the same way. Help!


Other than that, nods to Raven and LucasArts on a great game!

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  • 3 weeks later...





After applying 1.03, everything is crap.. saber fighting is crap, force powers are completely unbalanced, servers are full of spammers and still there are technical problems..




Release a patch now. Please!



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(Apologies if anybody posted this before, but Search is telling me I don't "have permission" to use it???)


Since installing the 1.03 patch, certain of the fire (as in "flames") effects in the game have disappeared for me! This is particularly noticeable in the Yavin final level.


******** WARNING - SPOLIERS AHEAD!!! *******


In the Yavin Final level, there's a part where you have to Force run through a load of flames that shoot out of the side walls at you. Those flames are now invisible for me.


Just after that, there's a bit where you come up against an inpassable wall of flames. You have to break a pipe above your head, and release water that puts out the flames. I can see neither the wall of flames, nor the water coming out of the pipe. Although I can see the water running along the ground though.


I've tested with two separate monitors: a brand new LCD flat screen (which I initially thought was the culprit) and an old 17 inch CRT.


I've tested on both Win XP Pro and also on a Win 98 partition (same machine). Graphics card is a Geforce 3 Ti 200 from Inno 3D, running the latest Detonator drivers (29.42). Main CPU's an Athlon 1900+, running on an MSI K7T266 Pro2 mobo.


Since re-installing the game afresh, without the patch, these fire/flame effects are now working okay again, on both XP and 98.


Anybody with similar setups seeing this problem?





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Voodoo 5 5500; with GL Enhancements on the text is all scrambled on all the menus and in the game on multiplayer.


In the config the GL Enhancements can be turned off, so that the text is fine in the menus, however when hosting the game, it crashes out to windows near the end when it says "Fixing/Taking Snapshot"

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Kettch



Being able to push/pull while laying on the ground:


Player who lay on the ground should be able to push/pull to prevent the opponent to do the final blow on them and to keep them at distance (the should be able to block attacks while laying on the ground). So you are able to gain enough time to stand up.

It would eliminate the pull/backstab-sweep problem, as well as balancing the game a little bit more.


Interesting that you mention this. I've seen it alot on my server since I've been using the 'unofficial 1.04' patch/mod.


See sig for details (basically it's Raven MP source code compiled - which lowers backstabs and seems to do exactly what you just mentioned).


As for blocking, you'll see what I did via the web page (the command I use on the server). Commands that anyone can use that basically make blocking minimal and more like in 1.02 - yet the saber control is enhanced like in 1.03.

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Ever since i've installed the new 1.03 patch, i have no kyle skin in SP.


i open the console, and it says it can't locate the skin,


I've tried using other SP skin mods, but the game skips with them in it.



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This may have been suggested already, but just in case, I'll throw it out there (I don't have time to read 8 pages right now).


I think that, although MP in JO is pretty cool, it lacks what SP has in the area of lightsaber combat.


I notice that in SP, there are a few additional animations for the sabers (such as the little twirly thing when igniting/shutting down your lightsaber).


Also, in MP, you can only do the wall walk/flip thing when you are using your lightsaber, whereas in SP, you can do it with any weapon.


On the other hand, SP does have one problem in saber combat.

When doing the Lightsaber throw, sometimes it will bounce around for a while in front of you before actually returning to your hand.


Perhaps Raven/Lucas Arts could look into fixing some of these things in the next patch.

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First off if u make MP sable handling like SP that will be like changing the entire gameplay of what alot of us have become used to? Like u did with 1.02-1.03 I still think that was really stupid. And with this 1.04 patch drain has become annoying as hell, just play some FF duels and u'll see. Light is crap now, dark owns light easily. Make something where u can hit and kill a person that constantly runs from ya, duels that last for 15 mins cause 1 of the ppl keep running is rediculous, In 1.03 u could just roll pull em down to the ground if they kept running. All the saber dmg is ok, but i dont think the backstab should have been nerfed as much as u did, it leaves u wide open and does crappy dmg. If u nerf the Heavy DFA move anymore u might as well erase it all together. The blade doesnt stay as "hot" as in 1.02 and u cant aim it anymore after u execute it. Very balanced as it is.


Start testing ur patches a little more thoroughly. Actually play them, instead of just fighting bots.

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How about game companies put a little more into beta testing and stop counting on us to do it for them...??!!??


This is just out of hand,with all this indecisive patches.

Its one thing to address a few problem here or there,or to fix preformance issues or so on...

I have been patient in the past but this is just to much.


Gone are the days when companies would just release a game and let the masses duke it out.

Sure,by all means, fix the hacks,correct the exploits...


But please.... oh ,please, please, please...



Stop re inventing the wheel



Let the mods decide what works best.

And let us decide what ones to play.

Even the endless quake3 patches never seemed as bad as JediKnight is getting.

Stop milking the noobs and LET US PLAY!!



Can anyone tell me what the hell happend to my dismemberment?

G_dismember and CG_dismember seem to have no affect anymore.

And sorry in advance if its a dead horse question that everyones sick of hearing :confused:




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  • 4 weeks later...

Some players request that kick should be nerved in 1.05. Well I agree that its not so polite to kick someone to death. But I think it should not be nerved, because there should still be a possibility to behave unpolite .... why? Whats the point of forcing unpolite ppl to be polite? Its a feature, right? Plz. dont slash it.


Beside this I think 1.03 was the worst patch, because he has reduced the damage caused be the saber tip, and in the beginning and the end of the swing. Well 1.03 did also some things very good: it eliminated pivots during dfa and brought combos in the red stance. 1.04 eliminated this bs problem thats fine too. However, because of the damage reduction mentioned above the lightsaber has become a rather harmless waepon. So for 1.05 it would be fine if the reductions mentioned above are taken back.

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Just A little tip on dealing with jump spammers.


If you find yourself facing someone that constantly pulls off the jump kick move ,simply get yourself into second stance & kick him from the side.

It counters it instantly & discourages him from trying to pull it again.


Works every time.


Knowing is half the battle.

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Figure I might as well paste this. Just so it can get out there.


My clan had started playing in the OGL while the 1.04 patch was in usage. This was a source of optimism for me and my clan. We were hesitant of being able to play in a fair and uncheating atmosphere while scripts "cheats" were being used. But the latest patch had fixed it so that the pull force power could not be manipulated into being unblockable. And therefore, would not have to worry about how wide spread it use was. However, I find myself now concerned with the '/kill' command and the use of its bind.

In Quake III, the '/kill' bind is of miniscule advantage (although I am not up to date on my current Quake patches, as to whether it has been altered to some effect.) For re spawning without a real gun is more than likely nothing but a hindrance. I do know that in Elite Force, which uses the Quake III engine, suicides were limited by a 5 second time interval. And still to little advantage, even if you were playing a mod. Both of these games however did not have force power that automatically starts at full on each re spawn. And in Jedi Outcast, you can kill yourself at will.

This email is a grievance, about our most recent CTF match where it appeared to us that our opponents strategy was entirely based around having '/kill' binded and how this one command allows you to abuse force power dispicably. Also to see what can be done regarding it and of a ruling on suicides.

One minute into the first map of our match and I was greatly disgusted. I would have

wanted it called off right then and there. To us, they were nothing more than arrogant cheaters, yet we were still unsure as to whether or not their behavior should be tolerated. In desperation I tried to record a demo but found myself at a loss because g_synchronousclients was not set to 1. We stuck it through and lost. To which we grossly protest. We feel we should not have to stand for such behavior and want a rematch, with suicide being deemed illegal. But we will in the end abide with any decision you would make.

The force powers that were being abused most of all were rage and speed, but not always at the same time. With these, you can find your self almost anywhere on the map in less than a second. If you thought you took to much damage to make it to and back with the enemy flag, you could always kill yourself and be right back where you died in no time. When rage wears off, you move sluggish for a bit and with fewer health points. At this point they always chose to kill themselves. When they hear that their flag has been stolen, they could kill themselves to re spawn closer to their base, turn on both these force powers and effectively any weapon they pick up being unblockable with saber and three times the rate of fire. Then, rather deal with the damage caused by rage, they killed themselves. Hopefully re spawning somewhere closer to our base. With force rage, you take a lot less damage from weapons. Therefore can use anything without fear of splash damage. Grenades, rockets, fletchet and repeater all close up. And then to heal themselves after, you just suicide and be right back where you were. The only real way to lessen the advantage of killing yourself to that of Quake III would be too make force regeneration time instantaneous. I believe this, however, to be totally absurd. And it still would fall short of leveling the playing field. At the end of the berserk killing yourself is all to your advantage. Why waste those precious seconds being slow and impotent when you could instantly start right back up again as a killing machine.

I also outright accuse them of changing their force powers as easily as having it bound to a key. In the '/cvarlist' force power setups are denoted with a number and having these force powers take effect, the command 'forcechanged' is to be used and the setup will be changed upon your next re spawn. Yet, I would not stop there. For you could have a whole keypad of force

setups at your disposal. And not having the keys bound to a script but to execute an entirely

new configuration. With a simple key you could execute a configuration that changes your

forcepower number, have the 'forcechanged'commabd take effect, kill yourself and

and have your binds setup to accommodate for the new force powers. Effectively, I could use force

rage and speed to rush the enemy base. Not worrying about having the side affects, or be picky about whatever weapon I have, for I am just going in to weaken enemy defenses and will kill myself whenever I see fit. I could keep doing this easily and fast, as much as I want.

Not hesitating to kill myself if I run out of amo. Then, when I feel the time is right, execute a new configuration. Killing myself to give me something like speed, and absorb now bound to my prior rage key. Turn them both on and have enough force power left over for jumping, rush in to grab the enemy flag and rush out. Yet, this it but one example. Through exploiting the suicide command an entire team can became much too versatile.

All this because Raven did not alter the suicide command. I do not feel only cheated out of our match, but cheated in having fun with the game. Me and my team want a rematch with our opponents if the OGL should see fit to rule that killing yourself is absolutely untolerated. If you should agree with my position and have the ear of those who would patch this behavior out of the game. Please PLEASE! forward my email.

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Well first of all, that kill command can be enabled or disabled by the server ,so maybe think about not playing on servers that enable it.

I dont know how OGL works these days but in the quake2 days we usualy had some time to communicate with our opponents and aggree on some rules of conduct before hand.

My rule of thumb is this..

Do unto to others as they do unto you.

That being said,upon witnessing this rather silly method, I would have instucted your membors to bind a key to kill or just leave the server.

No player,or clan, that pulls that kind of crap is even worth playing.

Word travels fast in the OGL community so get there clans name and post your complaints in the OGL forums.

They could find themselves hard pressed to find anyone that wants to play them.

Sweet revenge is best served cold.


Second, the scripting problem is not realy something that the 1.04 patch disabled.

They just looked at what was being abused and attempted to make them less affective.

Also there isnt a scripted move in the game that I cant counter.

Thats one of the good things about the new patch.

And we cant realy call scripts cheats .Although if it walks,talks,looks like a duck,its probably a duck..


Third, I think you raise a real issue that JediKnight2 has yet to address...

A real good teamplay game mode.

Or a 3 on 3 or 2 on 2 tourney mode or something.

I cant stand CTF myself and i dont know how you guys can bear it.

I think its due time that the Quake2/3 arena guys jumped on the jedi knight craze and solved this problem.

Untill then , I wouldnt expect much fair play from the current game modes.


But we all feel your pain.

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I think calling scripts "cheats" was more of an oversight. For it only refers to the one the made force pull unblockable. Since this was deliberately patched out of the game, yes I think it is safe to say that this script was infact a cheat. On the OGL and TWL ladders suiciding is perfectly legal. I do believe the point of the letter was to have the /kill command brought down to the same level. Even though it has not been altered or altogether patched out of the game. (And I dreadfully hope it should otherwise CTF I think is ridiculous.) That it should be viewed as an unpatched cheat. I think something like this letter has been sent to the OGL, TWL, Lucasarts and Activision. I just felt it as my duty to post it on this forum and possibly build support for it.

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Does anyone know if there is a way to find out about any news of upcoming patches? My JK2 crew would probably end up leaving the scene unless this thing is patched out. (And that's one less server too.) It's pretty sad having everyone leave a RA3 server because they refuse to play with one guy with a simple rocket jump script. Then coming here and seeing all the lameness. And it's said only newbies complain for new patches!? If this post is a little whiny, forgive me. I'm sad cause I was really having fun with this game too :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Possible * BUG *


I apollogize if somebody already may have posted a similar issue.


With the latest Jedi Knight II patch (1.04),

and the latest Audigy drivers (that came out just a week or so ago)

Jedi Knight II locks up in about a minute after starting a MP game, with EAXHD on.

With EAXHD turned off there is no problem.



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  • 1 month later...

2. Hi


I have just come out of a rather frustrating clan match. The reason it was frustrating, the "kicking". More like spamming if you ask me. Anyway I think what they should really be changing in the next JK2 patch is to lower kick strength or alltogether disabling kick damage. I think it is enough of an advantage of getting the opponent down on the floor after the kick rather than adding the extra damage points as most players just spam kick until you die. Its really frustrating, not to mention boring and its not really what JK2 is all about. JK2 is about lightsaber fights not kicking contests.


The second thing is that I think they should make yellow a stronger stance or maybe slightly faster to give players more of an advantage to players who use red stance constantly. I confess, I myself use red as it is the best way to frag an opponent and I think this should have to change if we want more varied gameplay with players with different styles.


If you agree with me plz post a comment under my thread and tell me what YOU think and perhaps some other changes that you think are necessary or build up on my ideas for change.

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